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Alright the season is over... Its been said that big time changes would occur. When do they take place? What are they?
I've heard that Z has fired go Havens, Jensen, and Cherokee and informed the team monday. I guess this was the major changes SID was talking about.
If this is true, I wish those three the best of luck. I think these changes were needed. However, I am surprised that there were not more changes on the defensive side of the ball.

It will be interesting to see if ISU can continue to pay Cullen and Strandley to coach on the defensive side. I would really like to see what Cullen could do calling the plays for the defense.

I commend Zamberlin for making changes, as I know this must have been very hard for him. I imagine players are being evaluated as well.

I am hoping for the best.
Interesting if true, I have not heard anything as of yet, but I have not checked either. If true; we only made one change on the worst defense in the Big Sky two years running, and it was a corners coach. Remember what I said about the head coach not being able to be objective in his decision making if he were part of the defensive coaching. Not saying that a change did not need to be made on the offensive side, but both changes were the only ones made last year. You promoted them, they must of been getting the job done before you put them into a bad situation. As for the defense. We gave up 38 pts a game, over 200 yards rushing a game, and an other 250 yards passing, and your only change is the corners coach.
As far as the defensive side of the ball, I think that we've got some pretty good linebackers, but our problem is with the defensive line. At DT we lose both Demetrius Amos and Jason Jones, but Chad O'Donnell will return for one more year and I think he'll be okay there. He's coming off an injury. But at 260 lbs. he's a little light for DT and I'd like to see him put on a little more weight. At DE we have Jeff Tuua and Sean Rutten both returning, and Rustin Phillips saw a lot of playing time as well. But it would be nice to get some better players at that position to come in to provide a better pass rush and to do a better job of stopping the run -- possibly some JC players or 1-A transfers.

Blackfoot's right in saying that Joe Cullen was basically a d-line coach, but took over for Brian Strandley in running the defense and calling the defensive plays. If there's any way of keeping Cullen here then I'd love to do so, but I'm afraid he may be heading off to the pros after this season. But if we can keep him then we should just have him as d-coordinator and then put Strandley as d-line coach. But with the defensive problems that we have, I don't really think it's their fault. I've heard it said time and time again from coaches that d-line is by far, the hardest to recruit position, because there's just not that many of them out there. Especially at the Big Sky level, because the better d-linemen will be recruited by schools from the better conferences, and we'll be stuck with the leftovers. But we'll see what we can do and hope to upgrade the talent at d-line, despite the difficulties.
boisebengal said:
I've heard it said time and time again from coaches that d-line is by far, the hardest to recruit position, because there's just not that many of them out there. Especially at the Big Sky level, because the better d-linemen will be recruited by schools from the better conferences, and we'll be stuck with the leftovers. But we'll see what we can do and hope to upgrade the talent at d-line, despite the difficulties.

While I agree that recruiting d-line in the BSC is a difficult task, I see the issue for ISU is player development. If the BSC, as a whole, is losing out on better d-linemen to better conferences, what is it that UM, MSU, EWU, WSU and other BSC schools are doing to produce all-BSC caliber players? JC transfers and FBS drop downs help, but I think it's player development - skill, technique, strength and conditioning, etc.

Correct me if/when I'm wrong, but when was the last time an ISU D-line player made 1st/2nd all-BSC? I'm thinking DE Jeff Charleston. I know there were a couple of guys who were HM in 2007 (Akoteu, Simmons), 2005 (Horn, Drake, Schroeder).

D-line is one of many areas I think ISU needs to upgrade (O-line is one other priority). There are pieces in place for ISU to be successful in 2010. Like the rest of you, I'm interested to see what the offseason brings.
ISUDude said:
I've heard that Z has fired go Havens, Jensen, and Cherokee and informed the team monday. I guess this was the major changes SID was talking about.

That should fix everything, LOL.... are you kidding me.
john_clayton said:

While I agree that recruiting d-line in the BSC is a difficult task, I see the issue for ISU is player development. If the BSC, as a whole, is losing out on better d-linemen to better conferences, what is it that UM, MSU, EWU, WSU and other BSC schools are doing to produce all-BSC caliber players? JC transfers and FBS drop downs help, but I think it's player development - skill, technique, strength and conditioning, etc.
D-line is one of many areas I think ISU needs to upgrade (O-line is one other priority). There are pieces in place for ISU to be successful in 2010. Like the rest of you, I'm interested to see what the offseason brings.
I believe great assisstants = great teams. They bring knowledge and know how and they can teach those techniques to the players. I think we have or had the youngest group in the bsc?

