Was at the game. The student section was loud and proud..was outstanding ..overflow. Ive never seen so many sitting above their section having to get kicked out for sitting in reserved seats because no where to sit in student section. Game was rowdy as it should be. MSU fans covered the shitty seats across the filed in and dotted around the stadium. Crowd was at its best i thought and i felt good! At times didnt have a clue how things were gonna shake out it was so exciting and had the feel cg at the end to win. The other things that were shaking were my nuts in expectation of a possible nut punch...and a nut punch it was.
There were some very bright points. Running game had their moment in the sun as did many receivers making nice play and GT had a solid game enough to win. i too thought we might see another QB . the play calling was questionable....questionable! they never threw a ball deep till ...i cant remember but they were throw short routes that they were defending well cause no pass was going over the top. smith had a GREAT day...great till...Why dont we pass to the tight ends more...they are playmakers..shit do it all game.
Crosby gettin hurt hurt, DEREK TOMMASINI JAREN BANKS were like stars...sometimes shined up the dark sky then sometimes couldnt find em...thought they played good. i think iy was SOLI PALESO'O who made his presence known and impressed me. bits and pieces...bits and pieces. Lucky mentioned we will be tough out and hes right. playing calling seemed restrictive on both sides and questionable at others. that was our win right in front of us. Have i mentioned our tough ass schedule? GO EAGS!