BadlandsGrizFan said:Rjones61 said:BadlandsGrizFan said:Rjones61 said:palousecamo said:God, the title of this thread pretty much sums up that the entire EWU fan bas is a bunch of Vaginas. Good Football team, but everyone else involved are straight up tool-bags.hno: I expected better of you.
And this post sums up how pretentious and snobby Griz fans are. They feel as if they are entitled to every advantage possible in every game scenario. Sorry, but EWU fans made sure to maximize our home field advantage. Deal with it, FTG, and GFY.
This guy..saying EWU fans band together to accomplish something.... :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Just like the Pipedream Project :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Man you guys can really accomplish a lot when you ban together...first packing a high school stadium....than coming up with renderings for the Pipedream Project...whats next??? Functioning toilets in the women's bathrooms???? Ohhh the power of Eagle Nation :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
It's trolls like these that validate the success of our program. BadlandsGriz wouldn't be here trying to start a dick measuring contest in every way outside of actual football team talent if he wasn't feeling insecure.
No I do believe that EWU has more talent on the team this year than the I think that means you win this weekend..NO...what I make fun of you for is everything else you guys try bragging about which simply isn't true...the only place you guys are better than the Griz at is with the team on the field this year....and a better coach...after that its not even a conversation.
Amen, and really that is all the conversation is about.
Do you have more fans? Yes.
Do you have a bigger stadium and nicer facilities? Yes.
Are you the only show in town and benefit from not having to compete for $ and attention with WSU, UW, Gonzaga, shoot even UofI? Yes.
This makes it all the more exciting to know that we still somehow have more talent and a better coach. E-grizzers (yes, there is a distinction between egrizzers and UM fans) are left clinging to old series records, attendance, metal bleachers, made up drug issues, and anything else you can grasp at.
EWU is on the rise. Will it continue? Maybe, maybe not, there are a lot of factors in play. Either way, I sure hope we blow the Griz up on Saturday!