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EyeOfTheTiger91 said:
Tonight's game left a lot of folks associated with the Bengals speechless. Several things I want to say before I conclude:

1. My son plays for the Bengals
2. I will continue to support this team and attend as many games as I can
3. This team isn't improving
4. We may have a good head coach, but I am not sure about the supporting cast -- makes one wonder if the hiring of "high school" coaches as assistant coaches or position coaches was a wise decision. These position coaches (and possibly even the head coach) appear to be clueless and incapable to prepare for opponents or make halftime adjustments.
5. Serious adjustments need to be made during the second half of this season, getting beat 77-10 by a BAD football team (Portland State) can't be tolerated in the future. Losing is one thing, being utterly embarassed is another thing.

In conclusion -- what happened tonight, when similar results have occurred to other programs at a college or pro level -- coaches are normally fired....whether all the way to the head coach level, or cleaning house at the assistant coach level. Bottom line, not sure we should wait till the end of the season to correct the problem.

Yes, this is a rant, but I don't think I am off-base in my analysis. Please chime in if you have other thoughts. I feel sorry for the Bengal Nation -- we deserve better.

I don't normally respond on other fan forum threads after a game in which the Viks have played, mainly because emotions often get the better of us. And believe me, we Viking fans have had our share of rollercoaster emotions this year. Especially starting several true freshman and losing some really key people for several games. I am assuming that Tiger91 is telling the truth when he says he has a son on the team. I will also assume he doesn't believe Eastern Washington was a BAD team last year when they started 0-4, or that Nebraska is a BAD team because they beat the Bengals by the same margin as PSU. What I can't assume is that his son believes the Viks are a BAD team (at least he has first hand experience). Regardless, the PSU program is moving in the right direction, and that makes us anything but BAD. Sometimes we all need to take a deep breath and be glad we still have kids, friends, or relatives that still love to play the game so we can plop down a few bucks, knock down a few beers, and cheer 'em on.
scooter - No worries. Your team beat us fair and square and your team put up the numbers to prove it was no fluke. Tiger91 was just frustrated as our team did not play well. By the way, I noticed Portland State had a total combination of 29 JC players and step down / step up players on your roster. I'm sure that made a difference in your team performance against us as we are starting a lot of true freshmen and sophomores. We wish your team good luck for the remaining part of the season.
Good Morning:

Have been reading the posts, I'm not an insider like some of the people here are, I am just a fan who watches a football game and sees the football team get pounded into the ground. I see some improvement some times then I see the old ways come back again. I don't know, understand nor do I care to understand APR problems, i just watch the games. Recruiting who, when, why, why not, is not a concern of mine as a fan, I go to see a football game.

Growing up I watch Nebraska play football, we had some really bad years but fans stuck by the team, because we knew there was going to be improvement. Maybe they didn't lose by 60 points but still in Nebraska losing by 7 was just as bad.

What I'm trying to say is that you here can fight among yourself's and complain about who's being stupid, tattle on each other threaten each other ( childishly ) but how can you as an individual or as a group get me to come and watch a ISU football game.

Because I am really the one thats counts the "FAN" who wants to enjoy a football game.

Thank you for reading this, even if it didn't make any sense on this blog, instead of fighting among yourselves try to remember that the players need support, even if the team sucks, bringing out fans is not only the marketing dept job, but its yours also.

Have a nice day and play nice in the sand box.

MSU JEALOUS OF ISU FOR HAVING KRAMER...NOW THAT WAS FUNNY!!!! He left our program in a MESS! Good riddance to bad rubish...I was DELIGHTED when I saw your dumb a** AD hired him. So funny how his LIP SERVICE pulls some of you stupid ISU fans in. And UP you better watch out, if I remember right, reading ISU's basketball site last year regarding Tingey's infamous booster friend, Bengal Cub and his hit :lol: squad do expose IP addresses of posters that DON :D 'T have the same opinion as them...it's a free country with freedom of speech but not on the Bengal Den..haha :lol:
When a poster is using several different user names to get there point across, and tearing down the team at the same time informing there teammates is not childish. If you do consider it childish everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Spaz you are right Kramer is not a good coach, he is a GREAT coach and even a BETTER person. I have met him only twice, but he is great. Go BENGALS
My take:

APR has crushed this program. It honestly might have been easier to blow it up and start over from scratch, if only because of the restrictions. Think of the great players from the 2001-2005 era...Jared Allen, Eric Boose, Audie Attar, Eddie Johnson...guys like that could not get into the school right now under the current APR program the team has in place.