If Z is going to make this work he NEEDS (let me repeat NEEDS) more $$$$$$ from Vailas and Tingey to get qaulity help to the program.

Let me also say that i think the RB coaches position/Idaho recruiter needs a HUGE overhaul too. We have been weak at best in that area for the past few years.
I got one more question. Maybe i asked this 3 yrs ago but why does Coach Miller coach receivers? Wasn't he the only true freshman QB starter in BYU history? And didn't he take Montana to a National Championship game as the QB? So why is he coaching the receivers? Am i missing something?
Bengal Roar said:
john_clayton said:

While I agree that recruiting d-line in the BSC is a difficult task, I see the issue for ISU is player development. If the BSC, as a whole, is losing out on better d-linemen to better conferences, what is it that UM, MSU, EWU, WSU and other BSC schools are doing to produce all-BSC caliber players? JC transfers and FBS drop downs help, but I think it's player development - skill, technique, strength and conditioning, etc.
D-line is one of many areas I think ISU needs to upgrade (O-line is one other priority). There are pieces in place for ISU to be successful in 2010. Like the rest of you, I'm interested to see what the offseason brings.
I believe great assisstants = great teams. They bring knowledge and know how and they can teach those techniques to the players. I think we have or had the youngest group in the bsc?

If Z is going to make this work he NEEDS (let me repeat NEEDS) more $$$$$$ from Vailas and Tingey to get qaulity help to the program.

Let me also say that i think the RB coaches position/Idaho recruiter needs a HUGE overhaul too. We have been weak at best in that area for the past few years.

I know there has been no "official" word yet on changes to the coaching staff...but if the aforementioned (is that a good word, Roar? ;) ) changes are true...it appears that there is some disgruntlement (another good word) about the rumored changes. I also know that some here have suggested other changes...but I'd also be curious to know if any of you were head coach, what would you do with the staff (please specify all the changes)?

I TOTALLY agree with ROAR's postulate (hee hee) that Coach Z needs more dollars to work with. You can't compare the two programs, but consider the offensive and defensive coordinators at Boise State each make almost a quarter-million bucks a year! http://www.usatoday.com/sports/college/football/2009-11-10-Boise-state-assistants-pay_N.htm. The total budget for BSU assistant coaches alone is over $1.5 million! It's easy to sit back and TALK about how we should be getting great assistant coaches, but Boise State's lowest-paid assistant makes $109-grand a year...and I would venture that ISU's lowest-paid makes less than $20k. I know I'm comparing apples to oranges (FBS vs. FCS), but consider that even Florida International's total budget for assistant coach salaries is almost $900k a year...and that's a lower-level FBS program. BSU's head coach Peterson's salary is over $1.1 mil. Who will you hire for what ISU will let you pay, and where do you get the "good, experienced " assistants when FBS schools can pay what they do? You might get one, but how do you get 3 or 4?

I'm not CHALLENGING anyone here...just trying to stimulate reasonable conversation.
Bengal Roar said:
I got one more question. Maybe i asked this 3 yrs ago but why does Coach Miller coach receivers? Wasn't he the only true freshman QB starter in BYU history? And didn't he take Montana to a National Championship game as the QB? So why is he coaching the receivers? Am i missing something?

I won't speak for Coach Miller...but I know that former qb's all over the country coach WR's. You'll have to ask him and Z about his situation...
Postulate really got me. The other words I did know! :D The old addage "you got to spend money to make money" is so true. I know Tato is doing a dance right now reading this stuff because he has been saying this for a good time now. :D

Since we have never really threw a ton of money at the Fottball program. Why not try it for a couple of years while Z is still here? I would vote to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him what he needs and then hopefully he can stay around until he does retire!

I know I know the big question....Where do we get the extra CASH?
Bengal Roar said:
Postulate really got me. The other words I did know! :D The old addage "you got to spend money to make money" is so true. I know Tato is doing a dance right now reading this stuff because he has been saying this for a good time now. :D

Since we have never really threw a ton of money at the Fottball program. Why not try it for a couple of years while Z is still here? I would vote to give him the benefit of the doubt and give him what he needs and then hopefully he can stay around until he does retire!

I know I know the big question....Where do we get the extra CASH?

