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Athletic Facilities

HeavyistheClown said:
Greenteam said:
Not seeing the Well renovation as much of an upgrade other than a newer building. We will still have one of the worst facilities in the Big Sky. How can it compare to the new arena’s at Idaho and Portland State. Not to mention those at Weber and Montana. We deserve an event center with a nice welcoming lobby, good food options, proper restrooms, and a space for alumni and boosters. Having been in the Well I can’t envision those things in 5.2 mil renovation. They will not shut down the Well on game nights so everything will be shared with Students using the facility for other things. Food will probably be a long line to a food truck parked outside and the bathrooms will be shared with students working out or taking classes. I doubt in that budget they can build new locker rooms for men’s and women’s basketball and the volleyball team so those will probably remain at the Nest and because they said intramurals will still be held there the teams will probably only practice at the Nest. We need an event center worthy of the state university in the capital. One that will stand out and help our programs to be successful.

You are spot on. This is nothing more than a stop gap, bandaid approach. But it is an ‘upgrade’ and I’d rather have a new football facility.

What happened to the $2/day Hornet experience fee mentioned earlier is this post? Trying to do all this with no fee increase with inflation, etc. will result in cut corners.

The WELL is dead after 7:00 PM, I think this might bring increased attendance and mutual interest in hoops and wellness from students.

The parking garage is adjacent, and the reception area and other spaces will accommodate the foot traffic IMO. David Patrick is on board, which is good enough for me.

I agree this is a stop gap, but it’s a stop gap that will remove at least one barrier to the athletic program’s overall success.

It won’t be as nice as Idaho, but it won’t be far off from PSU’s facility based on the plan.

Best case scenario we get something similar to UC Davis without the uppermost level, worst case we get something similar to Northern Colorado. Either way, it’s 10x better than the Nest.

Considering the decades on inaction on the facilities front, and the inflexibility of the current CSU/Student fee climate. This is a huge win for Dr. Wood as said above.
Green Cookie Monster said:
I'm guessing no construction this year or they'd be shoveling dirt end of season. Any updates?
Is this tangible or new Prez rhetoric?

Specific plans and drawings shared after the new year per Dr. Wood. I wouldn't expect shovels in the ground until after outdoor track season at the earliest.
HornetFootballFan said:
Would be great to have an announcement of the plans w some drawings to help close some strong new recruits!!!

Agreed, the timing would be pretty clutch right now... or at least before the next signing period...
Kadeezy said:
Green Cookie Monster said:
I'm guessing no construction this year or they'd be shoveling dirt end of season. Any updates?
Is this tangible or new Prez rhetoric?

Specific plans and drawings shared after the new year per Dr. Wood. I wouldn't expect shovels in the ground until after outdoor track season at the earliest.

Track goes through May, maybe early June. How do they expect to make major changes to the stadium in only 2.5 months? Unless it is erector set construction again.
I'd say it will take 10-12 months to do a proper concrete and steel set-up. Pending weather.
Green Cookie Monster said:
Kadeezy said:
Green Cookie Monster said:
I'm guessing no construction this year or they'd be shoveling dirt end of season. Any updates?
Is this tangible or new Prez rhetoric?

Specific plans and drawings shared after the new year per Dr. Wood. I wouldn't expect shovels in the ground until after outdoor track season at the earliest.

Track goes through May, maybe early June. How do they expect to make major changes to the stadium in only 2.5 months? Unless it is erector set construction again.
I'd say it will take 10-12 months to do a proper concrete and steel set-up. Pending weather.

They could possibly relocate to Hughes Stadium during construction. Maybe the construction will take place in stages.
Green Laser said:
Green Cookie Monster said:
Kadeezy said:
Green Cookie Monster said:
I'm guessing no construction this year or they'd be shoveling dirt end of season. Any updates?
Is this tangible or new Prez rhetoric?

Specific plans and drawings shared after the new year per Dr. Wood. I wouldn't expect shovels in the ground until after outdoor track season at the earliest.