ISU has to suffer on the field in order to get the house straight regarding APR. APR is a rolling score, so Kramer and Co. need to have at least TWO ridiculously good APR years to counter act some of the ridiculously bad years he inherited. To make this make sense....if the last four APR scores are as follows:

875 875 900 950

That's an average of 900. Let's say ISU gets a 1000....you kick out the oldest score of the four-year average, so it's now this...

875 900 950 975

That's 925, and that's still below the NCAA minimum...that's why ISU has issues. The walk-on kids that have good grades being pushed to scholarship now will help get the APR up over the next two years, and that will help allow ISU to get a chance to get some of the drop-down and JC kids that might be needed to get better on the field.

Now, that's the APR issue that Cub has been trying to speak of, which for some reason fans here don't get. Tingey is giving ISU the best LONG TERM chance for football success. Eventually, he will have to change the philosophy of scheduling, because you can't play TWO FBS games and expect to have a good season...you just can't.

On the field? I haven't seen a game, but I know that UNM here was rated the 120th out of 120 FBS teams, so that's probably similar to ISU. The difference is instead of throwing it all over the field, Bob Davie brought the triple option and a run-based philosophy, which allows us to shorten the game and limit possessions. Texas beat us 45-0, but it was 17-0 at the half....each team with FOUR possessions. Four. In the last six quarters (four against Texas State, two against Boise State), we have throws FOUR passes, but we are outscoring our opponents, 60-21, rushing for about 550 yards in those six quarters. Passing is 1-for-4 for 9 yards.

When Marshall lost it's team in 1970, they came back in 1971 running the veer, which is an option run based offense, something simple and something that gives teams with tons of walk-ons a chance. Hell in real life Herman Boone did the same thing in Virginia, and the service academies use it to. The option is a great equalizer. Did Southern Utah have better athletes in Larry Lewis' first years? Hell no, but the option is a great equalizer. I think that's the fundamental flaw with what Kramer wants to do....too many possessions, too many chances for his own defense to be on the field. ISU should be running and killing the clock. It's gotten UNM to 3-3...after going 3-37 prior to Bob Davie.

ISU does need fans in the stands and fans supporting them, no matter what though....and that's up to the folks in Poky.

A long post but my $.02

Not up for the challenge ill save you time and post for you. Why can't isu recruit more players like my boyfriend who can't block to save their lives
not up for the challenge - another quote from you - 'No player on the team cares what you think'

please heed your own remarks - i would add that neither do the coaches,staff, fans, or anyone else under the sun.... in fact regarding your opinion and knowledge :whocares:

you're a dumbass

:thumb: - and that ain't a thumb (so sorry if the use of foul language upsets your lady parts)

so if it ain't clear please go away
The losses mounting in football and men's hoops hurt, and are taking a toll on my fanship. But I will stand by, because I honestly believe, one day, maybe even years down the road, the Bengals will get past all this mess and rise, and I'll be one of the few that stood by and didn't wish them ill will. It's easy to root for a 'winner'.. For all of you that wish to do so, I invite you to go root for that amateur university across the state that is nothing more than a wannabe, big-time school.. BSU is a joke on so many other levels besides football, led by a total clown, Bob Kustra. So go for it.. Go over and support a team with a ridiculous blue field.
I swore I'd never post here again after the basketball BS from last year. This board may not have the traffic of an egriz, but it sure has more than its fair share of imbeciles and whiny ass bitches. When a "new" poster shows up in the middle of a heated thread, it only makes their argument that much less credible.

