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Football Schedule

We are all big bad tough guys in our own minds. And we all know more then the coaches and administration do but don't let anyone know that. That is why we get paid the big bucks being on here and giving our opinions. :lol:

The fact of the matter is most of us are chubby, slow and out of shape to do anything about it except go back and forth on a message board. I am not a saint on here either at times but lets ALL try this year to be better with eachother. Lets all try to agree to disagree and go on with life. Life is too short for pissin matches that go on and on and on. There is too much negativity out there already. This message board is one of my outlets to get away from all the crap in the world. I don't agree with posters-coaches-admin. all of the time and they don't agree with me but that is okay. WE ARE ALL RIGHT AND WE ARE ALL WRONG! So be it. We live in a free country and should be able to post within the message board agreement laws and if we disagree then say so and move on. I actually get sick of reading through all the drama.

With that said Cub and letuknow go to your rooms! Knotthole, you have been in your room long enough. It is time to come out.
I get sick of all of the negativity! Lets try to be positive for a while. We all know what the trouble the athletic department and admistration have. But, we dont all need to keep talking about it. Let's be positive and try to build the programs up!
I'm not chubby, and I lead the H&R Inline hockey league in winning percentage (3-0, 1.000), save percentage (.913), goals against average (2.33), shutouts (1) and assists by a goalie (1). Some of us have skills, albeit very focused ones LOL.

I rolled out of bed today in such fear of this message board...so, I went to work to escape.

Letuknow, before you get all juicy--do understand that I DID NOT challenge you to a fight or imply anything of that nature. What I tried to do, was to not hijack a thread so you and I could go at it. So, if you want to continue the banter..consider a PM or get it touch so we can hook up and argue in person. I thought it would be a respectful thing to do; because we have shown that we can go at it for days.

Let me connect the dots for you all. I have seen what a rough non-conference schedule did to community support with the men's basketball program. I have also watched a message board community do and say almost anything to discredit the men's basketball program in the midst of a tough stretch. Posters with hidden agendas for players and playing time and posters calling for coaches jobs. If Idaho State had not struggled in the non-conference portion of its schedule, the fans and the community would be more supportive of the program. Winning cures almost everything--and O'Brien has stated that the schedules that he is taking on has been a major mistake.

So, I don't want to see the same thing happen to the football program. Idaho State will be the laughing stock of the community--after getting undressed by Oklahoma and Arizona State. I simply do not want to see this, because I think the team gets more support when they are winning games. Idaho State could very well need the money, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it. This schedule is dangerous and negative momentum can be a very bad thing. The 2008 Bengal football team was not as bad as its record, however as the losses mount the support dwindles and the negativity started. I don't have a roommate that I want to see as a starter and I do not have a coach that I want to see fired. Some here do, and this is what we have to deal with when a team is not winning.

I can assure you that if Idaho State struggles out of the gate (and they will) a majority of folks will start burning the program at the stake. I want to see the coaches and the program be successful and I don't like the direction that Idaho State football is going in January of 2008.

Finally, debating my fanhood with Letuknow is something that I refuse to continue boring you all with.
letuknow that is Cub's way of apologizing.

It's all good fellas. (or gals ??) This forum is just a fan's way of expressing an opinion.
Good, bad, right, wrong, indifferent, etc.....
We can all have our opinion and have it debated with an opposition.
The opposition shouldn't take it so hard most of the time as long as it's delivered in a respectable manner.
my only two cents on this issue........we will see some very important staters get taken out for the remainder of the year after two games like the ones being talked about here. no doubt in my mind this will get us some $$$, but prostituting out our starters for injury is NOT worth it.
I would reply that Marcus Jackson was critically injured against Montana-Western...I agree it is always a concern any time you play a football game, especially against "bigger, faster, stronger" ...

Football injuries can happen at any level....including practice.....we had our fair share of injuries last year and I don't think you can schedule games with fear of injury being part of the equation. I really feel ISU can use these games as great recruiting tools to get top players interested in playing for ISU. Sometimes you play UP OR DOWN with your competition. Hopefully we can prepare during the off season and be ready to start a whole new meaning to ISU Football.
i totally agree with what you are saying about injuries, BUT we KNOW NOW that if we play these games we will have significant ones to deal with.

ALSO....to say i hope we can PLAY UP, is a tough one to swallow............we couldn't even prepare to PLAY UP to BOISE ST., how the hell are we gonna play up to a National Champion Runner-UP?????????

i am not saying the money won't be nice. just simply saying this could be a bad bad start to a already rough looking year.
Having to pay for play is the reality of being a 1-AA school that brings in an average home gate of $40,000. With the cutbacks coming from state support and a likely dip in external donations due to the economy, somebody has to pay the bills. If you can get $1 million by paying two big dogs, you may not have any choice but to take it. The local fan base and economy are certainly not going to fully support the program.

The games will be ugly, no doubt, but if Idaho State is going to continue to play football, it is going to have to find ways to generate new revenue.
Its a double edged sword. Damned if you do and damned if you don't. We are 1-AA in football and there is no getting around that for now. We must generate $$$ any way we can until we have a steady flow of money. Have you seen UM's schedules for the past 2 years? Not too hard in my opinion. They have the $$$ and they can get away from it for now. I believe being a 1-AA school we will always have too keep generating the dollars. Some years more than others. The 1-A shools have all the $$$ and they will keep paying these smaller schools. They are the big fish in the pond.

Conference play is the most important. Hopefully we don't get guys hurt but if i recall didn't we put 2 of Kentucky's players out for the season? Football is football and if you are going to play then play and take on the challenge whomever it is. Then the other little angel on my other shoulder agrees with Cub a bit. Why does Montana have (cup cake) schedules? Wins vs losses record? It is a very confusing and interesting conversation. We want it both ways but must meet in the middle somewhere somehow? I guess that is why i am not an AD. I will let them decide. GO BENGALS!
Listen, I agree, there is nothing I'd rather see than ISU playing all 1-AA schools. But why does Montana get away with cupcakes? Because they sell out a 24,000-seat stadium in season tickets! Even if ISU doubled its average attendance(which is physically impossible in the dome, by the way) they'd still be at about 60 percent of what Montana draws. (And that doesn't take into account the extra revenue Montana's luxury boxes generate).

For the 2007 season, Idaho State's football ticket revenues were $195,000. The program's budget was $1.8 million. Any way you slice it, you've got to be able to pay the bills.

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