Track goes through May, maybe early June. How do they expect to make major changes to the stadium in only 2.5 months? Unless it is erector set construction again.
I'd say it will take 10-12 months to do a proper concrete and steel set-up. Pending weather.

They could possibly relocate to Hughes Stadium during construction. Maybe the construction will take place in stages.

There IS precedent for that. We used to play Causeway at Hughes every year. While I'm not exactly thrilled with the idea, it's probably the best choice in the area. Something has to be done with Hornet Stadium, and something extensive enough to extend into next season. The only other option would be to schedule a barnstorming season, and I don't think anyone on the board is going to vote for that....
OldSchoolHornet said:
What years/era did we play Davis at Hughes Stadium "every year"?

I think it was mid 90s? Maybe for about 4 years? Kind of a neutral site, I remember us winning some Causeways there, the dungpilers thought it gave us a home field advantage and wanted it moved back to the campuses.
Before the J St. campus was built Sac State started on the City College Campus. Hughes was our home stadium before the on campus stadium was built in the early 1960s.
Green Laser said:
I think it was mid 90s? Maybe for about 4 years? Kind of a neutral site, I remember us winning some Causeways there, the dungpilers thought it gave us a home field advantage and wanted it moved back to the campuses.
Before the J St. campus was built Sac State started on the City College Campus. Hughes was our home stadium before the on campus stadium was built in the early 1960s.

First ever Causeway was played at Hughes in 1954, although it wasn't officially dubbed the "Causeway Classic" until around 1981.

The game was primarily hosted at Hughes from 1985 through 1992, with 1986 and 1988 being exceptions as UCD didn't want to cede their home field advantage. They eventually caved and hosted home games at Hughes in 1990 and 1992 then again in 2000 and 2002 which was the last time the event was held there.

The primary reasons the game was hosted at Hughes during the 80's and early 90's was increasing interest in the game and the fact that Hornet field, until eventually expanded and re-dubbed Fred Anderson Field, only seated around 7,000 while UCD could only hold around 10,000. Several of the games at Hughes during that time drew crowds between 12,000 and 19,000.

Once Hornet Field was expanded to host upwards of 20,000+ the Hornets never had the need to use Hughes again.
Dr Wood:

Sacramento State in the 1950s and early 60s had one of the top three boxing programs in the nation. We are bringing back our collegiate boxing program. If you were interested in learning more, email us at [email protected]. Stingers Up!
Kadeezy said:
Dr Wood:

Sacramento State in the 1950s and early 60s had one of the top three boxing programs in the nation. We are bringing back our collegiate boxing program. If you were interested in learning more, email us at [email protected]. Stingers Up!

That would be cool! My dad took me to the bouts in the Nest when I was a kid sometime in the late 1950s/ early 1960s pretty Impressive! As I recall Idaho and Chico State were there. Not sure when they discontinued the program, it was long gone when I arrived in the early 1970s.
Watching Montana vs NDSU yesterday! That home field advantage being such a loud and close to the action design accounted for about 10? False starts and or delay of game penalties combined.

Not to mention the design just looks F’ng. Cool on TV. That stadium is huge for their recruiting and game day experience.

I wrote letter to SAC ST AD saying we need the stadium closer to the action to make the stadium more impactful
HornetFootballFan said:
I wrote letter to SAC ST AD saying we need the stadium closer to the action to make the stadium more impactful
I did too as well to Dr. Wood, no response.
Fantastic game and atmosphere at that game for sure.
Prez. Wood has his Spring address coming up. Wonder if this topic will be announced then, he said after the first of the new year an announcement would be made.
Green Cookie Monster said:
Prez. Wood has his Spring address coming up. Wonder if this topic will be announced then, he said after the first of the new year an announcement would be made.

There must be something going on at the stadium this summer. The USA Track and Field Master's National Championships was scheduled this July and now it's been moved to American River College.

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