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nice win BENGALS!

VOTB, that is a cogent and articulate post, one of the best I've read.

Maybe we all just need to take a deep breath here, step back, let the coaches coach and the kids play.

I'm content to chill for a bit now and see how it all shakes out.

Anyways, let's hope for a team that improves steadily from here on out!

This team can be very good if and when it fires on all cylinders!

Go Bengals!
I agree with Spearmint. There ARE issues on offense, I'm not blind. I think we can become more fluid and refined on offense, and I'd love to see our posts beat some guys around like a punching bag, as God intended them to do.

But I think ultimately, the best course of action is to make some serious noise and mess with the other team's heads. It's fun, ask Maryland fans :)
spearment - you state that

'I believe criticism is VITAL to improved performance! I for one, WELCOME criticism in my daily life, because I know it pushes me towards perfection!'

and yet your login name and avatar are that of a strip club..... nice move towards perfection
votb said:
My whole point is that players read this board, and if they read a board where people are talking about why coaches should be losing their jobs...it can cause problems. How are they to know a poster "didn't really mean it" when he said the coaches that come up with the offense and that coach our BIGS should be fired? That wasn't included on this thread until just recently.

Let's assume they were sure that Protege meant to fire the coaches--I don't believe the players OR coaches are lemmings- if they adopt our opinions and perspectives, they are abandoning their own valuable points of view. Honestly, Protege's comments are only valuable on this board where people are just venting and discussing their frustrations...those in positions to make these big decisions obviously make them on other grounds, not based on what an anonymous poster writes. Why do so many of you find his post threatening? Unless it is true, I don't see why it should be taken personally...Spartan continues to reference me as "Pat" from saturday night live (whether it's actually funny or not is a different subject altogether)---do I wonder if I'm female or not, based on that comment? Not unless I have my own doubts...three kids later, i'm pretty sure of my sex, let alone my orientation.

votb said:
...Again, my only point is that when a team struggles offensively the way we have at times, let the players and the coaching staff figure it out in practice and on the court. It's fine to let the coaches know about your frustrations and aggravations, AND there are other ways to do it besides posting it on a board that players read.

Believe me, our frustrations spill out in other situations besides this board. I'd talk about it to my hairdresser for 3 hours while she bleaches my hair, if I thought it wouldn't bore her to tears.

Regardless, what is this board for anyway? I know it isn't meant for the players and coaches because they are discouraged from posting here- even the managers are. Part of the job these coaches have accepted, is a public role where scrutiny is ever-present. I was reading a book about John Wooden once and about his wife's frustrations regarding the negative press. He was arguably the best coach ever! I'm sure OB has a thick skin- if not, then this little community of posters are helping him gear up for the next level in his career that will inevitably come. I give the ISU sports administration more credit than you do, it seems. The cream does rise to the top, regardless of our opinions.

votb said:
In this very thread after Protege posted his two paragraphs calling for coaches' jobs, all of a sudden we see other posters thinking maybe that's not such a bad idea, too.

You are inadvertently characterizing my point of view in a negative light yourself. I am assuming you are referencing me here? If not, apologies in advance. I never endorsed the idea that any of the coaches should be fired. I merely pointed out a fact of life, that if you aren't getting the job done, you get fired. How many more seasons of zero offense is acceptable? Well, that's up to the bosses- (where my original point about the Broncos was coming from). I think that is a fair assessment. If I am dead wrong, enlighten me.

My brothers went to law school and have techie degrees-way too nerdy to be basketball players... I just love basketball. In fact, if you looked hard enough, you could find out who I am--based on previous posts--and know for yourself that I'm not related to any of the players. I do care how this team does. I drove all the way to Portland last year, pregnant, with two toddlers to see these guys play.

I want to also note that the past few interviews that OB has done have impressed me. He is taking a very humble approach that will no doubt effect the players and other coaches. Humility is a powerful virtue, especially in coaching.

No...I wasn't referencing you...there was another poster that took the idea and ran with it. And I think I would like to hear some of your music...
spartan said:
...and yet your login name and avatar are that of a strip club..... nice move towards perfection

spartan, spartan...

i could use more little old ladies and babies, than scantily clad females- call it my prudish taste- if being respectful towards women is prudish.

The more clothing on people...the better- it's just good public policy.
nice move rhino - porn on an idaho state athletics site

how's that relentless pursuit of perfection thing working out for you these days?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Spartan, you could use a sense of humor and for the record there was no porn

not saying I am a fan or not of the photos, but it was funny

you dont have a problem with folks cursing, but dont show a girl in a bikini, thats over the top

can we get back to BASKETBALL!

we face EWU this week and from every account we still have offensive woes and now players are sick and/or injured, EWU will be prepared, Coach Earlywine is legit, he may not have the players but that team will be prepared and play their butts off!


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