I just can't respect a Cougar fanbase that refuses to demand more. I think they deserve better coaching, better recruiting, and winning. Instead, Fans Undefeated are satisfied with a trivial victory over the Huskies every now or then, and their flag's appearance on College Game Day. There's just no urgency. Hell, just yesterday Tuel said this “And I need to let myself out more and let some of my passion for the game out, and do a better job leading and being vocal for my guys on the sideline to make sure that guys don’t hang their heads and get down.” This is your starting QB?! Here's what KP said after the game in Moscow "There’s no point in playing if you think you’re going to lose". See any difference? I keep hoping Cougar fans will hit rock bottom and awake from their decades-long denial. We'd all be better off if that happens Saturday.