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Make sure you recruit good JC players that have an associate degree and have good grades. That problem is resolved, right?

There are plenty of players that come from D1A schools that are not getting the playing time they want so they step down to a D1AA team. Sacramento State had two step down players on defensive from USC and Nebraska and they were highly recruited players coming out of high school. Make sure you obtain good step down players with good grades. That problem is resolved, right?

You really do not need to give walk-ons scholarships to resolve the APR issues if you are recruiting good players with good grades coming out of high school, JC's, and step downs. Walk-ons are players that were not offered a scholarship so why should they be offered a scholarship later just to correct an APR issue? You earn a scholarship as a walk-on by being a good player and not because you are a good student.

Bottom line - head coaches and assistant coaches are the recruiters. Coaches are expected to win 50 percent of their league games within their 3rd year of coaching when taking over a program regardless of the APR problems, etc. All coaches know they must win to extend their contracts otherwise they expect to be replaced. Coach Zamberlin and Coach Kramer know that is part of the business, just ask them...
Next year we'll probably bring in just a few JC transfers; Kevin Yost, Justin Arias, Leki Fuapau, Kevin Park, and Thomas Graff all came from JC's or community colleges. And hopefully we'll be getting a few 1-A dropdowns as well.
boisebengal said:
Also Frank, I really like New Mexico's hire Bob Davie and the fact that he's using the triple option to try to move the ball and score points. He's turning things around down there faster than I anticipated!

I read a quote from Davie somewhere on the triple option at New Mexico... something like the triple option is the fastest way to turn a program around. Naturally, I thought of Idaho State. I really liked when PSU ran the option, the QB had some wheels and ISU had no answer.
boisebengal said:
Cub, I could be wrong about this, but I thought that any athlete needs an associate's degree in hand to transfer to any four year degree, whereas if they went to a community college then that's not the case -- they would just need so many credits. Maybe Frank would know about this. Also Frank, I really like New Mexico's hire Bob Davie and the fact that he's using the triple option to try to move the ball and score points. He's turning things around down there faster than I anticipated!

Call the coaches show Wednesday night and ask Kramer about the differences in what ISU can recruit from the JC level and what he cannot. Ask him to also explain the challenges that ISU is facing with regards to division one drops downs. He can explain it better than I care to type it.

Also ask him to explain the strategy of giving scholarships to walk-ons and how it helps the team fix APR issues. Ask him to explain the APR challenges that he as inherited and how it relates to the talent that fans see on the field.

Finally ask him to explain the differences between recruiting JC's in his first class and the NEW requirements that ISU put in place prior to the finalization of his second recruiting class.

Maybe Coach Kramer can make some sense to folks and explain it better than I can.
up for the challenge said:
Bottom line is when a program continues to lose you fill the weak spots with good jc players and step down players as the alumni, student body, and fans are tired of losing and losing big. There is no patience waiting 4 to 5 years down the road to maybe win games. I think somebody is wanting a long term paychek by trying to convince people that recruiting only freshmen is the way to go as he can always use the APR and we are young and inexperience excuses when we continue to lose and lose big.

See above. Call Kramer and ask him to explain it. You may just come away with a better understanding of APR and the challenges that it presents for Idaho State.
Too late... We should have just recruited JC players and step down players the last two seasons. Bring in a few good high school players every year and redshirt them while you continue to go after the JC players and step down players. That is how you build a program and have a winning program immediately. Incoming freshmen are not ready to play until they are juniors or seniors unless they are an exceptional talent. Never, never, give a walkon a scholarship unless they are the same talent or better than a full scholarship player...
That is not part of the plan that Idaho State submitted to the NCAA. ISU had to clear up the APR before they could ever think of winning another game. ISU was pushing it 3rd consecutive year of NCAA imposed sanctions. If ISU was penalized again, it could have jeopardized ISU's whole athletic department and ultimately could have cost Idaho State its ability to compete. This in turn could have cost Idaho State athletics its conference membership if things continued down the same path.

Why have things been done the way that they have been done? Because if they were not done the way they have been done and if the results were not at least VERY POSITIVE improvements to the NCAA, the landscape of Idaho State athletics could have been devastated.

Let me ask you this, if Kramer could have recruited exactly the way that you want him to, then why didn't he? The answer, because he could not--he had to build the program the way that he is trying to build it now. Your explanations of what should or could have happened are just plain to simplistic. Too bad it isn't as easy as playing armchair quarterback on a message board. If it were, ISU fans would be happy and the Bengals would never lose a game.
I do not why Coach Kramer recruited mostly freshmen. It is easier to qualify JC players and step down players. We cannot win with freshmen and walkons. We are now becoming the laughingstock in the BSC. Did you watch the game on the internet? The Portland announcers were having a field day with us.
In addition to ISU becoming the laughing stock of the BSC you are quickly becoming the laughing stock of this message board.

I wish you would stop for a second and realize why ISU cannot become DROP DOWN AND JC UNIVERSITY.
One of the major components of APR is the graduation of student athletes. That is why JUCO kids are a risk. Let me explain. When a JC kid comes in, he has 2 years of college under his belt and, let's be honest, usually a lot of "filler" courses that don't really count towards graduation. When he comes in, he is going to play immediately because we need him. and only will have 2 years here at ISU which makes it VERY hard to graduate. Graduation is critical to APR.

