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Extension of contract or go in a new direction?

Coach Z is the answer to the football program at ISU and he will get a 2 year extension. The assistant coaches are behind Coach Z and his philosophy and all of the players are behind Coach Z as they love playing for him. These players are playing to the best of their abilities and Coach Z will make the necessary changes in the lineup from game to game as he watches game film and watches practices to see who is performing the best and giving their full efforts on the football field. I do not have a problem with burning redshirt freshmen as most of the freshmen want to play anyway rather than sit back and watch the games. If the coaches feel that they can contribute to the program by playing in game situations than I think that is great. The true freshmen at ISU have been doing a great job during the games, my hats off to them for stepping up when called upon by the coaches.
Voth, as I have said before. If you do not want your feelings hurt, stay off the board. If we were winning everyone would be singing the praises of the team, we are not winning. Most of what you will find here is going to be negative right now, I can't imagine anyone expects anything different. 1-25 in three years wil get you that. Going from a potent offense to a average offense will get you that. Losing 50% of two recruiting classes will get you negativity. I as Cub and most the members of this board only want the best for Idaho State. Our opinions expressed on this board allow us the vent our anger and disapointment.
votb, are you suggesting somebody get tangibly confrontational with Zamberlin? also is there a forum that you know of that could make that happen? maybe you want the haters to wait around for him after practice or at his house and get him then (obviously i'm not suggesting any violence)?

i know i should be respectful so forgive the looseness just now, but could you be more clear on your thoughts with this face-to-face thing?

also thanks for clearing that part up earlier with the "players being demoralized by the fans", i agree that dynamic can be there...i just don't see that particular dynamic happening anywhere on this thread.

maybe i'm missing it?
If you put the same ingredients into the cookie dough you get the same cookie every time. Unless you change the recipe you will get the same result. If you want change, better ask who the cook is and talk to him. (Not her.)
pocatato said:
If you put the same ingredients into the cookie dough you get the same cookie every time. Unless you change the recipe you will get the same result. If you want change, better ask who the cook is and talk to him. (Not her.)

It is going to bug me until this gets explained to me, in terms that a BengalCub can understand.
votb said:
When I post here...I must be accountable for what I say and express because this is a "public" tool for communication. I'm more than willing to tolerate opposing viewpoints...but let's be realistic rather than "Pollyanish".

hey cub, i wasn't sure what the voice ment when he said "Pollyanish" so i looked into it and here's a perfect summation of being pollyannish

"Although I've been raped and mishandled by a demon, I'm determined to remain optimistic, no matter what"
Venting you anger and frustration on the board is fine as you are not happy with the current ISU football program. You have no control whether or not Coach Z stays or leaves as it is up to the AD. If coach Z was winning, he would be your hero. Like I said before, it is all about recruiting and I like the 2 recruiting classes that coach Z has brought to ISU. Great players make head coaches look good as great players find a way to make big plays during the games and great players find a way to win. Maybe, ISU has good players right now but not great players. Maybe, the 2 past recruiting classes have some great players as true freshmen and sophomores are now playing and some are actually starting. Coach Z maybe a great recruiting coach as we just do not know it yet. Be patient and give this man some time to build his program. Coach Z and his coaching staff wants to win, the players want to win, and the fans want to win. Are day is coming soon and everybody will be proud of the ISU Bengal Football Program....
Zamberlin hasn't had enough time to make the massive changes we all want to see. Another 3 years is fair and will help this team build. Changing horses again midstream will set us back further, in my opinion.
What votb was referring to was some of the lambasting personal comments toward Z.
And I have to agree some of you need to lay off the character insults that strike the personal cords.

The only forum we are entitled to is the weekly coaches sho.
We are fans remember. We are entitled to our opinions certainly.
If you are unhappy with him, suggest you talk to his boss, if you feel that strongly of a need like any other business.
But some of you need to show some class and think about what you are saying before you put your foot in your mouth on here.
Be as objective as you like, but show some class.
Some of you may even know him on a personal level and yet you blast him here without talking to him directly.
That is what i heard from votb.
Fortunately/Unfortunately call it what you want, many people read this stuff.

For the record, Zamberlin knows how and can recruit kids.
In fact, I can tell you that he is pretty dam good at it.
tigersmilk said:
votb, are you suggesting somebody get tangibly confrontational with Zamberlin? also is there a forum that you know of that could make that happen? maybe you want the haters to wait around for him after practice or at his house and get him then (obviously i'm not suggesting any violence)?

i know i should be respectful so forgive the looseness just now, but could you be more clear on your thoughts with this face-to-face thing?

also thanks for clearing that part up earlier with the "players being demoralized by the fans", i agree that dynamic can be there...i just don't see that particular dynamic happening anywhere on this thread.

maybe i'm missing it?

