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Roll Call - Game Day beat USU

cub, god this is weak

you, spartan, dave84 all have trashed me every time I bring up the fact we DO NOT HAVE AN OFFENSE

tonight HAD YOU BEEN THERE would have witnessed another night of the same!

if we intend to be competitive in ANY conference, we MUST come up with something that creates opportunity for our player

end of story
I got $100 bucks that says Idaho State will be competitive in the Big Sky Conference--you up for it?

How is that for not being there?
appreciate the anty

I guess I have a different goal, we have the players to WIN the conference, not just be competitive 2nd place or worse gets us NO WHERE!

what offense do we run?

were you at the game?

will you be satisfied this season with simply "being competitive' in the BSC?
It was you that said competitive in any conference--not me.

I would like to see this team win every night, I just don't see it happening with this schedule.

Who gives a fuck if I was at the game or what offense Idaho State runs? That has never been my point. Why don't you tell me again how I never played the game or coached at this level? You want to come in here and swing dick every other loss--but when the "wagons get circled"--you cry foul.

You come on here first thing tonight and start calling people out and saying I told you so...what do you expect, Protoge? I think your message is valid, but you delivery is often unfair, condescending and very overplayed.
Went into the season predicting a 2nd - 3rd place finish in the Big Sky Conference for the Bengals. I'm sticking with that at the moment.

I saw you guys in Portland last year at the conference tournament and was impressed. I'll see you again versus Arizona State this coming Tuesday afternoon.

Will do my best to post some type of review of the game. ASU's good. Harden is the real deal and bound for the NBA, ASU plays pretty tight defense and controls the game pace Sendek's sluggish tempo. That being said, they can be beat.

I nearly always root for other Big Sky teams when given the opportunity.

mt jack
newsflash pocatello: 'protoge' (aka - the coaching wonderboy) has announced plans to apply for a graduate assistantship position with the current coaching staff - he will then demonstrate that he is the best baketball coach in the world since john wooden. ,,, apparently because he actually goes to the games (so do the popcorn vendors - lets ask them to coach too while were at it).... wait a minute... this just in... no he won't - that would mean actually coaching and working with a team and players and... effort (other than runing off at the mouth about how 'he saw all this coming') more details as the story develops :lol: :lol: :lol:
Two rules: Anyone is free to post their opinions on this board. State frustrations and anger if you will. Give insightful analysis. Give not-so-insightful analysis. Its all the same. Rule two, all are subject to written attack. If you can't take the heat, turn down the thermostat. I enjoy reading all comments but suggest you not respond to critics. It is tiresome to read through to get at the meat of the opinions. And Spartan, that was some funny stuff. I'm no saying I agree. I just appreciate humor. ;)
Spartan is beating a dead, ROTTING, horse....FAR from being funny in ANY form.

I think this "heat" as some people, with too much credit to give, are calling it, is nothing more than smoke being blown up our proverbial arses- as a red herring! The simple truth is that he has yet to competently respond to Protege's (and mine, including others) charge that we're lacking on offense. He just throws out diversions about how Protege is nothing more than a popcorn vendor- no doubt projecting.

Spartan, and others who sympathize with his approach,

Bengals lost last night...unless you want to argue that our players weren't equally yoked with Utah state--there must be a reason that we lost, and Protege and others have offered their humble reasons. All that spartan has offered are pathetic attacks- no discernable IDEAS- just lame humor.

I invite you to join the conversation about basketball- it will be far more interesting.

POST PLAYERS- great job. I have seen major improvements in your confidence just since your game against BYU. You have the physical presence to dominate your opponents, let's rock it out in Arizona!
Idaho State lost last night because they did not hit open shots and did not defend the three.

From the Journal:

"We were doing everything right," ISU senior guard Matt Stucki said. "We just weren't hitting shots."
One of the biggest missed shots of the evening came from Austin Kilpatrick just before halftime. After trailing by as many as 10 points in the early going, Idaho State fought back and made the score 31-27 with 2:58 to go in the half.

Shortly after, Kilpatrick found himself wide open behind the 3-point line and fired up a good-looking shot. As the ball was in the air, the crowd rose to its feet in anticipation of celebrating the Bengals' best 3-point shooter making a trey, but the shot clanged off the rim.
Utah State then maintained a possession for almost two minutes and ended the half with a 3-pointer from Tyler Newbold.

