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nice win BENGALS!


Active member
Glad we started the year out with a win and happy we kicked off BSC the same

we are in deep trouble if we continue to play this way, I will say this AGAIN!

whoever is in charge of developing our big men should be fired

whoever is in charge of creating this so called offense we run should be fired

We desperately need a flow to our offense, we have the players, everyone of them has shown they can make shots, defend, and rebound, yet we are more often than not standing around not sure of what to do, or worse waiting for someone to do something, either way we end up struggling for basic buckets

we should have had a field day in the post today, stucki, row, busma I dont care who, but they should have been set up by the coaches to destroy the opponent, yet we dribble the air out of the ball and then try something last second

ISJ Live Blog Transcript By Tim Flagstad:

15:21 first half: Idaho State’s offense is perplexing right now. Northern Colorado’s biggest player on the floor is 6-foot-7, yet the Bengals have looked inside to 7-footer Deividas Busma exactly once so far, and even then he wasn’t in position to score. Still, Idaho State has a lead, although Jabril Banks is at the line for two shots for the Bears.

7:19 first half: Idaho State is leaving too many shooters open on the perimeter.

Halftime: Idaho State pulled ahead and had the chance to build a nice cushion before half, but it imploded on the offensive end, and Northern Colorado capitalized to take the lead at intermission. Kal Bay leads the Bengals with 11 points, while Will Figures leads the Bears with 10 points. Idaho State is shooting 47 percent from the field; Northern Colorado 40. Neither team can hit free throws. The Bengals are 6-of-10 from the line thanks to three in a row Bay hit after being fouled on a 3-pointer. The Bears are 4-of-7.

15:03 second half: Idaho State’s offense isn’t very good. No movement. Too much trying to beat people off the dribble. It’s only a four-point game because UNC can’t make a shot.

12:17 second half: It’s a very strange dynamic going on right now. Idaho State can’t score in the halfcourt, yet it doesn’t have a transition game. This is ugly.

3:50 second half: It looks like it’ll be another close finish, but heading into this media timeout, the Bengals’ offense fell apart.

Overtime: Idaho State fans are continuing the baffling trend of leaving the game when it’s entering overtime. Anyone know why fans insist on leaving? Makes no sense. Why sit through 40 minutes and then leave at the end of regulation. Ridiculous.

Final: Well, Amorrow Morgan indeed took the shot. He missed. Deividas Busma got the putback at the horn. Game over. Not pretty, but it’s a win.

we must take the time to create a real offense we can trust and rely on going forward, that must start immediately!

disappointed in the turnout today, great day for basketball in Pocatello come out and support these guys! they DESERVE the support!

It is a very frustrating offense to watch, but apparently (from listening to Coacah OB on the post-game interview) exactly what OB wants.
A total of four shots from Busma and Steijn combined against a team that was big time undersized--left me scratching my head.

The offense irritates me, but I am more irritated with how long it takes the Bengals to actually initiate the offense. Idaho State shot 52% from the field, but turned the ball over 20 times and took 12 less shot than the Bears. Four consecutive TO's in OT and a seven minute or so dry spell in the first half made this game closer than it ever should have been.

This team looks very tired. Six games in twelve or so days was a bad idea, especially over the holidays. Expect O'Brien to play everyone possible at Kansas State and try to get the team rested for Eastern Washington and Portland State.
VOTB will play the role of "post devils-advocate" in this thread.

I totally understand your frustration with ISU's offense in the game today. But do you SERIOUSLY believe that in practices the coaches are telling the kids to "keep your spot and wait for the ball-handler to make something happen!"???

Today we scored on over half of the shots we took. We also turned the ball over 20 times, MOSTLY on LAZY or telegraphed passes that should never have been made. I still maintain our biggest problem is that we don't have an experienced "true point guard" that runs the offense CONSISTENTLY. We have a bunch of 2's that trade off setting up plays. I also reiterate that we're not a good team at setting screens, which makes it harder for cutters (guys who actually run our set plays) to get open. That part can use more emphasis by coaches. If you take the time to attend practices, you'll discover that we have a number of offenses that we run and work on, then in games we execute fairly well when we don't turn the ball over.

I made this point in the postgame interview with Joe that we turned the ball over 20 times and UNC didn't average quite a point per turnover(19), yet we scored 20 points off of their 13 TO's, which would seem to indicate we're fairly effective taking advantage of UNC's miscues tonight. One thing you must not overlook is that our defense IS PART OF OUR OFFENSE. It's a real tangible that is often overlooked.

I invite any of you to come to a practice and see what the team works on...rather than just throwing out blame and calling for coahes to be fired. IMHO. (Just doing my job as understudy to the "administration's press secretary").

the defense is only part of the offense if WE FRICKIN score or use it to set up transition

to answer your question about practice - NO, BTW according to Coach Obrien there is NO SUCH THING as a bad past in the post!

