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Football Schedule

Your opinion proves that you don't know shit. Now, go find a hole and play hide the carrot.

You attempted to "AIR" internal issues of the football team on here last season and make things a public issue and you want to try and give me an education on negativity?
Now cub...don't get sarcastic with me.....All I am saying is Idaho State University is in financial trouble and I heard we will make a cool million between the two games...not a bad pay day!!!! I admire the coaches and players for sacrificing like they did last year!!!!The one thing I admired about the team last year is they never gave up no matter who their opponent was!!!!
SO classy cubbette. GOBIGORANGE how dare you say that the athletic department could use the money. Cubbette will claim how you are talking about internal issues. We need the money and Z has proved he will do what he has to do to go get it.
It may be a great pay day. I am NOT sure if Idaho State is giving up a home game to get it or not, but if this team has another 1-2-3 win season--I fear Zamberlin won't be around to help spend it. And that won't do this team a whole lot of good. This team needs wins and they need confidence. I am not sure that this is the best course of action for a team that lost 11 games last season.

As for Letuknow--there is a major difference between debating a schedule and the damage that you have tried to cause. Funny how you chose to wear the KEEP IT POSITIVE cape--while insisting that you pull for team NO MATTER what. Is so classy the best that you can come up with?
The damage I have tried to cause??? There are two sides to every story however you always feel the coaches are perfect and never make mistakes. Its fine for you to criticize, but if anyone else does they arent a true Bengal . You are already causing damage with your NEGATIVE attitude towards next years team. Do you really think the players dont get on here? Im sorry I refuse to sink to your level with the language you use. I like to show a little CLASS!
And when someone disagrees with scheduling to D-1 schools--you tell them that they aren't a fan.

As for players and coaches reading the board--look at the mirror and think of what you just said. Let me keep it clean for you. Go to HE double hockey sticks.
What did I ever say that would upset a player? The players supported the player I discussed. Again so classy cubbette so classy.

Also would a FAN be saying comments about his team that he has no faith in them like you have about next years team?
My support of Idaho State athletics will be something that I will never have to qualify to you.

You have brought internal issues of a program to a message board--in mid-season with aspirations of dividing coaches and player and ultimately the program. Saying that the players supported the player that you discussed is painting with a pretty broad brush and it shows your ignorance and arrogance-- because you do not have the support of EVERYONE.

I have disagreed with the schedule and the direction that the program is going at THIS POINT. It won't be the first time and it won't be the last. You see, I would like to see the kids and this staff succeed. Getting drubbed by two D-1 schools will turn the Pocatello community off even more to Idaho State. And while money plays a big part (and I do understand that) in a program, setting kids up to fail may not be worth the price. If money talks, play 3 money games and see what kind of damage it will do the kids and the supporters of Idaho State athletics. If one of your buddies goes down in the first three games of the season, you may be whistling a different tune as well.

If you want to continue arguing--post me a message to my inbox. Or lets meet and take care of things in person.
I see cub's point, but not from the team's point of view. Letuknow, do you realize how base, fickle and unknowing fans are around here? They don't give a DAMN who we play. We could play the 2001 Miami Hurricanes or the 1995 Nebraska Cornhuskers and they'll piss and moan about how we suck (and in case you have no idea, luk, those two teams are widely considered to be some of the best teams ever to put on pads and helmets). These people are NEVER satisfied or happy, even when ISU wins. Look how quiet the boards are when ISU wins (see: the recent Montana sweep). Now compare that reaction to whenever ISU loses. The boards...go...nuts!

