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Biggest news in PSU history?

ManOfVision said:
martymoose said:
I know this isn't it, but......

Heard an interesting one from someone in the AD tonight. I'll snap some excerpts from the conversation.

"We're looking at going to the WAC"

"The WAC is interested in UC Davis and Portland State"

"If not the WAC, PSU is moving to Division I"

"It won't be overnight, but PSU is moving up"

Okay, I may be off a little on the actual quotes, but you get the picture.

Isn't there a mandate on teams moving up for like 2-3 years? I seem to recall seeing that, but I can't find a link to post.

By the way, these comments were into a question regarding PSU's interests in PGE Park being renovated for MLS....

Marty, what do you mean by someone in the AD? Is that the Athletic Director's office? Just trying to understand the context of what you overheard.

By the way, there is a 5 year moratorium on teams moving up, and I think we are 1 year into the timetable.

Sorry, it was someone that is on the staff of the Athletic Department.

I was really expecting one of those canned answers where the person responding to the leading question says a lot without actually saying anything.

Could it be that the person was just flying off the cuff in said responses? Or could it be that this is the attitude and direction that is shared by the entire Athletic Department?

Time will tell.
Here's another crazy idea, although I think it highly unlikely. What if PSU was getting a law school program or something like that?
Maybe the Knights got into a major tiff and Penny is going to donate money until PSU knocks the Philiversity of Oregon off of their high horse. ;-)

Nevermind, I like the space campus idea. :-)
Hm, the announcement gone from the PSU front page now. The here link still works though. Strange.

Ah, under "meet Wim Wiewel" > presidential announcement it is still posted. Let's hope they just removed it from the front page because they are worried about running out of cocktails. Since the disaster with the "top ten engineering schools" I'm always a bit paranoid when it comes to big PSU announcements.
PortlandStater said:
Hm, the announcement gone from the PSU front page now. The here link still works though. Strange.

Ah, under "meet Wim Wiewel" > presidential announcement it is still posted. Let's hope they just removed it from the front page because they are worried about running out of cocktails. Since the disaster with the "top ten engineering schools" I'm always a bit paranoid when it comes to big PSU announcements.

:lol: I'd forgotten about the top 10 engineering schools fiasco. Thanks for reminding me. ;)
ManOfVision said:
PortlandStater said:
Hm, the announcement gone from the PSU front page now. The here link still works though. Strange.

Ah, under "meet Wim Wiewel" > presidential announcement it is still posted. Let's hope they just removed it from the front page because they are worried about running out of cocktails. Since the disaster with the "top ten engineering schools" I'm always a bit paranoid when it comes to big PSU announcements.

:lol: I'd forgotten about the top 10 engineering schools fiasco. Thanks for reminding me. ;)

Huh? What happened?
Wyokie said:
ManOfVision said:
PortlandStater said:
Hm, the announcement gone from the PSU front page now. The here link still works though. Strange.

Ah, under "meet Wim Wiewel" > presidential announcement it is still posted. Let's hope they just removed it from the front page because they are worried about running out of cocktails. Since the disaster with the "top ten engineering schools" I'm always a bit paranoid when it comes to big PSU announcements.

:lol: I'd forgotten about the top 10 engineering schools fiasco. Thanks for reminding me. ;)

Huh? What happened?

When US News & World Report released its annual rankings for engineering schools last year, they listed PSU in the top 10 by accident. As I recall, the publication had messed up the numbers and accidentally published an earlier draft of the rankings. PSU received that set of numbers and immediately started to market itself according to the rankings, which represented an unprecedented jump in prestige. After a couple of days, the magazine corrected their error and PSU had to take all the new info off of their website. PSU did nothing wrong. In fact, there were tons of statements from faculty and administrative types where they basically admitted that they were as skeptical as they were excited when they saw the rankings. The episode was a bit sad, because PSU actually has a solid engineering that has a brand new building and is gaining in regional prominence, but this episode temporarily undermined the public's perception of the program. If other posters recall more details of the mishap, please jump in and correct me or add to my explanation.
ManOfVision said:
Here's another crazy idea, although I think it highly unlikely. What if PSU was getting a law school program or something like that?

I am said New schools would be big that includes a new alaw school ;P. No it has to be big like WAC big (I think I have stated why) or new schools coming to PSU which I would be equally enthused about. We one new school come here but this has to be bigger obviously.

For those that don't think the WAC would be big don't kid me. The money involved and the regional exposure puts us over the top.

Buts its bloody exciting anyhow what ever the result.
Sorry I don't know how edit post's here but I missed a few words in that last post. But Like I said this is exciting. Whatever it is I still think a jump to the next level is big. Quite honestly to big for anyone to comprehend. UO and OSU would have a tough time backing down.......
ManOfVision said:
Wyokie said:
ManOfVision said:
PortlandStater said:
Hm, the announcement gone from the PSU front page now. The here link still works though. Strange.

Ah, under "meet Wim Wiewel" > presidential announcement it is still posted. Let's hope they just removed it from the front page because they are worried about running out of cocktails. Since the disaster with the "top ten engineering schools" I'm always a bit paranoid when it comes to big PSU announcements.

:lol: I'd forgotten about the top 10 engineering schools fiasco. Thanks for reminding me. ;)

Huh? What happened?

