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PSU/NAU Thread

Great basketball game tonight. Lots of assists and great plays. We still need work on our defense (#1 for NAU burned us many times tonight on the backside), but our offense and rotation seem to be coming together.

Hats off to Bone. I think he coached a heck of a game. Thomas and Huff seem to be paired in the sub pattern and I think that is great. They are both 'hustle' type players and when one needs a breather, the other is there to come in. Huff's limp when he comes out of the game is a concern.

Free throw shooting continues to make me feel sick. Other than this, there was a lot of good to take from this game.
The fans had more energy than usual. Also introducing the 1967 team at halftime can only be good for the program -connecting the baskteball team to the community is a big need. The Udoka scholarship goes without saying as the highlight.

Where are the students besides the athletes?
WiViking said:
Where are the students besides the athletes?

I think one problem is that there is zero advertising that seems to be going on for basketball on campus. Not much coverage on the upcoming games in the Vanguard.

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