An apology on my behalf as well as a stern warning:
I apologized to Kelvin earlier today concerning my lack of information regarding eligibility and such, and I am ashamed that for once, I was completely wrong about a particular situation. I also admit I have not paid as much attention to the practices (I'm usually chatting it up with BlackfootBengal, who is also there) as I should have and I am deeply regretful for my lack of foresight.
I would also like to issue a stern warning to that certain individual (who out of some respect and a desire to not let drama flames get out of hand, will remain know who you are) who reprimanded me for my lack of information, which lead to my apology earlier today, who will likely read this:
As much as it was deserved on my part, I will let you know. RIGHT NOW. Don't EVER solve problems by saying "we're not talking about it". If you want to let things fester, disinformation to spread and petty bullshit dramas to play out, go ahead and utter those words. But if you want to be taken seriously, solve the problem for the benefit of all parties involved, and actually be impressive, confront the problem head on. I do have a sneaky suspicion that this individual is connected with a certain poster who started this whole thread. If not, then I stand corrected. But if so...I will warn you right now: if you want to ever be taken seriously, stop hiding. Confront wrongdoing and inaccuracy, and do it in full. Don't dismiss the problem to be solved another day just to satisfy a self-inflated sense of righteous indignation. And when you DO decide to tackle the problem, do it head on. Preferrably in person. Man up. You'll gain more respect that way.
You know where to get my number, or if you want to do it on here, send me a personal message, or a PM on Facebook. Or an email. Shoot me one at
[email protected]. Or come talk to me at work. It's not hard to get in touch with me. I suggest you do so, so that this issue can be buried and we can focus without this matter. I'll be waiting.
Despite my sincere apology, I do feel that this whole mess is unwarranted and sensational and ultimately detrimental to this cause of rebuilding a program. You don't help anything by baseless accusations. However, since I try to see things both ways...
If this "vendetta" is indeed true, which is highly unlikely, given the fact that this season only just started 2 weeks ago...then we need to completely annihilate the entire system of ISU athletics and start from scrap, if bothering to start it up again at all. You cannot build a house on rotten ground, never mind an empire on the rotten soils of dramas, vendettas, and the little games of politicking. Enough is enough. That goes for me, that goes for family members, that goes for girlfriends, hangers on, boosters and everyone who decides to involve themselves with ISU athletics: the games end here. If we all can't get past our own inflated egos, then to hell with the whole damn thing because it's a waste of time. I'd be happy to push the button if there was a remote.
I will stay on here long enough to read and respond to some posts, but I'm going to call it quits on here for awhile after I promised Kelvin.