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Hinrichs is a candidate for Kansas AD


Active member
When you look at the athletic website you see our volleyball team kickin' ass as usual, the soccer team just won a tournament, our baseball and men's basketball teams had good seasons, we had our first D-I wrestling All-American, the renovations to the facilities look great and our football team looks like it may be taking the next step. Seems like Ol' Hinrichs didn't do so such a bad job here after all which is probably why he is a candidate for the job as AD for KU

Wow, hopefully he sticks around. I think he's done a pretty good job. Not perfect, far from it. But being an AD is a tough job.
How much credit is due to JH for this?

Seems we got Boyle in spite of him and I thought the facilities improvement stuff was done before him as well (but I could be wrong). No doubt that some of the teams (volleyball especially) have done really well in the move to Division I. No doubt that JH deserves credit for some of our success but I am not really sure how much.
there is no truth to the thought that "Tad was here in spite of Jay" Jay worked hard to get Tad what he demanded to come to UNC and then worked his ass off to double Tad's salary before Tad bolted for CU. Jay was responsible for makeing all the facility improvements actually happen. Student athlete's academics was a joke before he took over and there were many issues with coaches that he inherited that no one really knows about. He's not perfect but he's done a lot with a very small staff and a tiny budget.
The sooner he's out of here the better. IMHO he has been a terrible fit for the Bears, witness the destruction of the booster club, the poor booster relations. We could have been to this point 2 years ago with a more personable candidate.
I agree some bridges were burned but I also give him credit for cleaning up some of the messes with academics and I agree most of the coaches he jetisoned I wasn't too upset about... I'm not sure the facilty stuff is all his doing but he was the man in charge at the time so props for that I think ultimatly though the UNC "family" for better or worse is fairly insular and responds better to "one of us" and not some outsider.

So....... I'll start the rumors immediatly.

Anyone have Joe Glenn's phone number?
The renovations were all his doing. There were no plans for renovation until after I came to UNC, and JH was hired before I signed. I have seen firsthand that Jay has done an amazing job. I used to not be a fan, but through his actions, he turned me.
xbearsot said:
The renovations were all his doing. There were no plans for renovation until after I came to UNC, and JH was hired before I signed. I have seen firsthand that Jay has done an amazing job. I used to not be a fan, but through his actions, he turned me.

Thanks for the insight.
Yeah but is Jay Hinrichs the only guy that looked around and said "hey, these facilities built in the early 70's could use some improvement" no, not really, but if he raised the funds then I'd like to learn more about that, I know the state contributed quite a bit also for infrastructure improvements and the add ons were via private money but did Hinrichs go out and glad hand the boosters and raise the money? I have my opinion but it doesn't mean anything I don't have insider infortmation... But if we are calling his tenure a success due to the facilty items I can accept that but need to be convinced he made it all happen because it's great it did but it was loooooong overdue and very obviously and issue, so much in fact the Big Sky required a commitment to upgrades as a condition on entry into the conference so it wasn't some great revelation we needed to improve there.
I don't know I have to question Hinrichs latest hiring, in the hiring of the the new baseball coach. Here is a guy that was coaching at the D3 level, and from the what the trib reported, he was chosen over guys that had college and pro experience. On paper it doesn't look like a good hire, but I guess we'll have to see once the season rolls around.
xbearsot said:
The renovations were all his doing. There were no plans for renovation until after I came to UNC, and JH was hired before I signed. I have seen firsthand that Jay has done an amazing job. I used to not be a fan, but through his actions, he turned me.


The first package of facility upgrades (the one the students voted to pay for), was already in the works before Jay showed up, Bob Hetzel and others were the driving force behind that one, not Jay. The second and most recent round has been on the drawing board in some form or another for even longer (a facility master plan dated 2002 shows a renovation/expansion of BH), there was just no money to pay for it. I do not know the details of who pushed to get the state funding for the 2nd project, it may have been Jay, if so, nice work. However to say that the renovations were "all his doing" and there were "no plans for renovation" is simply not true.
Whatever happened to this, did Kansas make a hire yet? Do we still have hope? It might be the only way to get ride of Downer if Hinrichs is gone.
Blofeld said:
Whatever happened to this, did Kansas make a hire yet? Do we still have hope? It might be the only way to get ride of Downer if Hinrichs is gone.

Looks like it's a ways away:

"Evans indicated that it's possible the search is completed before the end of December."

KU will probably make a hire sometime in December. Hinrichs will not be the guy. I don't believe that he was every truly a candidate. He made a few initial lists mainly because he used to work there and is an alum.
bearhawk said:
KU will probably make a hire sometime in December. Hinrichs will not be the guy. I don't believe that he was every truly a candidate. He made a few initial lists mainly because he used to work there and is an alum.

I agree. That's probably why he's taking his time about making this football higher, because if he hires another Downing, it's his ass next.

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