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My fellow Bengal Den Brothers and Sisters.


Active member

I would like you to know that tonight I asked to be removed as a moderator of the BengalDen.

I have been a Bengal fan for 32 years and these years have been a very important part of my life.

However, I have realized that I am at a point in my life where I do not desire to be a supporter of Idaho State athletics. My post this evening were meant to be sarcastic and in doing so, I am confident that I took my final steps toward Bengal separation.

I DO NOT believe in the direction that this program is going and I have lost all patience with the excuses and lack of progress that I am seeing in the football program. I am sick of the excuses and I am tired of seeing this program fall to depths that have not been witnessed since the late 70's. I will not post here again nor will I follow the football program with such dedication from this day forward.

Even with my anger and frustration, I make no excuse for some of the things that I have said on here lately. Not only do I believe that I as a fan deserve better, I believe that YOU as a message board community deserve a moderator that has the commitment to stay positive.

For those that remain, you are the true Bengal fans and I optimistically pass (what I have left) of my Bengal Love onto all that can make use of it.

I appreciate all the friends that I have made in this community.

Good Luck,

Bengal Cub
Troy Briggs
Meridian, ID
Cub, you just need a break. Take deep breaths; do something different for a while. Don't cut the cord forever. Heck, I went to UCONN back when they would have made ISU look good. No one went to the games. Zero community support. They were a joke/ They kept at it. Kept recruiting and building. Today they are a good team.


ISU can do it too.
I hear ya dude, it ain't easy. However, I think the key is don't get too up when ISU wins, don't get too down when they lose. However, my Cub moment will be when ISU brings back a coach after an 0-11 campaign. :lol:
Cub, I don't think you need to pack it in like that. You are torn, it is evident.
I would just like to tell you, that I appreciate it when you keep it real.
I mean I wasn't offended by the 'v' word, but the post where you listed nothing but what seemed to be positive things was obviously not what you really were thinking.
Perhaps someone got to you and felt to post such a thing (regardless of which it was true or not) which didn't reflect your total feelings about tonite's game.

You are extremely insightful, take a few deep breaths over the next couple of days and regroup.
Nothing wrong with feeling the way WE do and discussing it hear in this...I will say it again...OUR FAN FORUM.

Don't resign the moderator position.

DON'T DO IT!!!! DON'T QUIT OR GO AWAY!!!!! (see - you went and made me use caps :evil: )

i love the bengals and it kills me when they suck - but that just makes it better when things do go well....

now.. its not like we're all gonna hug and shit - but seriously - stay as a fan and as the moderator

(just don't expect me to start singing cumbaya or anything okay?)
Let me clear this up, because I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea.

The last three weeks I have listened to the Coaches show and it has sickened me to death and really it has driven me away as a fan. Although many VALID arguments can be made as to the interpretation as to what is said--I cannot get past it. All I hear is a coach that makes excuses about the uphill climb that he has. All I want to hear is someone be accountable.

I want to hear a coach that understands the fans frustrations. I want to hear a coach that can admit that the turnover in the program is considerable and worrisome. I want to hear a coach that does not make an excuse for the schedule and does not make reference to the scheduling done under Larry Lewis as being more favorable. When a player says that they sometimes take plays off, I don't want a coach that says that the player was misunderstood and that they need to be more careful what they say around the print media. Furthermore, I don't want a coach that gets defensive when he is pressed on the issue or any other issue for that matter. I simply want a coach that asks for support and doesn't hide or use a programs history as a crutch, when the going gets tough. I don't see that at all and to top it all off, it seems like employees of the university spend too much time on this board trying to sway public opinion and do damage control.

In the past (pre-moderator) I would get on this board and totally attack anyone that had anything negative to say about Idaho State. Now, I have done a complete 180 and I believe that folks should be allowed to say whatever they want as long as they do it under one username.

As a moderator, I see too many things. I don't want to see it anymore. I am tired of this message board being treated as a pariah to Idaho State University.

Now back to me. I have evolved into a bitter fan and I spend more time than ever trying to discredit the program that I grew up loving. That is pretty damn disgusting, I know. Not only that, I find myself wanting to call for Coach Zamberlin's job and I really struggle with that feeling. I really, really feel horrible about these things.

Please understand, I just don't want to live and die with the Black and Orange anymore. Seriously, I have lived it for so long and I just don't want to be knee deep in it and so influenced by it. Folks may not agree with me and may say that I am not a true fan and I respect that. I think for people to understand me, they need to understand how much ISU has meant to me in my life and how much is does affect me on a daily basis. Crazy, I know.

I need to walk away or get away because I am starting to do more damage than good. I understand that and regret it.

