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Amoorow Morgan NOT playing tonight..


Active member
Personal matter with family... All the Bengal faithful should be praying and hoping the best for Row and his family in this hard time...
our prayers are with you Row!!

to all the Bengal faithful, this is BAD! I will leave it to others, but this is a very difficult situation for he and his family!

we love you and will pray constantly for you and your family!
Just to throw something out here, but whether or not Amorrow is playing, in Greeley, in Memphis, whatever, it is highly inappropriate for any such posting like this when nothing official has been said from the athletic department, from Coach O'Brien, or by Amorrow himself. This thread is completely inappropriate at this time, not to mention that if he is in fact not playing it will get announced by the coaching staff in due time, and in their own time frame. Again, this is highly inappropriate.

Uh, Frank, with all due disrespect, you're an idiot.. Row told me himself, I don't need anyone's permission to post anything, especially stuff that is not dentrimental.. This is an open form for fans to discuss/express opinion etc. So put that in your pipe and smoke it... You're just butt sick when you feel like people steal your thunder. It's a serious case of lil' man syndrome!
It's very easy to call me an idiot on a message board when you are anonymous. My point was that this was not for you to state on a public message board that Amorrow Morgan was not going to be at the game due to personal issues ... that was for him to decide, which he did with his coaching staff. Say you had a family member in a hospital, or some other type of family crisis ... would you want to announce it on your timeline, or would you rather have someone post it for the world to see on a message board somewhere?

I could give a rats ass about someone stealing my thunder, that wasn't the point. The point was you plastered someone's personal issue on a message board. That was my point in saying it was inappropriate.

... back to work...please, join in on the blog/chat tonight...

Frank, I won't say your an idiot, however this is our forum.....the fans forum. You being an administrator of ISU, shouldn't come on here and dictate what is said and what is "right or wrong".
This is not the first time you have tried to "correct" someone. You are not our keepers or our fathers or our coach or our boss.
Lay off a little.
You have no busisness starting this type of argument.
No one is disrespecting Amoorrow here.

Respectfully submitted,
Believer, you do leave out the fact that I am like you guys in one sense....I'm a fan of ISU...I just happen to work here too. Either way, my only point was that I didn't think it was right to post that Amorrow was missing the game for personal reasons ... say he's missing the game, that's fine (although why an ISU fan would sort of blow our cover that he wasn't playing doesn't computer for me, but I digress), but my own personal feeling is saying that he is missing for a personal matter wasn't cool, that's all.

No biggie....just an opinion, and we all know what those are worth sometimes.

You realize this is a fans forum? For the fans to say what ever they want when ever. This board is not an official ISU Athletics forum mind you.
Frank is the SID and does represent ISU in everything he says. But he does enjoy posting here on occasion, just like everybody else. I think, though, that Franks and votbs posts are important at times when they keep posters in their place and to try to ensure that poster don't spread rumors about things like coaching changes, possible staff shakeups etc., since there are many people who do read this board. Including the athletes and potential recruits. Quite often we all have to be careful in what we say, or else all Bengal fans could suffer the consequences. I think that in tuff's case, he was just trying to express his condolences to Amorrow and his family down in Memphis, more than anything.
As much as I hate agreeing with a Weber fan, I have to. Knowing the coaching staff is looking in on this site has stopped me from saying what I think many times, trust me, I have never said all that I know. I'm still in trouble with Zamberlin for expressing my opinion on benching Hill, not because I disagreed with them benching Hill, they are mad because I called out him and his coaches for using the QB to hide the defense problems behind. Frankly, my opinion on that whole thing has not really changed other than I have a better idea of what the QB coach was thinking when it happened. By the way, I believe Jensen would make a very good OC. If a coach is going to come on these boards eventually, he or she is going to get their feelings hurt. Fans come on boards to vent; that’s what I was doing last year, venting. Sometimes things are said about players, coaches, and the team that are hurtful, but it is still just venting frustration. For the most part, we on the board understand this and don’t waste a lot of time feeling hurt or offended. This just happens to be an easy place to do it. My mistake has been not hiding my identity, should have kept it a secret, and then just like many of you, I too could say anything I wanted.

