Eagle 1,
It is nice to have a player like BLM. I wouldn't argue about that. We have just as good players in our High School System in Wa. State. Coach Beau and his Coaches does an outstanding job recruiting them with what little Scholarship monies available. Don't get me wrong, if we see an opportunity to get more players from Katy,TX, or elsewhere, go for it.
The little scrimmage on Friday afternoon, was great. BLM didn't play, however the other 4 Quarterbacks were outstanding. It is nice having all those QBs, and they all look so damn great, miss Jeff Minnerly. We were worried about the weather, but the "MAN"up above made a great practice, keeping the rain to little sprinkles.
Spoke with Ben Kaplan, News 4, he did interview Jeff, he said there will be a Special on Jeff, Tuesday Evening @ 6 & 11pm. Hope many of us get an opportunity to see it. We had quite a bunch of young men watching the scrimmage, that really want to walkon in the Fall. I spoke with a Ricardo Tucker, RB from Kent, WA. he said he will be walking on, small but a well developed upper body, the way I looked many years ago. :lol: Watch your mouths.
Tom, hope you had a great trip to Oregon, and Seattle. You missed a great practice even if it was short. Spoke with Matt Johnson, his brother Zach had a successful surgery on his knee on Thursday, the knee wasn't as bad as they taught. They will be both ready in August when practice starts. Those are two studs when it comes to tackling and hitting. He said he can't wait to get into the tackling and hitting part.
Had one injure, Paul Ena, did something to his right elbow area, Trainers said everything seems ok. He was in a lot of pain, he will bounce back. Coach had to make a Defensive/Offensive player take a jog to the bleachers where Soccer Games are help, because of a little heated practice. When they returned they were breathing very hard.

Those young men are fighting for their positions, and I love seeing it. We don't it in games, it may cause us some penalties we don't want. Will keep their names secret, both Red Shirt Freshmen from last year. Will Katao #65 DL,Nick Stewart DL, Brandon Murphy Ol, Steve Forgette, #61,OL/Snapper, Ashton Miller #66 OL/Snapper, Russell Turpin OL, Cody Humphrey OL, and other players looked great. Left out somes names, however, olur Offense/Defense will be great. So much for my book. Have a great Summer. Go Eags! Vic