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Kelvin Krosch not even getting reps? Personal Vendetta?

He was academically ineligible last Fall. Was he in the Spring? If he has got his grades in order and is scheduled to graduate in December great for him. On Tingeys payroll? You can come up with something better that that can't you? :rofl: Again YOU ARE NOT HELPING HIM AT ALL!
I would think that the "CEO" will put the best players on the field. If you are a walk-on or 3yr. starter, no gimmeeees. You must prove yourself! Plain and simple! Coach K knows talent and it will show on the field
kelvin will play watch last yrs tapes he was one bright spot on the team and im sure the coach knows what he is doing and will use him!

Kelvin was dealing with both medical and academic issues in the spring. A player can be both ineligible and unable to play; it's not a foreign, unheard of concept.

This is unbelievable. This is the kind of bitter, stupid, bullheaded crap that needs to be fought. Hey, why worry about building a good football program, and a better university? We have bigger things to fry, like throwing around unsustainable, unprovable conspiracy theories because somebody's favorite isn't getting royal treatment. The only vendetta I see here is being harbored by a person who's name starts with the letter "T" Come clean, tigersblood/booster or whatever the hell you go by next. This is absurd, unsubstantiated and insulting. I don't care for your petty diatribes on how pure, hardworking, sacred and inviolable the local kids are. I don't care for other people's speeches on how great kids are from Cali, Washington, Texas or whatever. When they come here, they wear the same colors and play on the same turf. The best will play. It's not a dick move, it's not politics. It's not favoritism. It is fact.

But never mind me because I'm on Tingey's payroll...glad to know you're able to debate coherently...:roll:
Not a Tingey fan, never have been never will be. Not a superfan fan, never have been never will be. As I said, Thank you to the 4 recruits left from the Class of 2007! Fan of Krosch, Albers, Miller and Tyler, always have been always will be!
tigerblood said:
Not a Tingey fan, never have been never will be. Not a superfan fan, never have been never will be. As I said, Thank you to the 4 recruits left from the Class of 2007! Fan of Krosch, Albers, Miller and Tyler, always have been always will be!

Not to nitpick, but I believe Brad Shedd was also part of the class of '07.
Shedd walked on that year, was not originally on scholorship. Redshirted went through a spring and then fall. When he first came in he could not walk and chew gum. When I saw him that next fall I thought someone else was wearing his number. Somewhere in the off season he had learned to move his feet. What a story, ended up starting as a red shirt freshman.
Wasn't a Tingy fan, am NOW(new bball court, new field, Coach KRAMER :thumb: :clap: :rockon: Always been a SuperFan, always have always will! He bleeds orange and black! Class of 2007, 97,87,77 etc.. Im a BENGALS FAN ALWAYS HAVE ALWAYS WILL
Tigerblood if you arent a family member or a friend than how do you know so much about him? You know that " he has a very good job lined up", you know about his medical issues(which im not doubting) but your just a booster? :ohno:
I commend Krosch for staying around, and hope he keeps his grades up, earns playing time and contributes. As for Tiger's conspiracy theory that Tingey has persuaded Kramer to not play Krosch due to some personal vendetta, not a chance. Next subject.
Ok, since you are obsessed with my identity I will letuknow. I am great-great grandma Flo from Tillamazoo. Actually I was involved in a conversation with some other boosters and the topic of the Krosch family came up. We were saying we were disappointed that the younger brothers scholarship was pulled and someone had mentioned they had watched him play in a state high school game and how tough he had played. Then it was mentioned that the older brother, Chris had moved back to Pocatello and how he was real good friends to Jared Allen. Then the conversation went back to Kelvin and how ill he had been throughout this past year and then that he had played his first year with a broken wrist and waited until the season was over to have surgery and the next year had played with a leg or ankle injury and could barely walk at Weber State but finished the game. Then the conversation went to some other players that had the same heart as Krosch. AJ Storms, Benevides and Dustin Tew's name and others were mentioned. Then the conversation went to that it wasn't Zamberlin that signed Kelvin it was Larry Lewis and how he and Darryl Simons from Shelley had played basketball with the Idaho Select Team and everybody was surprised when they both signed to play football with ISU. Then it was mentioned that Kelvin would graduate in December and he had already been offered a job with______( if he wants you to know he will tell you). And on and on and on. So, letuknow, if you want to know if he wears boxers or tighty whiteys Grandma Flo does not know...you will have ask him that one.
End of story...Good Luck Bengals I am excited for a great year!
P.S. Here's a suggestion to Tuffgong from great-great grandma Flo from Tillamazoo: You probably should spend less time bashing ISU athletes on a public forum and spend more time in your office helping ISU athletes stay eligible and graduate. In case you haven't noticed ISU is in a mess with our APR!
tigerblood said:
P.S. Here's a suggestion to Tuffgong from great-great grandma Flo from Tillamazoo: You probably should spend less time bashing ISU athletes on a public forum and spend more time in your office helping ISU athletes stay eligible and graduate. In case you haven't noticed ISU is in a mess with our APR!

