Pretty bold statement Beardown. Every team in Division I has it's "thugs" and "criminal types". Because of the pressure on D-I athletics, there are a lot of things where law enforcement turns the other cheek. It's not just a Montana thing now, is it ? CU and UNC were on that list of schools with problems at times over the past couple years, too, weren't they ? I could say the same thing about Downing with respect to the coaches issue and the player discipline issues the Bears had last season, but would that really be necessary ?
The Grizzlies have over 100 players listed on the team. We've had a bad year with respect to player discipline, but out of 100 kids, there are only 5 who've had the criminal problems, and they were IMMEDIATELY dismissed from the team. If Hauck behaved as you suggested, do you really think he would take this approach and dismiss the players from the team ? He and his recruiting staff look at character as well. And as far as recruiting kids with prior problems, what about giving a kid with problems a second chance ? The ones who had prior issues had these issues as high school teenagers. Didn't you make mistakes as a teenager ? Were you given a second chance to redeem yourself ?
As far as winning with thugs, that's a really cheap shot. I didn't see you post that statement on egriz, you would've been crucified for that one.
Just FYI, this is my first post ever on this site, I just signed up today. I have only ever posted on egriz, and I only use one screen name, jjj3rd, unlike some of the morons who post on egriz under multiple names.
Anyway, good luck to the Bears this week against PSU. Your team has started to look better, and I was really happy that you guys beat MSU a couple weeks ago, and took EWU and SAC to the edge. That hail mary by SAC really sucked.