2nd time evacuating sporting event. We won and that's good cause we could have just as easily lost. It was obvious to me Coach Goerge used the cramping to slow down EWU that first half...EWU would start to get on a roll and then when in striking distance and going into no huddle...cramp city. As cheap as a few of their players were. That cramping issue imo save them some pts. The one time player was standing there looking around then flops...as a soccer official auto yellow card.
That team had some impressive speed, size and athleticism. QB/RB and play selection was good for them and losing that LB who got kicked out was a stud and that helped us.
EWU, thankfully looks like they can make plays off/def...can miss the mark sometimes but that's football. Don't remember giving up so many big plays. Don't know enough to say what happened functionally wise
GT is good and running that ball was throwing them off (was he our leading rusher?). They got stuck in that throw short plays and TS picked up on that and had some bad series. I'm confident with GT at QB and encouraged that he will get better.
Banks, Rice,Crosby, doyle and Johnson caught my eye as did a few others. Seems like we should use our TE's more in the pass game as they are really good. 3rd downs 7 of 16, don't know if that's good ,bad or average but what I do know Kokich is a good punter seems better than than last year. Place kicking hmmm while special teams looked vastly improved.