Sorry for the babble...
I really hope that the ISU athletic department doesn't rely on the opinions of this board to make decisions on how to run their programs. With very few exceptions, I don't know who the posters are, relative to their influence with or positions within ISU. However, if you took all the people I've seen posting on here since I joined this board, we could be herded into one section of the Holt and it'd look like Section A did yesterday - pretty damn empty. In fact, the whole north side looked pretty damn sparse!
Hopefully, this isn't anything more than it should be - an electronic water cooler or barstool to talk about ISU sports.
And, very hopefully the purpose of this board is kept in perspective for the posters and for ISU.
See you at the Northern Colorado game in two weeks and I'll be listening to the Sac State game this week.
Go Bengals and all you fellow fans!
Cub, you're VERY much appreciated by 99% of the people on here, and I certainly hope you reconsider. I can understand how frustrating it can be, however. My two cents...

On the old board, it often seemed like it was "damned if you do, damned if you don't." I received private messages from some people who claimed that too much negativity was being posted, and they claimed it was hurting ISU. On the other hand, my inbox was also filled with messages from those who cursed me for "censorship" and for "supressing the truth." I had messages from people inside ISU asking for posters' identities (they never got them), and I had messages from people who insisted the board should be used to sway opinion (i.e. fire or hire certain coaches). I could go on and on -- it really does feel like you're getting pulled in 100 different directions.

There is always a troll who gets on board, creates several identities, and offers nothing. His goal is to light a fire and watch it burn. Ban 'em! Especially after being warned, they don't get much sympathy from me. It's a privately owned/run board -- that person can go elsewhere if he wants to.

It's a FAN message board. This board is meant for the FANS to talk about the program, to share stories, to vent, to armchair quarterback, to revel in those far few victories... 99% of the regular posters on here love ISU and want it to succeed. God knows ISU can use all the exposure it can get. I agree that there are some coaches and ISU staff members who are spending way too much time here. While the underlying intent of a fan board should be to positively promote the school and its teams, it shouldn't become an unofficial mouthpiece of the university. That's what ISUBengals.com is for.

Take a few days off, Cub! We'll be here waiting! You and Roar are doing a fine job! 8-)
I don't think i need to discuss what has already been discussed or commented on in the last 2 weeks. But when i read that a player said (they) quit on plays it makes me wonder? If he didn't mean what he said then what did he mean? When i read today about a player questioning an OC and wondering about the play calling as a player, it makes me wonder? Something is wrong with this picture and i have no faith in the football program anymore. I want a program that i can support. The fans/community are getting short changed.

We have accepted losing. We have accepeted being beat at home on our own turf game after game. There is not home field advantage anymore. I have defended this program for years and i have done my part to get new fans and neighbors there like last week and we didn't come through again. They look at me and say "same old bengals" and then they run away and hide for 2-3 more years.

We need to throw more money or something at the program? These coaches are very nice individuals and i feel so bad for them and the players. Maybe they are giving all they can? Sure they don't want to lose but these days it is a tough gig to be College football Coaches with losing seasons. What ever happens I wish them the best. I hope they can turn it around. I really do. Just for the future (IMO) when you get rid of a coching staff you need a clean slate. Let the new coach bring in all new blood and all new ideas. Leaving old staff around creates for old habits that didn't work and that you have tried before.

I remember going to San Diego -Kentucky-UNLV-Oregon St.-Portland St. Montana-MSU and a whole bunch more trips and they were fun and met a bunch of great people. Good eats with good company. I will remember those times.

I am tired with ISU football for now and want to focus my time and energy on other things. I will be at some hoop games for sure. I actually was getting tired last year but i gave it another year. I am still a fan. Just not a very good one i guess? I just need a break. Call me a bandwagon call me whatever but i truly tried to be the best fan i knew how. Thanks for everyones comments in the past about ISU(good-bad and ugly) It means you care! You guys and gals are awesome! GO BENGALS!!!
With apologies to all for 'crying wolf' I am back.

Let me just be frank with all of you, Friday night I got a horrible kick in the balls from a member of the ISU athletic department. I got undressed with regards to the damage that I had done to the program (player retention and APR) as it pertained to team morale and future recruits. It tore into me and it really hurt me deeply.

Anyhow, I see the support on this board, my e-mail has been going crazy. my phone has been ringing and I have even heard from folks in the local media.

The thing that is tough about being in charge of a forum like this is the things that go on behind the scenes. Truthfully, what is seen on this message board is just a fraction of the whole equation. I will leave it at that.

My pledge to each and everyone on this board--from now on, I am going to be a fan first. If I want to criticize I will and if I want to show love I will as well. My first job is to be a fan and I don't owe Idaho State University any explanation for how I feel.

This is a forum for the fans, owned by the fans--a private message board with its own pulse.

Demand more and do not accept excuses.
Nope Roar, leaving is not an option. You can take a small break, but this community needs the LOVE FACTOR that only you can bring.
A break is a wonderful thing. I did after a few bad apples took out their frustrations on the Portland State women's basketball team last year (and oh boy did I go off on those guys). That outburst and subsequent anger at that kind of slight against a team that did nothing wrong led me to take a nice, 2 game (1 week) break.