I dont believe the players respond that way, I too have been at practice and we DONT work on anything that resembles an offensive strategy, we work on SET PLAYS! you see we should from the moment we inbound the ball have players moving, cutting, setting screens, back cuts when the defense overplays etc...yet we dont, we run a "SET OFFENSE" one that has players running to spots and then if the first pass SET doesnt work we are LOST! we have NEVER ran a secondary break, ever!

votb, I would hope you would be as critical of the staff as you are the players, especially when your on the radio

you and every person who put out pre-season commentary regarding this team said it would be a reflection of the coach, I would say if that is true, our position today and offensive inadequacies are a direct reflection of him and he needs to examine his strategy, I WOULD NEVER CALL OUT A PLAYER who is by every account doing what the coach said to do

if we are no good at setting screens isnt that a function of the offense, the "true PG argument is a joke" thats for people who dont understand basketball, we have serviceable players at that position and if we have ANY coaching skill at all we should be able to draw up REAL offensive game plans that carry over game 2 game, WHY ARENT THE BIG MEN playing like big men? how did Steve Nash go from perennial average player to MVP of the NBA did he grow another limb? no he ended up on a team where they capitalized on his skill set! same player yet MVP all of a sudden, we have players on this team at every position that are not being utilized to their fullest potential and you would rather make excuses

if the bigs were showing up game in and game out the guard situation would be amazing, we would have huge assist numbers going to big men layups, lastly we are only getting the BEST shooters or scorers on the team 8-10 shots a game, that wont cut it, we need 12 - 15 shots minimum

hey its not just me anymore pointing out the obvious, its everywhere, local media, national media, its all the same, we have NO offense
10 -12,13 passes per possession ARE YOU KIDDING!

Oh my God, I have NEVER heard a coach state they want to see that many passes in order to score, no wonder the players are wore out on offense
Great job guys!!!

I brought the whole family and we had a blast.

Better late than never- you guys showed up and played the game.

Just some humble observations:
My husband made a great point- the reason we get a lot of turnovers is because the wings aren't getting open- the man/man offense is too predictable and easy for opposing team to read. They know where the pass is going so they can jump the pass. Also, our passing is so sloppy- or seems this way because of the circumstances we are forcing our players to pass in.

It was great to see Amorrow working the lane- Busma getting important boards--and even though stucki didn't have his best game, he was still a leader out there on the court.

Congratulations on a conference win!
Looks like a Princeton style offense to me--but what do I know?

I just want to see the ball end up in the post once or twice in most possessions. I hate to see 7 foot guys hovering around the FT line.

I don't care if they pass it 30 times--just feed the post more often.

Nice post Love, a conference win is a conference win.
votb said:
I still maintain our biggest problem is that we don't have an experienced "true point guard" that runs the offense CONSISTENTLY. We have a bunch of 2's that trade off setting up plays.

VOTB, I find your comment interesting. I thought I would research what each of our four "2-guards" were reputed to be coming out of high school:

Amorrow Morgan was called a "swingman:"


Donnie Carson was seen as a "wing guard:"

Matt Stucki was projected as a "Guard/Forward:"

Kal Bay, on the other hand, was definitely a "point guard:"


Granted, high school was high school and this is D-1 college ball, but Kal was a good HS point guard and was highly regarded (ranked as high as #40 in the country by one recruiting service).
CUB, I hope we improve, not sure we will, but I HOPE WE DO

confusing, you said; The offense irritates me, but I am more irritated with how long it takes the Bengals to actually initiate the offense.

then you said you dont care if they pass it 30 times......

I know you want to see us move the ball efficiently in the post and on the perimeter, so I am sure that was out of frustration

if we could get a offense working, these players are GOOD! man we would win games by 20 instead of every other game OT

Grimm interesting!
Votb - I have been to several and i mean several practices since O'brien has been here.. I think he is a good coach.. Just what he (since he is the head coach) runs on offense i think they need to go in a different direnction... I know that Swanson implements majority of the offense and it might have worked overseas but its not very effective... They run the same sets over and over.. Tooo Predictable... Guys need to work on getting open before catching the pass.. Set their man up.... very simple.... you can't stand on offense and hope to move the ball around when the defense is playing man....

and why we don't get the ball into the bigs i have no clue... well i know that if they are Swinging the ball around the top of the key or at the high post it definately eliminates post up opportunities..

These offensive sets are geared around the guards.... not a lot of opportunities for the bigs.....

You take what the defense gives you...

Well we had size down low and didn't take advantage of it

Good Win

Hope the guys get some rest
I look forward to your point-by-point refutation of protege!

protege said:
1) the defense is only part of the offense if WE FRICKIN score or use it to set up transition

to answer your question about practice - NO, 2) BTW according to Coach Obrien there is NO SUCH THING as a bad pass in the post!