By the way coaches, that include grad assistants, who want to come on here and pass judgement. Join the discussion, let people defend their positions rather than you just getting mad.
What concerns me is when coaches actually address what is said on here on pre and post game interviews. Sometimes, I am just shaking my head--listening. When the teams struggle--this place flairs up. When the team wins--it gets more quiet on here. When certain players play or don't play--it is the same difference.

The funny thing about this place--we get it right most of the time. The Journal Crew gets information from on here and spruce things up for an article of there own.

As for this thing with Morgan--most people really just want to wish the kid well and have him in thoughts and prayers. Shoot--even the Northern Colorado radio feed had the 411 on what was going on. As much as I hate to say it to draw attention to it--but constantly mentioning that someones father is on his death bed--well I think that was a little bit too much information to be giving out. I would prefer to hear that Morgan returned home to be with an ill family member would have been just fine.
Just so all of you know, occasionally the regular fan brings up some very good points on this board, so I might bring them up once in awhile in radio interviews with a coach or a player. Some fans get annoyed that a coach might respond to what sometimes can be some pretty caustic and personal attacks by fans (often friends or relatives of players who have fallen into disfavor). It's just my own humble opinion, but if a person can't take the heat from offering criticism, then they should keep it to themselves (I'm not referring to U at all BlackfootBengal...usually U R full of salient opinions). I don't like it at all when I'm asked to tone down my criticism of referee's calls, but in the long run it's good to be reminded I might be getting things out of perspective a little.
Enough from me.
GO Bengals!
My prayers are with Morgan and his family during this difficult time. But.....are you guys really that smug that you think the coaching staff actually really pay attention to us arm chair point guards or arm chair QBs...That is hysterical!!!!
Actually, I am sure that coaches and staff read this stuff. I have been told by administration and players that they do. Not only that--I know that we have seen coaches from past administrations on here. I don't think that any of us knows better than the coach of the program, the fact that you can tell they are annoyed and paying attention to what is said on here troubles me. When a coach mentions the criticisms on a message board--see the Cal Poly ISU coaches show with channel six...it just sounds very weak. That is my opinion.
I don't know if my comments standout Voth, but trust me they are my opinions, based on what I observe. I'm not related to anyone on the team, nor do I have any friendships with any of the players. I have been around long enough to have been counted as one of Jim Fox''s railbirds, and have developed friendships at the university with both staff and alumni. I watch, observe, and formulate opinions of play, coaching, and recruiting. This is not my first rodeo, I have seen numerous coaching staffs do their jobs, both basketball and football, I think I have a decent idea of what is right and what is wrong. If there is any value to my opinion, it is that it comes from the outside of the tunnel, I don't have any friendships influencing my opinion of players or coaching. I watched Lewis lose control because he refused to deal with a problem on the defensive side of the ball. I have watched as other coaches failed for various reasons. Sometimes my impatients boils over and I vent here on the board; I don't think I'm alone in doing this. What I said last year was what I believed to be true, I don't apologize for it. But the comments were meant for the people on this board not for the coaching staff who for some reason think reading message boards will give them incite. It will not, much of what goes here is petty bickering as well as venting. Sorry I took this off topic, my prayers go out to Row and his family.
Frank is just doing his job. He does his job as well as anyone in the nation!(trust me I know) Name-calling is inappropriate and should not be tolerated on this board. tuffgoing needs to shut his face!
Ted Dawson said:
Frank is just doing his job. He does his job as well as anyone in the nation!(trust me I know) Name-calling is inappropriate and should not be tolerated on this board. tuffgoing needs to shut his face!

Your SID should start an official Idaho State forum, that way it would be owned by the school and they could monitor it and control it to the way they see fit.

The owner of this domain are the eGriz guys just an FYI.
I personally appreciate Frank posting on this board because he actually gives out correct information that most of us aren't privy to. Sometimes that might hurt some of us know-it-alls feelings. Thanks Frank....keep posting.

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