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DefendtheRed said:So, this is the last time I will comment on this subject and I encourage others to do the same as I think it's time for EAGLE NATION to move past this.
First off, congratulations to Vernon for earning his degree. Above all else these guys are student-athletes who are here to earn an education and sometimes I think that gets lost. Being the first in your family to earn a college degree is something to be commended.
With all that being said, call me "bitter", call me "butt hurt", call me whatever, but it's going to take a while for the bad taste that's been lingering in my mouth for the past 7 months to leave. Everything from Dean Herrington's questionable involvement in dealing with the U of Nike, the media's biased slant and agenda, and finally Vernon's handling of the situation himself, has left me completely baffled and incredibly disheartened with college football in general.
And I can't help but feel that Vernon, at some point later on in life, will regret the way he handled things with EWU. No, I'm not mad at him for leaving, because every player leaves eventually and he fulfilled his end of the bargain by being a member of the program for four years and earning his degree (eventually).
Rather, by how he disrespected the coaches, administrators, fans, and fellow teammates at Eastern Washington by wearing an Oregon sweatshirt to an EWU basketball game, ignoring the local media, and never once coming out publicly and thanking the program that gave him a shot out of High School and the people that backed him for the past four years. By doing interviews with national media where he claimed his former teammates were "butthurt"...while at the same time never granting local media any access during the entire process.
Vernon, you recently said you "never wanted any of this attention", but you absolutely did. If you didn't, you wouldn't have gambled so big and risked almost not being able to play your Senior season. You absolutely wanted to be in the spotlight, and I guess I can't blame you for that. I just wish you could have handled the situation, all of it, a lot better than you did.
I don't think Vernon has a bad relationship with the team or coaches. I think it's quite the opposite. Like Hannah O said, he made a bet on himself. And that's exactly the kind of confidence that endeared him to Eastern fans the past few years. You can't blame the kid for chasing a dream. I hope that he is wildly successful this season and gets a shot at the next level.