I'm certainly NOT suggesting any physical confrontations. My point was that "some" who may have a personal axe to grind against Z and his staff can come to this board and say some pretty vitriolic stuff about them as coaches and people, when their real gripes are personal (friend was cut from team, knew and was good friends with a coach who has been let go, etc...that kind of stuff) and not related to the team's performance on the field. If the team were winning, those kinds of people would find something else to complain about (Z and staff don't wear the right shoes, the team gets poor food, players shouldn't have to share seats on bus trips, etc., etc.). What they need to do is move on with their lives and realize that life never came with a guarantee that everything would be "fair", or the way we want...and rather than use this kind of forum to try and tarnish someone's public reputation (which in the long run will only hurt themselves even worse) they should get on with things that really matter. If there's a serious personal issue with the coach, they should decide to clear it up with Z and resolve it in a one-on-one, quiet conversation so they can start ridding themselves of a chancre that will keep eating away at them until they get rid of it.

I'm all for fans bashing a program or coach's win/loss record if they want and expressing their opinions about why it's that way and how to get it changed. I'm referring only to a select few who may use this forum as a site where they can launch anonymous, scurrilous personal attacks and who have ulterior motives other than improving the program.
bengalbeliever said:
What votb was referring to was some of the lambasting personal comments toward Z.
And I have to agree some of you need to lay off the character insults that strike the personal cords.

The only forum we are entitled to is the weekly coaches sho.
We are fans remember. We are entitled to our opinions certainly.

Actually, this site, letters to the editor, and calls or letters to the school's president or athletic director are all different forums available to all of you...rather than just the coach's show. But the show IS an excellent opportunity for you to call and speak with the coach in a public forum. Many people are just too scared to pick up the phone and dial the number....I know how difficult that can be.
I'm certainly NOT suggesting any physical confrontations. My point was that "some" who may have a personal axe to grind against Z and his staff can come to this board and say some pretty vitriolic stuff about them as coaches and people, when their real gripes are personal (friend was cut from team, knew and was good friends with a coach who has been let go, etc...that kind of stuff) and not related to the team's performance on the field. If the team were winning, those kinds of people would find something else to complain about (Z and staff don't wear the right shoes, the team gets poor food, players shouldn't have to share seats on bus trips, etc., etc.). What they need to do is move on with their lives and realize that life never came with a guarantee that everything would be "fair", or the way we want...and rather than use this kind of forum to try and tarnish someone's public reputation (which in the long run will only hurt themselves even worse) they should get on with things that really matter. If there's a serious personal issue with the coach, they should decide to clear it up with Z and resolve it in a one-on-one, quiet conversation so they can start ridding themselves of a chancre that will keep eating away at them until they get rid of it.

I'm all for fans bashing a program or coach's win/loss record if they want and expressing their opinions about why it's that way and how to get it changed. I'm referring only to a select few who may use this forum as a site where they can launch anonymous, scurrilous personal attacks and who have ulterior motives other than improving the program.

i hear ya voice, and i'm on board with leaving personal quibs out of the equation..but just so everyone is clear i take the let-downs, the failures, and the deceptiveness of Zamberlin, his boys and advocates personally. anyone who cares about the overal success of ISU football should take these sorts of things personally as well, i believe.
What I would give to get inside the head of Jeff Tingey and the Administration right now. Do you think he will ask players their opinions of the staff? I am not familiar with this whole process. Anyone that is familiar with it please speak up, I would like to learn more about how it works...
This is funny, I can see that everyone that voted NO to extension has given reasons behind their vote.

However, after counting things up--a majority of the folks that voted for a contract extension have not done the same. Just curious, why is that? Same deal with waiting until the end of the season to decide.

This was really a simple and fair request for this poll.
I didn't think I needed to defend my vote. I voted to wait until the end of the season and decide. I think everyone knows what my position is.

I'm not going to set here, under cover, and call for a guy’s job and the lively hood of his family in the middle of the season. Are you kidding me? What good does that do?
bengalcub said:
This is funny, I can see that everyone that voted NO to extension has given reasons behind their vote.

However, after counting things up--a majority of the folks that voted for a contract extension have not done the same. Just curious, why is that? Same deal with waiting until the end of the season to decide.

This was really a simple and fair request for this poll.

I"m curious as well. I, for one, voted to extend the contract sooner than later despite the current struggles. Part of my reasoning is because of the issues brought forth by pocatato and by bhumble.
here's something i can't really resolve on my own but i've been spending a bit of time contemplating lately:

which would be worse for this years recruiting process?

to have extended John's contract before season and then go 0-11.


to have John go 2-9 and extend his contract after the PSU game.
tigersmilk said:
here's something i can't really resolve on my own but i've been spending a bit of time contemplating lately:

which would be worse for this years recruiting process?

to have extended John's contract before season and then go 0-11.


to have John go 2-9 and extend his contract after the PSU game.

Whether they extend his contract or fire him, one of those things needs to happen soon, before the season is over. Put yourself in the shoes of an ISU recruit's dad right now...if he has any idea at all about the debate going on right now about whether Coach Z will be back next year, he will not feel comfortable having his kid go here...everyone is wondering whats going to happen...us fans on message boards, fans that are not on the message board, the players, the coaches, the recruits, EVERYONE....heck even Weber fans are starting to chime in on the topic...but in order to get a quality recruiting class this year, the decision needs to be made and announced soon! IMO

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