Oh, that's easy. Blackfoot says I have to write checks if I make suggestions. I guess that would apply to everyone. How much you got? ;)
There is zero doubt that Idaho State could use upgraded facilities, a new field surface, a new practice field and more money for salaries. That is a fact that cannot be debated.

However, the notion that ISU cannot be successful right now with the steps that are being taken is not completely accurate in my opinion. They have a new video board and upgraded locker room, weight facilities are now being upgraded and a new practice field is on the horizon. My point, no coach that I can remember has had the same advantage that Coach Z enjoys.

Regardless of what coaching changes needed to be made, the fact of the matter is that changes needed to be made. ISU has one of the worst defenses and one of the worst offenses in ISU history this season by the numbers. ISU mortgaged the offense this season to try to help the defense. The end result was a defense that did not produce. I don't know what ISU spends to have both Strandley and Cullen on staff, but I would venture to say that the offensive side of the ball suffered because of that decision. The Strandley lead defense has finished at or near the bottom in all three seasons that Zamberlin has been HC--so I would hope that Z is looking long and hard at that situation as well. ISU has always had an offense, with the exception of a year here and there. No offense at ISU, is not acceptable, especially in the BSC.

The fact that Zamberlin has made some changes gives me some hope that he is capable of making some tough calls with regards to assistant coaches that he obviously cares a great deal about.

ISU can attract quality coaches. It may not be as easy as in other places. It may be easier with more money being spent--but regardless ISU can get the coaches that can compete at this level. It may be a stepping stone for some and assistants may come and go quickly, but I believe they can get the talent that they need to be successful at ISU.

If Zamberlin can figure out how to recruit the right fit to ISU and can manage to stem the attrition in this program--progress can be made.

The greatest challenges that ISU has faced in the first three years or the Zamberlin era has just as much to do with retention as it does with X's and O's. I firmly believe that.
Strandley- 48k cullen- 45... Jensen was at 45 as well. In essence we had three coordinators, two on defense. More money for assistants would be nice, but cub you make some really good points. Perhaps making sure that the money spent on all your assistants was portioned out properly would make it possible to pay a little more for a coordinator.

I find it interesting that for as much talk about how great of a coach cullen was, that now there is all the talk about the dline being such a liability. Its also interesting that we will have the 3rd OC in the 4th year of z's tenure and we still have the same DC (albeit he's a puppet at this point). Why not complete the job and get a new DC in title as well? Let strandley go and give the reins to cullen. Then with part of strandleys salary, bring in a regular lbs coach. I know that when lew was here that some of his coaches were restricted or partial earnings guys. Kinda like a partial scholarship. Plemons was one... He was a true gem (now the dline coach at fresno st). Too bad we couldn't keep christoff here either (lbs coach at idaho). If only we couldve kept those guys for an extra year or two each!!
ISU can attract quality coaches. It may not be as easy as in other places. It may be easier with more money being spent--but regardless ISU can get the coaches that can compete at this level. It may be a stepping stone for some and assistants may come and go quickly, but I believe they can get the talent that they need to be successful at ISU.

See...I knew there could be more enlightened conversation...with good, cogent (sorry, I've used this one before) points made. I just used this quote as an example...
Well, I'll be the first to come to both Coach Strandley and Cullen's defense. I can't speak for Coach Cullen, but his coaching background speaks for itself, you don't coach DLINE in the NFL for arguably one of their better DLINE coaches in his own right (Rod Marinelli) if you can't coach. I'm sorry, but the guy coached at LSU, Illinois, Ole Miss briefly, com'on seriously? That doesn't happen in BIGTIME football...... Coach Strandley might not have coached at those schools or in the NFL, but I guarantee this, YOU ARE LUCKY TO HAVE HIM. The guy is a tireless worker and a "teacher" to the fullest. His is an example of the guys he coached at Central and some career numbers to chew on. The best part about this list, all of these players would start at ISU and probably most of the Big Sky schools individually on any given year.