Folks, you have no idea how close ISU came to losing division I status due to APR. I'm talking the entire athletic program. ISU has arguably some of the most successful women's programs in the conference, not to mention the state of Idaho, but all of that would have been lost because of football. Those programs which made great strides would have suffered a damaging backslide which would have been equally hard to overcome.

http://www.ncaa.org/wps/wcm/connect/public/NCAA/Academics+OLD/Division+I/APR+penalties+list" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

•Year 1: A public warning letter for poor performance
•Year 2: Restrictions on scholarships and practice time
•Year 3: Loss of postseason competition for the team (such as a bowl game or the men’s basketball tournament)
Year 4: Restricted membership status for an institution. The school’s entire athletics program is penalized and will not be considered a part of Division I.

You can love or hate the on the field decision making. I don't quite understand some of the play calling either. The APR mess is real, and it's nothing short of amazing how it is being turned around. You can't compare the MSU situation to ISU. MSU's football program was a winning program when it lost scholarships. It never received a post season ban. You certainly can't compare a program like Oklahoma football to ISU football.

If you can't grasp the concept of the seriousness of the APR situation ISU faced, please email or call ISU. Call the coaches show this week. Somebody will explain it to you. The Idaho State Journal has never gone into the detail of the APR severity. Most people wrongly thing it's fixed and behind the program. It's still being remedied and could worsen again if the plan in motion is deviated from.

Some people need to get a clue.
...i've been reading the posts from this weekend...have probably felt a little bit of what everyone has written at one point or another since saturday evening....BUT i drank the Kramer Kool-Aid when he was first hired....i think i even asked for a second glass.....do i understand or agree with all the play calling? .....no.. do i like getting a beat-down of historic proportions?....no.... BUT as someone already posted .."you don't win Big Sky Coach of the Year" three times by accident.... FormerISUSID explained the spot we are in pretty well i thought (thanks frank)....AND my "bottom line" feelings pretty well match tuffgong's words....so just as Colonel Travis drew the line in the sand at the Alamo and said "you can leave with the women and children and no one will think poorly of you...OR you can stay with me ....AND we will make them pay dearly".....so i invite you pollsters that are all "doom and gloom" to head out...and the rest of us will stay ....and support ISU ....and Kramer.... :twocents:
That game was HORRIBLE!! Blame it on APR, lack of scholarships, recruiting, coaches...blah blah blah.. At some point shouldn't the players have some kind of pride in how they play the game. These guys are not new the game of the football. I would think the players wouldn't want to get slammed week after week. No way should you want Portland State to beat you worse than Air Force and Nebraska. I know they watch film, so are any of the players paying attention to what they did incorrectly the previous game?? What are they doing in practice and in the gym? Is the defense doing any kind of speed drills to prevent getting burned by the run game? Hell, speed drills for everybody! Are the linemen in the gym trying to get stronger to give themselves a better shot? Do they do tackle drills? because if I see one more arm tackle....... Sacramento and Portland State played well and beat us, but really are they THAT MUCH better????
Spazdog.07 said:
MSU JEALOUS OF ISU FOR HAVING KRAMER...NOW THAT WAS FUNNY!!!! He left our program in a MESS! Good riddance to bad rubish...I was DELIGHTED when I saw your dumb a** AD hired him. So funny how his LIP SERVICE pulls some of you stupid ISU fans in. And UP you better watch out, if I remember right, reading ISU's basketball site last year regarding Tingey's infamous booster friend, Bengal Cub and his hit :lol: squad do expose IP addresses of posters that DON :D 'T have the same opinion as them...it's a free country with freedom of speech but not on the Bengal Den..haha :lol:

Please let me be very clear on this... this poster, Spazdog.07 is not me. I've been an ISU supporter and posting on this board for years. Please do not confuse this person with me. Thank you!!
Again I will emphasize my points, MSU lost scholarships and practice time because of APR standards and has done just fine. What penalties has ISU been imposed that MSU didn't?

Kramer was fired for: Rampant drug problems with current and former players, assistant coaches drug and legal problems, and APR problems!

Jealous? Hardly! Agreed there were supporters upset about his firing, but many more that agreed with the decision and MSU is much better now because of that decision.
Fans do not want to hear about APR issues as that is an adminstration, coaches, student-athlete problem. Fans come to games to support their team and see their team win.

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