Instead of pulling to within one, the Bengals went into the locker room down 34-27.
That made it pretty difficult for Idaho State to rally in the second half.

"We dug ourselves a hole early and couldn't ever get out of it," said ISU senior center Lucas Steijn, who scored a game-high 15 points off the bench. "We'd get it close, and then they'd hit a 3. They hit a lot of 3's tonight. It was an uphill battle all night."

Idaho State closed to within five points of Utah State early in the second half when Deividas Busma made a layup to make the score 37-32, but that was as close as the Bengals would come.

During their comeback attempt, Chron Tatum missed all four of his shots, Kilpatrick made just 1-of-6 and Amorrow Morgan sank only 2-of-8.

Here is another opinion of the game:


Idaho State was 11-15 from the post position between Steijn and Busma. They were only lost the rebound battle by four, considering the poor shooting effort. They only surrendered seven turnovers, outscored the Aggies 24-22 in the paint and off the bench 29-18.
newsflash pocatello: it appears protege (the reincarnation of john wooden) has completed his coaching staff (the gang of four?) for the take over at idaho state. staff includes: spearmint rhino (last seen at a 'gentlemens club slupping drinks), loveformy bengals (aka the 'ambiguous' he/she/it/pat ((took offence at being refered to as 'he)) and famed peta activist, letuknow (the 'insider') and gobengalsgo - specific assignments are yet to be determined (much manuvering is taking place for the coveted spots of major butt monkey and chief bottle washer). positions are likely to be determined by who has attended the most games while simaltaneously offering up coaching suggestions and strategies without ever having been a coach... more news as it develops... stay tuned (rest assured these changes will ensure idaho state embarks on a basketball winning streak unseen in the history of modern sport) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

(on a side note - the bet was offered by the cub.... it was not taken up - advantage cub)
Stejn sp? is a great freethrow shooter
Our bigs played tough but i know they got more inside of them.
When we are down by 7 with 2 min. left we CAN"T stand around dribbling the ball and looking at eachother and not knowing what to do. We did look lost.
We should have been driving to the hole all night. It seems everytime we did they would foul us. Played to passive in my opinion.
Morgan has got some jump in those legs.
We are fine. We are still working things out but getting closer. It will gel sooner then later. Everyone just chill and come BSC play then we can really see what happens. BTW- did i see that Portland St. beat the snot out of UM?
I was wearing a Bengal Dancer's outfit! I wore it earlier at the women's game, but the short, gray-haired lady made me put a shirt underneath. To quote, I was "disgusting." She's apparently really conservative!
I'm still laughing at her softness and her sensitivity, hahahahahaha! Sometime down the road, I'm wearing the Jamba Juice banana suit!

To all the people involved in this:

Spartan: You crack me up! You get funnier all the time!
Protege: I can see what you're getting at. Yes, we need some work on offense. Yes, I mean that. We got some bigs down there on the post, why not let 'em knock some people down? We need to hit our shots!!!
Cub: Agreed. We will be a force to reckon with in conference.
Roar: You are also right!

Ah, hell with it. In all seriousness, everyone, you are all correct. We need more work on offense. The defense continues to improve, in my eyes, but the O needs to straighten up and fly right. Spartan, keep up whatever it is you're doing. We're always going to need an opposing (albeit sarcastic-as-hell at-times) opinion to keep us grounded (Lord knows I need that every now and then).

My opinion:

The offense needs to become cohesive. The defense needs to keep doing what they're doing, although we probably could stand to be a bit more aggressive (i.e.-Start getting physical). We HAVE to have our 3-point shooters! There is no reason why Austin should ever be 1/6. Kal Bay continues to show signs of the player we need him to be. Props for not taking USU's shit; someone talks to you, talk right back. Walking away isn't gonna do it for us anymore!

Biggest thing: Crowd showed some signs of life earlier than 6 minutes left in the game. This is good. However, a LOT of work needs to be done. WE GOT OUT YELLED BY 100 AGGIE STUDENTS!!! That's BULL-SHIT!!! Pocatello and ISU Students (save for the ones on and around the front row) have to learn how to make some serious noise and get some cohesiveness in chants.

We can do this, people! Everyone has a part to play! Now get with it!
Spartan uses the ":lol:" icon in hopes that it might subconsciously convince the posters he's a funny guy. We aren't convinced...according to your logic you continue to apply about coaching, unless you're a professional comedian- you have no business cracking jokes. So let's not be hypocritical.