1. 28 Galloway,Jacob; CWU 2001-04
2. 20 Cox,Matt; WOU 2005,2008
3. 18 Romero,Mike; CWU 2002-04
4. 17 Gibson,Lance; CWU 2001-02
17 Horgan,T.J.; CWU 1999-02
6. 16 Bernardy,Steve; WWU 1998-01
7. 15 Hawkins,Dustin; CWU 2001-04

1. 20 Galloway,Jacob; CWU 2001-04
2. 15 Horgan,T.J.; CWU 1999-02
15 Gibson,Lance; CWU 2001-02
4. 14 Rodrigues,Ransen; WOU 2000-01,2003
5. 13 Bernardy,Steve; WWU 1998-01
13 Romero,Mike; CWU 2002-04

1. 50 Galloway,Jacob; CWU 2001-04
2. 44 Hawkins,Dustin; CWU 2001-04
3. 41 Morrill,Dave; WOU 1999-02
41 Walker,Blake; CWU 2001-04

1. 39 Morrill,Dave; WOU 1999-02
2. 37 Galloway,Jacob; CWU 2001-04
3. 30 Hawkins,Dustin; CWU 2001-04
4. 28 Banks,Jay; WOU 1999-01
28 Gibson,Lance; CWU 2001-02
28 Walker,Blake; CWU 2001-04
7. 27 Olson,Lann; WWU 1999-03
8. 24 Bernardy,Steve; WWU 1998-01
24 Horgan,T.J.; CWU 1999-02

Sure, these guys had talent, but you still have to coach and teach, which he and did well. Every player on that list was either ALL-Conference multiple times, all-american, two defensive players of the year, and one nfl player. Galloway was 200lb freshman, that coach turned into a BEAST. Gibson wasn't good enough to start at Eastern washington, but yet he came to Central and became an NFL player (good job paul Wulff). Hawkins, Galloway, and Gibson all played in the Cactus Bowl, an invite only National All-star game as well. Coach strands was at EWU for one season, and I know he's a better coach than Roberson (ex- EWU asst and currently at WSU now), no question!!!! Am I biased? sure, but you have two really good Defensive Line coaches, but they need some players wth a little talent..... I don't mean to rant, but if I'm going to speak, I'll back up my opinion. I understand everyone has their opinions, I just hate to see a good coaches get the screws put to them, but hey its just a message board. I really wish you guys the best and I know Coach Z can get program rolling.
Personally, I have not questioned Standleys ability to coach D-Line. I question his ability to coach D-line and be the DC at the same time. I also question his ability to recruit. The biggest issue with Strandly, Cullen, and Zamberlin is we have our three highest paid coaches on the same side of the ball. The side that gave up 41 pts a game two years ago and 38 pts a game last year. I also question Zamberlin's ability to be objective when evaluating games, every loss is a offensive loss, without poor offense his defense would not of given up 500 yards total offense. The only change he made last year was to replace the Offensive Coordinator and O-Line coach. To save money he promotes his QB coach and a limited earnings coach to fill the spot rather than going out and getting an experienced OC/Line coach. We were scoring 27 pts a game last year, one of the best offenses in the league. This year we are last in every catagory offensively, and again Zamberlin blames the offense for the team giving up 500 yards a game. Who's fault is it the offense under performed, I have to put the blame on the man who made the changes, not the coaches who were set up to be fall guys when the season went to hell in a handbasket. Additionally, the only move he makes on the defense is to remove a Cornerback coach. Even he admits the real issue is with the front seven, not the CB's. I'm not saying the CB coach should stay, for all I know he is in trouble again. But, how long are we going to stay with a DC who obviously is under performing. He fired a first year full time coach in his first try, and keeps a experience coach who has not gotten the job done for three years. Go figure.
I hear your point, but the two best recruiters on that staff are Strandley and Cullen as well... I know that first hand from experience with Coach Strands. Coach Z is a heck of a recruiter and "closer" as well. Strandley got more talented kids to come to Central when he was there than anyone on the staff and ISU has had a chance on some kids which they had no business getting involved with. Kids love to play for him and he has an energy about him that sells to recruits. That being said, wins and facilities help sell potential kids more than anything about a program, ISU is lacking in both. Are they close to being there? Yes, I believe they are. Pocatello is a tough spot to recruit and finding the right kid is even more difficult, but it can be done. I truly believe that Coach Z and the boys can get it going in the next two seasons, I think the first three were just a start. They need "PLAYERS"......
Outastate, I watched the great recruiting you speak of first hand for two years. The problems with our D-line this year are the direct result of that great recruiting. Last years class may be a good one, time wil tell, but the two prior classes were poorly excecuted as far as D-line recruits went. Anyone of us who were here when Zamberlin came in could have told you or his staff the one pressing need was D-line. The only D-linemen from that class that is playing this year were Amos (a Lorig kid we were already on) and David Tyler. Thus the reason our D-line is still a issue today.

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