I dont believe the players respond that way, I too have been at practice and we DONT work on anything that resembles an offensive strategy, we work on SET PLAYS! 3) you see we should from the moment we inbound the ball have players moving, cutting, setting screens, back cuts when the defense overplays etc...yet we dont, we run a "SET OFFENSE" one that has players running to spots and then if the first pass SET doesnt work we are LOST! we have NEVER ran a secondary break, ever!

votb, I would hope you would be as critical of the staff as you are the players, especially when your on the radio

4) you and every person who put out pre-season commentary regarding this team said it would be a reflection of the coach, I would say if that is true, our position today and offensive inadequacies are a direct reflection of him and he needs to examine his strategy, I WOULD NEVER CALL OUT A PLAYER who is by every account doing what the coach said to do

5) if we are no good at setting screens isnt that a function of the offense, the "true PG argument is a joke" thats for people who dont understand basketball, we have serviceable players at that position and if we have ANY coaching skill at all we should be able to draw up REAL offensive game plans that carry over game 2 game, 6) WHY ARENT THE BIG MEN playing like big men? how did Steve Nash go from perennial average player to MVP of the NBA did he grow another limb? no he ended up on a team where they capitalized on his skill set! same player yet MVP all of a sudden, we have players on this team at every position that are not being utilized to their fullest potential and you would rather make excuses

7) if the bigs were showing up game in and game out the guard situation would be amazing, we would have huge assist numbers going to big men layups, lastly we are only getting the BEST shooters or scorers on the team 8-10 shots a game, that wont cut it, we need 12 - 15 shots minimum

hey its not just me anymore pointing out the obvious, its everywhere, local media, national media, its all the same, we have NO offense
I meant it the way I said it. Lately, Idaho State seems to walk the ball up the court and hold the ball out top for a long time before the offensive players can get it the right places to begin the set.
I'm surprised as well, that we didn't particularly play very well against a mediocre team. We were very fortunate to win this game, just as we were fortunate to win the Idaho game. And we can't be struggling like this against most of the Big Sky teams like this, when we've played very well at times, against much tougher preseason competition. Against a team like No. Colorado, we should have been up by about 10 or 14 or so most of the game, instead of being behind most of the game and fighting for our lives. I wonder how we'll do the rest of the season. O'Brien is in the last year of his contract, and at season's end, Jeff Tingey will need to make the decision as to whether to keep him for another year or so, or to try to find another coach. I think the latter option may be the best bet for this program.
Bless all of you for your passion. I'm posting from my cell phone, so pardon me if this is brief.

I feel the wolves are circling.

I'm paid by ISU to call games and support our FB and Basketball players and coaches.

I don't "call-out" players during games, but I do say when they make mistakes that are obvious. How can I possibly criticize a coach if I don't know specifically what it is they want the players to accomplish at a given time? I'm not invited into their time-out huddles (something that doesn't seem to stop most of you, however).

Rhino...I have no inclination to take the time to answer all of Protege's points tonight. We are leaving the hotel at 5 in the morning for K-State.

If you all care so much about the success of this team, get your butts into Joe's office and let him know how obviously wrong he's doing things, and that he could fix it all by firing Swanny and Alexander. By the way...are any of you willing to take the jobs, and the heat that goes with them? You seem to have all the answers. Or maybe you know who he should hire?

I mean really, we should get rid of the coach that has us at 17-16 into his 3rd league season, after we went years without even making the tourney?

Go ahead and tell Jeff Tingey to broom this staff...but you'd better have the name of the right replacement ready for him.

Or maybe we should just solve it by playing "certain" players more. Some of you seem to think that's the fix-all.

Bottom line? Unless your motives are based on your favoritism for any certain player, do the right thing and go to Jeff or Joe. If your TRUE motives are based on a certain player, you really don't care about the "team". I'm not saying any of you are one way or the other, just that if the shoe fits, wear it.

I'm going to bed...have to get up at 4:15. Maybe I'll get to a PC tomorrow, can rant some more a lot faster. I'm sure you'll all enjoy that. Tonight I'm just tired of people not satisfied with wins...but have to have 15-20 point wins...and only with certain lineups.

votb, I havent seen anyone suggesting certain players or lineups in this thread, frankly thats a red herring, I dont know why some on here always want to go there, the local media said we have an anemic offense, do they have a certain player or lineup in mind? ESPN said they dont know what kind of offense we run, little or no transition , yet not much in the half court, are they pleading for lineups or certain players, get over that BS, we need help and help in a hurry for our offense!

I nor anyone on here that I have read has said they weren't happy with a win, it is just terribly clear at this point we will suffer big time if we do not address the offense, end of story, spin this how ever you wish, try and paint me and anyone else with the anti - bengal brush, it wont last, we will still be here years from now, hopefully witnessing a resurgence of sports at ISU we so desperately deserve

why is it that if you say it its is gospel and if someone questions it, they are anti bengal

calling out players in the heat of the moment is no different than calling out a coach, you have no idea what they were trying to do, or what the players had in mind, NONE of us do
votb - O'Brien said it himself on the postgame interview: "This team has so much potential!:

Those of us who criticize the current staff do so because we agree with O'Brien! We want this team to reach its potential!

Again and again, fundamental basketball principles are ignored by the coaches.

Again and again, these shortcomings are pointed out by posters on this board.

Why do you have a problem with that?

votb, I DON'T UNDERSTAND ??????

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