I, on the other hand, don't think it's necessary to be a professional comedian to crack jokes- nor a coach to make observations about the game of basketball...I suppose any commentator who has not been a coach at some point is ill-equipped to observe. That would put a lot of guys at ESPN out of a job.

Now to address the serious IDEAS on this post...


Yes, we weren't defending the wing. And if we had defended the wing, sure, we would have won that basketball game---but you can't overcompensate in your defense for lacking an offense. That's like saying, "we don't plan on scoring...so let's put tremendous pressure on defense because we can't seem to make things happen during a possession." Let's have a strong defense AND offense---in the past we do well with defense, even in this game we had some very strong defensive show....overall, our offense has always lacked strong leadership, and defense cannot always save the day...because every team we play has their strengths-- we have to be able to use both- tailor the game for a win.
A couple of final thoughts.

Idaho State is scoring 65 PPG against one of the toughest schedules in the country. Kal Bay is starting to hit some shots, but remember they have both struggled collectively early...AK is shooting 20% from long range and Bay is shooting 26%. Plus Carson is shooting 29% from the floor.

As I have stated before, I too become frustrated with the offense at times. But, I also know that ISU is not a great shooting team. That does not mean that they cannot shoot a higher percentage from the floor or hit threes--what it does mean to me is that ISU prefers to drive to the basket and they play very well when the big fellas get involved.

I think that ISU can be a force down low in Big Sky play and I think that the slashers will find getting to the hole a bit easier in Big Sky Play. When that happens, Bay and Kilpatrick will have spot up wide open looks and they will start shooting at a higher clip.

But make no mistake about it--Idaho State will win with defense first and they will often win ugly games.
fair enough cub, I disagree with your suggestion we are not a good shooting team, and while the stats would support your analysis, I would argue the shooting % is a result of no offensive strategy, we run no screens to speak of, no pick and roll, no high low, no give and go, nothing and as a result the shooters are not getting good looks at the basket, they are for the most part shooting late in the shot clock or forcing something because our lack of movement has no one else open and so they shoot

those things all have an impact on someone’s shooting %

we cannot win long term by simply hoping someone has a huge night, we should be able to count on certain things happening on offense every trip down the floor, just like defense!

I agree we will do better in conference, what’s frustrating is the same thing occurs every game and unless someone breaks out accidentally and has a huge game we look lost, that shouldn’t be the case, we should atleast be improving on the offensive side of the ball by running something

our lack of offensive strategy along with substitutions that don’t make sense, put us in a bind every game that we get down early or when the game is on the line, we rely on a 1 on 1 play from someone in order to try and get back in the game, that is extremely frustrating
But the big fellas Busma, Steijn, Monroe and Caspari are shooting 58%, 59%, 60% and 65% from the floor.

If this team hits three or four more shots a game--they are scoring 8-10 points more per game and in turn they would be score 75-80 PPG. Remember, 75 PPG would be tops in the BSC at this point.

I get frustrated with the offensive sets at times as well, but I have seen ISU miss a ton of point blank shots this year (Carson in particular, god bless him) and these are the types of shots that I believe will start falling when this team plays more to its level.

ISU has the best defensive team in the BSC in terms of defensive FG percentage. They turn the ball over the lest amount in the Big Sky Conference and Stucki and Morgan are both in the top 5 in assist and assist to T/O ratio. Busma is a beast and Steijn has been shedding some minutes for Busma's benefit. This team will be ready for BSC play. They will score more and they will give up less.

And when they win games--we all will question the game day strategies less and less.
I think we just agreed?

bigs will always be in the mid 50-60% we need an offense that creates good looks for the additional 3-4 made shots per game that as you said put us tops in PTS

and with an offense that moves we might be better than most think, as players would be free to play

the stats you showed regarding assist to TO etc, are great, yet they dont translate to points, anyway have a merry christmas, hope we do well in Arizona

Love, I did not see your post as I must have been carving out one of my own.

Do you realize that four possessions into the 2nd half ISU was shooting 50% from the floor?

As for overcompensation--I think it is important for a team to realize who they are. Idaho State is not saying or showing that they cannot score. What they are showing is that they like to control the tempo and pick an choose when they push the pace. It is rare to see teams that put defense at a premium also become prolific scoring teams. It isn't impossible, just not likely.

Utah State is giving up 57 PPG--they have made a number of teams look bad this season on offense.

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