Cub, although I see your point, that pissing and moaning gets us nowhere. All you're doing is griping into the night. ISU is so financially f*cked right now, we have little choice. I'll take the million, get to experience REAL football atmosphere (again, to hell with you Westerners and Pacific Coasters, you got NOTHING on us Middies and Southerners) rather than going over to North Dakota where it's expensive as hell to travel to with little return (I'd love to get the Spud Wars resumed, but we are in no position to do so).
Naturally we (ISU) should get pounded by the BCS team games. But, at least you'll see the Idaho State score roll across the bottom of the ESPN screen regularly. It is purely an economic benefit for the Bengals and it does get the name of the school out, win or lose. No pressure either - we're supposed to lose. I came from a different 1-AA (now FCS school) that has played very large and highly ranked schools at least once (and this year twice) and we usually were beaten handily. However, there's always the chance of an upset as remote as it may be and these kids will get the chance to tell stories about playing with the big boys in a big time stadium. That is something that most would never be able to do otherwise and it could help our recruiting. I think it's a good idea.
Down the road, I think players (and maybe even some fans) would rather remember their battle (and probable loss) against Oklahoma (or Florida, or Clemson, or Wisconsin) on their turf in front of 80000+ fans than a win over a Montana Tech or Montana Western. All due respect to those programs, however.
I'm with Cub on this one, I certainly hope we don't play ASU and Oklahoma in the same year. Maybe Zamberlin's been mandated by the athletic administration to play about a million dollars in guarantee games. When a marginal 1-AA team like ISU plays an outstanding 1-A team in OU, the results could be disastrous. They could easily score about 80 or 90 points on us, and don't think that they won't let up on us until the 4th quarter. OU would have nothing to gain from this one. I don't mind playing an NAIA team like W. Montana for a confidence builder the first game of the season, but one guarantee game a year is plenty. When we play ASU this year we'll make $400,000, and we didn't make that amount when we played BSU and Idaho both last year.

Also, I assumed we would sign about 10 JC kids this year, because we've got so many areas where we need immediate help -- but looks like we'll only get a few. Perhaps Coach Z isn't under immediate pressure to win right away, and wants to build this program the right way by bringing in freshmen. I do like Coach Z and am confident he'll get the job done here. Why Coach Orthmann was let go, I don't know. Perhaps it was a difference in philosophies between he and Coach Z. But at least Coach Z isn't afraid to make coaching changes he deems necessary for the ultimate good of this team -- something that Larry Lewis would never do.
bengalcub said:
If you want to continue arguing--post me a message to my inbox. Or lets meet and take care of things in person.
Cubbette your hilarious! Are you saying you want to meet to discuss this? Are you really being exposed as being that childish? You dont have any hopes for next season and you said it yourself. I agree with prince the players would rather play at ASU and Oklahoma then against those other schools at home.
Childish enough to know that OUR back and forth banter isn't something that is worth dominating a thread. I do not have high hopes for next season from wins and losses perspective and I am not sure that many fans do. I only hope Idaho State gets a ton of kids experience for down the road, because they will be playing an assload of young kids. It may be the most beneficial thing long-term playing so young. So, quit beating a dead horse and if you insist on beating it--just take me up on my offer.

If money is what Idaho State needs, than go get it the only way that you can--because season tickets and boosters won't get it done for a team with 5 straight losing seasons. My point has been that the when it is all said and done--wins will be what bonds the team and the community together. Wins and losses will ultimately decide the future of Coach Z and his staff as well and I would like to see them get as many wins as possible.
If we could guarantee a full house every night, perhaps we could be like Montana and not play any FBS guarantee games, but, after the 2002 season, ISU went 8-4 in 2003, won all six home games, and averaged just about 7,500 if I remember it right, and that was helped by 11,434 against Montana. With state mandated budget cuts of 10%, and then the university lopping off potentially another 2%, playing up twice for big paydays is always going to be on the table so to speak.

I have no contract sitting on my desk with Oklahoma, but rest assured if we picked up them, or another big payday, it's for the payday, not for the chance to see our name scrolling on the ticker at ESPN.

Do you really think you are scaring me? :lol: The fact is ISU needs the money and if we play these games it will help ISU out. If you go and poll the players I GUARANTEE you that they would rather play those two games than they would getting a win against a smaller school. Keep us updated ISUID
I would say you are right letuknow.
Players would overwhelmingly want to play OU and ASU over 2 other dink schools.

Cub: I don't know what's up with you calling him out?????
Coach Zamberlin will have at least 2 more years to get a winning season, he walked in without anything and he is starting to pull a great incoming class. there is no way they will let him go this season.

Idaho State needs the money you can say, but also you can say football is football no matter what classification a team can upset the big dawg, i can see a upset coming against arizona state. they aren't so hot. but anyways,

this incoming class is way too intriguing to take Zamberlin out before he even has a chance to rebuild this program to championship form, which it is on its way too. LETS GO BENGALS!
He can call me out all he wants. Im not afraid of him one bit :mrgreen: The reason he did it is because when someone disagrees with cubbette he throws a fit until they quit posting. Didnt someone else call tuff out awhile ago also? Get real people, others have differing views. Cubbette has stated himself that he never played football, but seems to know everything. I have talked to some players already and they are ready to go into Norman and beat the Sooners.

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