When did APR become his responsibility? Last time I saw Tuffgong, he was on Yellowstone wearing a statue of liberty costume.
An apology on my behalf as well as a stern warning:

I apologized to Kelvin earlier today concerning my lack of information regarding eligibility and such, and I am ashamed that for once, I was completely wrong about a particular situation. I also admit I have not paid as much attention to the practices (I'm usually chatting it up with BlackfootBengal, who is also there) as I should have and I am deeply regretful for my lack of foresight.


I would also like to issue a stern warning to that certain individual (who out of some respect and a desire to not let drama flames get out of hand, will remain unnamed...you know who you are) who reprimanded me for my lack of information, which lead to my apology earlier today, who will likely read this:

As much as it was deserved on my part, I will let you know. RIGHT NOW. Don't EVER solve problems by saying "we're not talking about it". If you want to let things fester, disinformation to spread and petty bullshit dramas to play out, go ahead and utter those words. But if you want to be taken seriously, solve the problem for the benefit of all parties involved, and actually be impressive, confront the problem head on. I do have a sneaky suspicion that this individual is connected with a certain poster who started this whole thread. If not, then I stand corrected. But if so...I will warn you right now: if you want to ever be taken seriously, stop hiding. Confront wrongdoing and inaccuracy, and do it in full. Don't dismiss the problem to be solved another day just to satisfy a self-inflated sense of righteous indignation. And when you DO decide to tackle the problem, do it head on. Preferrably in person. Man up. You'll gain more respect that way.

You know where to get my number, or if you want to do it on here, send me a personal message, or a PM on Facebook. Or an email. Shoot me one at [email protected]. Or come talk to me at work. It's not hard to get in touch with me. I suggest you do so, so that this issue can be buried and we can focus without this matter. I'll be waiting.

Despite my sincere apology, I do feel that this whole mess is unwarranted and sensational and ultimately detrimental to this cause of rebuilding a program. You don't help anything by baseless accusations. However, since I try to see things both ways...

If this "vendetta" is indeed true, which is highly unlikely, given the fact that this season only just started 2 weeks ago...then we need to completely annihilate the entire system of ISU athletics and start from scrap, if bothering to start it up again at all. You cannot build a house on rotten ground, never mind an empire on the rotten soils of dramas, vendettas, and the little games of politicking. Enough is enough. That goes for me, that goes for family members, that goes for girlfriends, hangers on, boosters and everyone who decides to involve themselves with ISU athletics: the games end here. If we all can't get past our own inflated egos, then to hell with the whole damn thing because it's a waste of time. I'd be happy to push the button if there was a remote.

