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Extension of contract or go in a new direction?

tigersmilk wrote:here's something i can't really resolve on my own but i've been spending a bit of time contemplating lately:

which would be worse for this years recruiting process?

to have extended John's contract before season and then go 0-11.


to have John go 2-9 and extend his contract after the PSU game.

Whether they extend his contract or fire him, one of those things needs to happen soon, before the season is over. Put yourself in the shoes of an ISU recruit's dad right now...if he has any idea at all about the debate going on right now about whether Coach Z will be back next year, he will not feel comfortable having his kid go here...everyone is wondering whats going to happen...us fans on message boards, fans that are not on the message board, the players, the coaches, the recruits, EVERYONE....heck even Weber fans are starting to chime in on the topic...but in order to get a quality recruiting class this year, the decision needs to be made and announced soon! IMO

i wholeheartedly agree with you bf! i was going for something more semi-lighthearted, you know a hypothetical scenario.."would you rather" sort-of-a-thing.

what say y'all?
bhumble said:
I didn't think I needed to defend my vote. I voted to wait until the end of the season and decide. I think everyone knows what my position is.

I'm not going to set here, under cover, and call for a guy’s job and the lively hood of his family in the middle of the season. Are you kidding me? What good does that do?

Well you didn't call for his job so what the hell is your point. How would anyone know what you voted--it could have been extension or wait and see.

I asked folks to justify the vote because I did not want lurkers to skew the results. I respect the fans that want Zamberlin to stay and the points of view from everyone. In fact, the debate has opened my eyes on a number of things that I did not realize--because people have been kind enough to explain their decision.
i find it interesting that the 8 individuals who voted to keep John did so without feeling a change of staff would be an important factor..to bad few if any of them have offered an explaination or we might now why they feel this way.
If you would've phrased it a little different, and not been so "demanding" perhaps I would've changed my vote.
3 years isn't enough for any coach at any D1 college to sufficiently put his stamp on it and prove one way or another that it's gonna work.
Next year and the year after would be better to determine how much progress we will make.
Administration and budget hamperings have been too restricted to make a determination on Z after just barely 2.5 years.

Things like 12 hour trips on each way to play Sac St. is an example of how I think the team and coach deserved better.(especially after taken the scheduling hit to play big boys for $$)
The entire team bussed from Poky to SLC then fly to Oakland CA and then get on a bus to go from Oakland to Sacramento on a Friday afternoon at 2pm in some of the worst traffic on the planet.
Then they leave in bus to Hayward CA to stay overnite only to have to wait to fly back midmorning on Sunday to SLC and then on a bus again to Poky.

Now, I am not saying this is the reason for the bad performance or loss, but freakin' come on....!!!!
This team has taken its share of hits for athletics and raised enough money to be able to at least get a direct flight from SLC to Sac.

One other thing, before this community lambasts the team and coaching staff, how about them filling up The Holt for just 1 game so that the team can see what its like to play before a packed and noisy crowd and how much that can help this team. Now if have any interest in ISU or the football team and can't make it or have done what you can, then great. But I know there is at least another 6-7k people out there that should be willing to put it on the line and show up to a game before you write the team and Z off. Administration has a position in this also by doing WHATEVER IT TAKES to get those extra people in the stands. Give it away, discount it, whatever. Nothing from nothing is nothing to the empty seats game after game.

Bottomline, in answering your question Tigersmilk, I voted to keep him and give Z an extension for several reasons, the above are just a few. This is part of my justification.
I truly believe Coach Z is a GREAT PERSON....But what everyone is forgetting are the PLAYERS....People are worried about giving Coach Z a two year extension, with that said, if the program continues in the same direction, is that fair for those players that came into the program in 2007. I was also told at work that Larry Lewis recruited Kelvin Krosch. Does anyone know if there were any other players in the 2007 class that Lewis got? I was also told at work that Kelvin's younger brother is being by-passed by ISU but is being recruited by Weber and Montana...Come on ISU....Let's at least try to get the local kids!
Come on. Our recruiting coordinator is from Mackay. Do you really believe that Nick Whitworth wouldn't be all over a Mackay kid if he could help us? I don't believe it for a second. Don't believe everything you hear at work.

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