Compare that with a freshman who will be here for hopefully 5 years (with a RS year) and several years of summer school and graduation becomes a lot easier.

Drop down FBS players will usually lose a lot of credits in transfer and similarly have a difficult time graduating.

Why is this so hard for you (up for the challenge) to understand? Please study the full effects of APR penalties.
up for the challenge is not only the laughing stock of this message board, but the entire NCAA. Whoever the player is that is dating her needs to get his head on straight. It's no wonder why our O line struggles like it does. Can you imagine what this O lineman goes through dealing with her on a daily basis? up for the challenge has a motto" DONT CONFUSE ME WITH THE FACTS, I ALREADY HAVE MY MIND MADE UP"! I spoke with two of the Freshman who have contributed so far this year. They told me things are improving, and they aren't going anywhere. Winners dont quit!
Just a few thoughts for whatever they may be worth to you.

I've been told by people connected to college football, in the sense that they make their living by it, that regarding ISU and its history over the last 30+ seasons that it's going to take four years under Kramer to turn this around. Not two years, not three years but four years.

Yes the biggest single issue that gutted any chance for a "quick" recovery was the APR situation. Bad does not even accurately talk about it.

Mike Kramer is a three time Big Sky Conference Coach of the Year. You don't win that three times by luck. He knows what he's doing give him the time that he needs and I understand how hard that is, I do.

Let's put it this way. Who realistically do you think would want to step in and take over under these circumstances? Really...Chris Petersen isn't driving down from Boise and Bill Parcells a miracle worker supreme isn't coming to ISU.

We could have a mixture of Tom Osbourne, Bear Bryant,and Urban Meyer and we still aren't winning here YET. The STINK of the last staff will linger for years. Not up for the challenge if your boy friend isn't on board dont let the door hit him on the way out. I don't know who he is, but I DO KNOW he isn't SAVING the day.
You ask what team has had to deal with APR issues like ISU? Montana state when Kramer was fired! Many of have forgotten or didn't know the penalties MSU was under because of APR problems under Kramer's leadership! That was one of the reasons he was fired!

Have fun with what you have! Kramer began the year talking championship now making excuses, he not a coordinator, his first year at MSU as the O-Coordinator might have been the worst offense in the history of the big sky. Now is the D-coordinator of what might be worst defense in the history of the big sky! I will bet if you ask the defensive players I am willing to bet they are confused and not coached very well.

You know the saying "You can fool all the people some of the time, etc.". He is fooling most of the ISU fans if you think he is the answer.
letuknow - stay out of this one as this is a man's discussion. We will letuknow when you can say something.

1) Alot of JC players greyshirt their first year of college so they can play their second and third years of college. They have enough credits and classes to transfer to a major college after 3 years of JC. Is Yost, Arias, Henley, and Boyles a risk to APR or graduation? What makes you think other JC players or step down are a risk? I see plenty of JC players and step down players playing in the BSC. That is why they are winning.

2) I do not see too many freshmen from last year or this year redshirting. It looks like a lot of their redshirts have been burned. You cannot win with freshmen, sophomores, and walkons.. no way...

3) Most drop down players leave a D1A program after their freshmen or sophomore year so that is not a problem for them to transfer their credits and grades to ISU. They can go to summer school to catch up if needed.

4) I look for Coach Kramer not to renew some of his scholarship players at the end of season . He did this with some of Zamberlin recruits. He will be forced to go after JC players and step down players as he knows he has to have a winning season during his third season otherwise his job will be in jeopardy.
Montana, I see a lot of jealousy on your part with Kramer leaving MSU for ISU. Most MSU fans hold Kramer in very high regard. The main reason why he was fired there was because there were a few players that were involved in drug dealing, and everyone knows about that. In fact he took the university to court on that and won the case, and donated the money to charity. To help clean up the APR mess here he took away the d-coordinator position and used the money to hire a full-time academic advisor. Last year Kramer had other defensive staff members call the defensive plays. Kramer will be the first to take the blame and I'm thinking he probably will hire a full-time d-coordinator next year, since the academic side of things are taken care of nicely now. But he'll do whatever it takes to right the ship.
Ok, I have marked my calendar next Idaho State Bengals conference victory September 2015. I can hardly wait do you think it will be a big win or just a squeaker? Do you think we can expect more than one conference win that season or will we be easing in to winning :| ? I may wait that long before buying tickets to a game after next Saturday. I would be happy with not losing by three or more scores.
The life of a Bengals fan is not for the faint of heart. Victories are as rare as grass in the deep Sahara.
My son came up with our new slogan ‘we are just here for the nachos’.
NOT up for any challenge, if this is a mans conversation than what are you doing here? It is obvious you are a female that is dating a player on the O line. Congratulations you are the most UNEDUCATED person to ever post on the forum. You literally make yourself look like a BIGGER fool with each and every post.

Bengal tell your son who DOESN'T PLAY to pack up and move on. We need fighters and competitors. Your son is NEITHER

I would make a bet that when BengalCub checks the ip addresses from the new forum members they are all the same person or affiliated in some way. MTfootballfan,Bengal, and NOT up for any challenge your motives are obvious Just be honest with yourself and realize your family member, bf, or whatever he is doesnt have it.

I URGE all members on this board to IGNORE the IDIOTIC posts of these 3. You can't out piss a skunk.

Also when I find out who you are(very easy with IP addresses) I will let the players on the team know whose parents, gf's, are downgrading them.


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