I will stay on here long enough to read and respond to some posts, but I'm going to call it quits on here for awhile after that...as I promised Kelvin.
I have a suspicion that someone on this board doesn't have a clue who tuffgong is...seriously.
I think that not playing this spring hurt. I think health is in question. I also believe that his commitment may have been in question. I am not saying that these issues are right or wrong, but I believe it may be a part of the whole process.

With that said, I think Kelvin will win over the critics or should I say, he will prove that he belongs. I think that his heart and desire will earn him a spot in the rotation. He may not be one of the top three WR's on the field, but he creates mismatches and has a knack for making the big catch. He's going to be there, when it counts in my humble opinion.

Then again, what do I know... ;)

I like the kid and believe that he will succeed no matter what.

I also don't believe that Kramer and Tingey have a vendetta against the Krosch's. It is my understanding that Kole will be walking on to the team this season too. Correct me if I am wrong. This coming from a coaching staff that "wouldn't give him the time of day or even talk to him"...usually father time tells more truth than lies.
bengalcub said:
I think that not playing this spring hurt. I think health is in question. I also believe that his commitment may have been in question. I am not saying that these issues are right or wrong, but I believe it may be a part of the whole process.

With that said, I think Kelvin will win over the critics or should I say, he will prove that he belongs. I think that his heart and desire will earn him a spot in the rotation. He may not be one of the top three WR's on the field, but he creates mismatches and has a knack for making the big catch. He's going to be there, when it counts in my humble opinion.

Then again, what do I know... ;)

I like the kid and believe that he will succeed no matter what.

I also don't believe that Kramer and Tingey have a vendetta against the Krosch's. It is my understanding that Kole will be walking on to the team this season too. Correct me if I am wrong. This coming from a coaching staff that "wouldn't give him the time of day or even talk to him"...usually father time tells more truth than lies.

When the Cub speaks, the wise listen (the wiser drink a few beers and contemplate). Excellent post, agreed with everything. I'm ready to move on past this...it's still too early anyways! So let's move on and help build the new era. I just hope the coattail riders are ready to move on, too; formulating wild conspiracy theories is no way to help a kid. It only makes those perpetuating them look like their ego is hurt. Hopefully, I will see many of you at the scrimmage tomorrow. I will probably leave this place for a good while after the end of the week, once things have settled. It's time to go do manly things, being a diehard Bengal among that :)

Superfan, just wanted to let you know that I have no idea who jumped you (so your sneaky suspicions are just that, sneaky) but obviously they felt like they had to. And by the way THIS IS NOT ABOUT YOU SO QUIT TRYING TO MAKE IT ABOUT YOU. Once again THANK YOU TO THE 4 RECRUITS FROM 2007. And really Cub, HIS COMMITTMENT!!!!! Now that one is hilarious. AND I AM REALLY GLAD THAT TUFF TOOK GRANDMAS ADVICE AND IS STAYING IN HIS OFFICE AND NOT POSTING ON A PUBLIC FORUM. And VOTB you would be very suprised..SERIOUSLY!
Get a clue tigersblood. You join the forum less than a week ago and suddenly you know the identities of the posters on here. Are you dumb enough to think that if someone doesn't share your opinion of Krosch that they must be part of the ISU administration? VOTB knows who he is. As a matter of fact, tuffgong and I work for the same company (and it's not ISU). And he currently works in Stafford, VA (very far from any ISU athletic office).

Why don't we let the guys get on the field in an actual game before we start blasting the coaching staff and the administration?

1 question for you though. If you're just an average fan and booster, then why do you continually thank the class of 2007? Seems to me that you have some ties to someone in that class. I think you are the one who is trying to hide their identity, not Tuffgong.
I can't believe I gonna lower myself to talk to this clown who is at a very low level mentally, but I don't know if ISU has any positions based out in Northern Virginia where I've been the last 3 weeks. Cub, if you wouldn't mind backing me up, cuz my IP address will verify this.. Dude, please just do us all a favor and disappear..

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