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Roll Call - Game Day beat USU


Active member
well I will be there to support the Bengals! but I have a feeling this one ends up in the Loss column

I will re-state the following

play Stucki, Bay, Morgan, Busma and Meech 30 plus minutes per game, do not sub except for fouls or injuries

sub only Casperi, AK, Stein and Carson no one else, the MOST important thing that can happen from here on out is that the players named above develop REAL chemistry and confidence both in themselves and their coach!

playing guys 20 plus minutes in 3-4 minute intervals does NOTHING to help the team NOTHING! No one can get a rhythm or create any real long term success in 3-4 minutes, especially when they know they are coming right back out, if anything it is disruptive as the incoming player simply wants to get his

let the players play through mistakes, instruct in timeout and breaks, John Wooden said the most important job of the coach is to FIRST be a teacher, lets see that happen, yelling, screaming, sitting players and telling them they suck and are worthless does not translate to teaching, if you think it does just review our record

I unlike some, looked at our OOC schedule and saw REAL chances to win and in some cases get lucky to steal a win, the lack of perimeter offense, multiple starting lineups and goofy player rotations has not allowed that to occur, having games go into OT or double OT or only lose by 2 proves my point

my hope is for the remaining season we play these players and let them become a team, stop with the insane substitutions for particular matchups, Steve Nash does not sit when they play the Spurs and Tony Parker, yet with this staff he would

develop an offense that MAXIMIZES our players and creates opportunity for them, the players we have are the players we have, stop F'N around and create sets that HELP them get off! I dont care who is hot ride him til he pukes, then find something else, we have not done that well at all this year!

basketball no matter how much anyone likes it inevitably becomes a half court game, you DO NOT need players other than we have, teams all over this country are succeeding with similar and LESS talent, we need to run an offense that creates real opportunity for the players in each position, that is the difference between them and us

I hope I am wrong about the outcome tonight, I would love to see us start something new and ride it into the conference schedule, I like some of you have seen us play the type of ball that can get us to the top, lets do this! I love these guys and this team, we CAN improve and I hope we do!

Roar will be there. I remember watching ISU down at USU last time and their fans are ruthless! They try to intimidate the hell out of the opposing players and fans. I hope we give them everything they gave us. I would like the student sections to get after it and get under their skin the best we can. The crowd MUST play a part in tonights game for a win. GO BENGALS
I agree Roar, My wife and I was both there as well and my wife had the whole student section going.. It was hilarious... especially when she was 7 months pregnant... As far as the basketball game... who knows what will happen tonight we are so jeckle and hyde?
Nice post, protege -

I agree on your player rotations. The kids you mention are the ones we need to ride now.

We've got to get the 3-point perimeter game going tonight, really need to see some crisp passing and screen-setting.

And our bigs need to play AGGRESSIVE. Take it to the hole or pass to the wing for the 3-ball.

We CAN win this game!
open three pointers all night for USU, we shot poorly, have virtually no three point threat, and still have too many unforced turnovers.
no shit, will you admit it now, WE HAVE NO OFFENSE, we run NOTHING, I just sat through a YMCA game, that was a joke, we didnt run a single set to get a GOOD look for our shooters, they are NOT 10 points better than us, we will get WAXED in ASU

pissed over this, our shooters are getting 10 shots during the first 30 minutes and then we force shit with the last few minutes, RUN a FRICKIN offense!


VOTB, ISUSID what say you, you can massage the numbers how you want, still comes down to us NOT GETTING GOOD LOOKS on offense, you MUST simply outscore your opponent, yet we wait around for someone to do something instead of running a frickin set!

listening to coach post game he sounds like the next few games are already over
OFFENSE, not hating on coach, but for christ sake, if I can figure this out 9 weeks ago, our staff should have this dicked!

just a note


teach an offense and these guys WILL win!

First--give yourself 3-4 hours after a game before you post.

Second--give yourself a day or so before you post again.

Third--hit edit and rethink what you just wrote, because you really don't believe it, you are only frustrated. I have confidence that you can do way better than this.
seriously cub......not far from home, we lost this game for EVERY reason I have outlined in the past 9 weeks!!!!!

just be intellectually honest and quit defending the obvious, you WEREN'T there I WAS

we are very good defensively we SUCK in our offense we have the players yet we DON'T run ANYTHING!
Protege, I agree with you..... I haven't been posted on here much just cause i get frustrated about the same thing ... The lack of O...... It doesn't bother me as much now cause its what I expect from the staff... Coaches need to swallow their pride and start over offensively... Come on Swanny... Your a bright guy..well anyways hope everyone has enjoyable holiday... I am proud of our bigs... Good job Luc.. way to play tough.... I was so hoping we would have won so i could start chanting Aggie high school ... but oh well
newsflash - pocatello: the idaho state basketball team has fired the head coach immediately and hired an internet blogger caled protege - he has called every offensive and defensive move that should have been since the start of the season... no immediate statistics are available on his prior coaching experience but he has stated that he attends games..... more news as it develops......
Spartan - Can Protege not call it as he sees it? You and anyone else can do the same thing.. It's not about Protege it's about the ISU basketball team...
How about this--I don't think that ISU is a very good offensive team. At times, I too am frustrated with the lack of offense. But, I believe this team will score more points in conference and I think this team will give BSC teams fits on the defensive side of the ball.