When US News & World Report released its annual rankings for engineering schools last year, they listed PSU in the top 10 by accident. As I recall, the publication had messed up the numbers and accidentally published an earlier draft of the rankings. PSU received that set of numbers and immediately started to market itself according to the rankings, which represented an unprecedented jump in prestige. After a couple of days, the magazine corrected their error and PSU had to take all the new info off of their website. PSU did nothing wrong. In fact, there were tons of statements from faculty and administrative types where they basically admitted that they were as skeptical as they were excited when they saw the rankings. The episode was a bit sad, because PSU actually has a solid engineering that has a brand new building and is gaining in regional prominence, but this episode temporarily undermined the public's perception of the program. If other posters recall more details of the mishap, please jump in and correct me or add to my explanation.

Didn't last long around campus. Some report from the USA today only means enough to impress people who were old enough to see the USA print its first article.

That being said how does it hurt us?

You said it happened but didn't really explain how some publicity hurt us? Whatever it was.

The we went to the BIG DANCE....

Its football SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Lol this so much ridiculous fun I don't even know what to think!

I still think the timing of the AD at the MLS press conference is something to think about. Whatever happens PSU is interested that deal.

I just hope it actually holds true that this is the biggest moment on PSU because I think I have lived through that a couple of times in the last few years.

If the President really retracted his statement then I think he should not be the president because he obviously doesn't know what PSU is aiming for. Sorry for the bad grammar but its true and simple ENGLISH. Hold me to it. Unlike anyone who pulls a statement that says something is going to happen then pretends it wont. That IS BULLSHIT. And not acceptable, IN SIMPLE TERMS. Sorry I grew up in the Midwest.

Ok sorry for sounding like an impaired person for my last few posts. The Western Athletic Conference would be the biggest thing in our History for many reasons. (Especially if they retracted their statement) however new schools are just as big to me and I hope everyone else that follows PSU Athletics.

If there are new schools coming its not because we haven't made a good blitz at the media recently. It's because we have a great institution that is backing up our athletic endeavors.

We need both to get to where we want to go athletically. There was a point where I PSU and the Vikings would get. I think we are there. If this means as little as the new president saying I am the new President he has already underachieved. If this means a PSU faculty member has won some major award it wouldn't be the first.

If you think PSU and OHSU merging would be big say why but I think overall it takes OHSU down without bringing PSU up.

All I know and what seems apparent at this point is that our new President underestimated PSU.

If he didn't actually withdraw his statement then someone tell me what would bigger than jumping athletically.

Name and award that we haven't won academically.

If it is something that hasn't been won in the NW and the Big Sky then you got my back. But PSU is pretty well acclaimed when it comes to those wards fill in the blank VIKING NATION:


Ok sorry for sounding like an impaired person for my last few posts. The Western Athletic Conference would be the biggest thing in our History for many reasons. (Especially if they retracted their statement, they being our administration) however new schools are just as big to me and I hope everyone else that follows PSU Athletics.

If there are new schools coming its not because we haven't made a good blitz at the media recently. It's because we have a great institution that is backing up our athletic endeavors.

We need both to get to where we want to go athletically. There was a point in time where I thought PSU and the Vikings would get. I think we are there. If this means as little as the new president saying I am the new President he has already underachieved. If this means a PSU faculty member has won some major award it wouldn't be the first. And hats off to them but same situation.

If you think PSU and OHSU merging would be big say why but I think overall it takes OHSU down without bringing PSU up.

All I know and what seems apparent at this point is that our new President underestimated PSU.

If he didn't actually withdraw his statement then someone tell me what would be bigger than jumping athletically.

Name an award that we haven't won academically. There are a few but we are solid academically.

If it is something that hasn't been won in the NW and the Big Sky then you got my back. But PSU is pretty well acclaimed when it comes to those awards fill in the blank VIKING NATION:
Really tell me why something would be bigger than jumping to the WAC. The funny thing is no one has said they wouldn't want us cause we are too smart which is most likely the case. PSU is very well known for academics. In fact you can forget the BS that went on with USA today anyone who takes them serious has to be about 28 years old.
AKA if they retracted that it was cause I called them out. I think the new President underestimated PSU as an institution of higher learning. Don't be lemmings Viking Nation. Either this is this biggest news ever in our history or it bullshit. Not in between. Take that to heart. Either its huge or its BS. If its BS well then its not WAC. And yes that would be the biggest news ever. If it wasn't TELL ME WHY.
All this speculation is all well and good, but it is just that, speculation. Let's just wait till Wednesday when the announcement is made, then we can debate if the news is as big we were led to believe.

The Vanguard reports but offers little speculation.
Its supposed to fun! Everyone should be excited for what ever the news is!

But like I said in another post the teams focus should be UC Davis, Our focus should be the future.

Academic advancement would be great but the chance to compete at level would be equally as good at his point. All I really want people to think about is that the WAC is our goal athletically. And we already fair pretty well. Too bad we couldn't have a shot at SJSU in week 8 this year.

In terms of football its all about the playoffs and we have a good shot this year.
Please humor me as I take another wild stab in the dark.

There is a rumor in the architecture community about a developer proposing a new tower that would include the tallest building yet to be constructed in Portland.


Supposedly, pictures may be released on the 15th. Any chance this is connected to PSU's news? What if Wim literally means "biggest?" Maybe there is a tower in the works along the lines of the University of Pittsburgh's Cathedral of Learning? News released on the 10th and renderings released on the 15th?


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