Cub, I've been kicked in the balls, rightly so (after giving the Montana fans the finger two years ago...of course, they were doing the same thing so who am I to back down from a challenge on my own turf?) and wrongly so (I remember Paul Bubb going off on me very harshly after I was honestly entertaining the Weber fans 2 seasons ago at a men's basketball game. The Cat fans and I had a great laugh about it after that game). However, the important thing is is to just keep coming back and getting after it.

Yeah the football team is mind-bogglingly inept at times and trust me, it drives me crazy at times (see? I'm no blind idiot). But it's inevitable that things will turn around. They will, you just have to have faith that they will.

A break is great, Cub. Take this as a bye week. No shame, I've done it before and will likely do it again at some point.
bengalcub said:
With apologies to all for 'crying wolf' I am back.

Let me just be frank with all of you, Friday night I got a horrible kick in the balls from a member of the ISU athletic department. I got undressed with regards to the damage that I had done to the program (player retention and APR) as it pertained to team morale and future recruits. It tore into me and it really hurt me deeply.

Anyhow, I see the support on this board, my e-mail has been going crazy. my phone has been ringing and I have even heard from folks in the local media.

The thing that is tough about being in charge of a forum like this is the things that go on behind the scenes. Truthfully, what is seen on this message board is just a fraction of the whole equation. I will leave it at that.

My pledge to each and everyone on this board--from now on, I am going to be a fan first. If I want to criticize I will and if I want to show love I will as well. My first job is to be a fan and I don't owe Idaho State University any explanation for how I feel.

This is a forum for the fans, owned by the fans--a private message board with its own pulse.

Demand more and do not accept excuses.

That is exactly what I was talking about.
Nice choice Cub.
Like Roar and I mentioned above....this forum belongs to the fans.
You do a great job.
I know you have and will continue to be a big supporter of this program.
Don't let anyone try to tell you to change your feelings for the sake of making them look good.
This is an independant fan board. Administration, coaches, SID's come and go, residents, Alumni and Fans stay for a long time.
Its tough now - we voice our opinion - if some dont like it maybe its time for them to go elsewhere - Reality is not comfortable, fix the situation and maybe the board will be kinder but really 3-38 E W and lose to a d2 school and thats just football.
The link says
The Bengal Den (A Fan Owned Message Board)
I guess the person who "kicked" you didn't read that. That person has choices:

If he is a member of the Athletic Department he can have the linked pulled off the site,
He don't have to click on the link and read what is said here,
He can recognize the frustration of the fans, and appreciate that people are still fans and care enough to talk about the football team and ISU sports in general.

This blog belongs to the fans not ISU Athletics, Frank is the voice of ISU athletics, not this blog. Club, you haven't stated anything that isn't true about the action on the field.
I'm glad your staying, I don't know you personally but I see that you are a person who cares about ISU athletics. Hang in there.........

Let me throw in my one-and-a-half cents here...

If you all think I'm too close to the program I will quit posting things on here unless it's stories, etc. I AM paid by the athletic department, but I'm as much a Bengal fan as anyone else (I never have, nor ever will root for my alma mater against ISU)...I just know that I'm in somewhat of a compromised position.

Cub...you are making the RIGHT decision by staying. After Saturday night's game I went home and stayed up until two in the morning. One of the things that helped is that I watched the end of RUDY. YOU are one of my Rudys...

I worry that some people give too much power in their minds to this board and the things that fans say. That doesn't mean I won't bring things up in conversations with coaches, because I think many opinions here are shared by a lot of people...some aren't. But it is a fan board...post away...don't be stupid enough to be a troll...and respect those that disagree with you.

votb, cub and anybody else who is thinking about 'leaving' - don't do it.

we all benefit from other views - even if we don't agree

votb - i have never gotten the impression you were offering opinions or perspective that would best be kept out of here - in fact you can be infuriatingly even handed ( :evil: ) - but that balance you bring and the 'insider' perspective is great -

don't leave, don't change and don't stop posting
JERRY ALLOUISIS MILLER--you are welcome to be a HOMER in this forum whenever you would like. I don't want anyone on this board to stop posting. What I wanted is for the folks that sign up and send me BULLSHIT PM's--to leave myself and the rest of us alone.

Now look, I would be lying if I said that I never disagree with you--but we debate those things here and that is where it stays.

You know that I love both you and Bradley, c'mon now!!!
bengalcub said:
JERRY ALLOUISIS MILLER--you are welcome to be a HOMER in this forum whenever you would like. I don't want anyone on this board to stop posting. What I wanted is for the folks that sign up and send me BULLSHIT PM's--to leave myself and the rest of us alone.

Now look, I would be lying if I said that I never disagree with you--but we debate those things here and that is where it stays.

You know that I love both you and Bradley, c'mon now!!!


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