As I have been saying for the past nine weeks--I think this team will be very good by conference.

I believe my opinion is intellectually honest--because I still believe it...and nothing has changed because I have always believed it. I don't care how much a team scores if they win conference games. I think this team will be tough as nails and very successful. That is honestly the way I see it.

What I won't do is say "I told you so" when it happens. I won't be saying "where are you now" when things change for the better.
newsflash - pocatello: in his first coaching move protege has hired gobengalsgo as his personal public relations staff stating 'It's not about Protege' - apparently missing the part where protege mentions "we lost this game for EVERY reason I have outlined in the past 9 weeks!!!!!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

What is with the ad hominem attacks in protege's direction? Have you nothing competent to say in reply? Your attacks are reminiscent of playground antics.

Protege is being real about what happens on the Bengal basketball court EVERY SINGLE GAME- offense does not match the ability of the players. They look lost out there. We have the talent and it is pathetically utilized. The only thing that keeps us in the game, not just this year, but in years past under this coaching staff- is our defense- time to implement some offense. Google "offense"-- ANYTHING!!!

Also, the fans are weak- those Utah state fans (whom i dislike so very much) out-yelled the majority!! BAH HUMBUG!!
newsflash - pocatello: someone took a latin class and has been added to the new staffs public relations team - also seems to use the same sentence structure as the person 'he's' defending.... (i'm just saying...) similar wording, use of capital letters.... hmmmmm? they are quickly forming a group designed to throw the current staff under the bus due to not running the offense they 'KNOW" would be successful... .coaching records of said experts are yet to be revealed... stay turned sports fans - who knows what coaching and strategic secrets will be revealed in our next exciting episode of 'i know how to coach better than you'
Again Spartan... It's about ISU's Mens Basketball team.... Can we not be share what we have to say... do i need your permission? Anyways... what is up with our fans... Superfan, what are your thoughts about the lethargic energy we have ? And Kenny G? was that suppose to be a joke...
disappointing you cant simply discuss our games without someone trashing the poster......

I dont dis like or trash anyone on this board, nor do I disrespect the administration, all I have ever done is say what I have seen, cub YOU DIDN'T SEE THE GAME! yet you are happy to jump a band wagon or start a band wagon that trashes me for no reason, hell it looks like you were waiting for me to post

I have over the last few months of watching us play and witnessing last year up close and personal, simply suggested we might be better if we focused on a few things, these are not personal attacks yet you continue to go that route, WE NEED AN OFFENSE!

this is why this board struggles for participants, as I have said, a few of you circle the wagons and attempt to chase off anyone that says we could be better if we changed some things, yet you folks say HOW DARE YOU your not a bengal fan if you have a different view point, cub you have said don't complain without providing solutions, yet when I do you chant I want O'Briens job, I HAVE NEVER called for O'Brien to be fired - quite to the contrary I in fact have stated I BELIEVE IN HIM!


we DO NOT (this is undeniable) run an offense - if we do name it!

for god sake, our players are going BACKWARDS, they deserve BETTER! we will get trashed by ASU yet we should compete and actually should be in a position to win, but like tonight we wont

and it ALL comes down to AN OFFENSIVE STRATEGY!

HE? well, that's an erroneous ASSumption- at least according to the most recent encounter I had with the mirror. I would be more forgiving of your attempts at sarcasm and comedy- if they were actually effective. If you're going to insult me, at least make me laugh.

Again, you have yet to say anything intelligible- which proves my original point- are kids under the age of 18 even allowed to post on here?

This isn't about throwing anyone under the bus. I'm not giving anyone a pass either (no pun intended)- simply because of their stature on the court. THEY are paid to implement offense- if someone paid me their salaries, you can bet your cute little arse that I'd be purchasing Billy Donovan's "pick and roll" DVD's. You can disagree, in fact, I wish you would actually throw out a legitimate counterpoint rather than pulling my metaphorical pigtails.
Just for clarification what does "no shit, will you admit it now"...WHO WAS THAT DIRECTED AT?

"VOTB, ISUSID what say you, you can massage the numbers how you want" WHAT IS THIS ALL ABOUT?

"disappointing you cant simply discuss our games without someone trashing the poster......" YES, PRETTY SAD. OKAY WHEN YOU DO IT--I SEE YOU VALUE THE OPINIONS of OTHERS AS WELL.

What does our coaches should have this dicked, mean?

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