You will be much impressed once you see the Turf, in person. I spent time observing the Turf, even if the crew is not working. As I have said before, I feel like a "Big Kid" in the Candy Store.

They worked a little today, getting some of the crushed rubber into the Turf.
I am positive we will be practicing on the Turf Tuesday, and scrimmage on the 25th. For all of our worried fans, The Johnson Brothers are practicing, however, the Coaches donot want to have them work any harder, worries the injuries may reoccure. I have been reading some of the post, I hope everyone is taking our team seriously. Our team will represent Eastern and Fans proudly.
I know we will not be pushed around, we may do the pushing around. I have seen those young Freshmen, they are holding their own. Remember this name, Mario Brown, this young man at RB, will chill all of us, he have some moves will surprise you. I spoke with him today, he is so happy that he is not being Redshirt.
I had fun teasing some of our OL today, some of the haircuts thy got are very creative. Chandler Gayton, is looking great as LB/safety. Will Edge #36, is back at practice, and looking great. He is very fortunate to still be playing Football after the injury he suffered a year ago, broke his ankle, and his toes facing the back of the other foot. Brice Leahy 295 lbs OL, is coming along, he had a very bad accident last year on his Motor Bike, he is a Senior, and working very hard to be with the team.
Our QB's have some quick releases. Brandon Kaufman,(WR) Nick Edwards,(WR)Cory Mitchell,(WR) Darrell Beaumonte,(RB) Taiwan Jones, (RB) Chase King,(RB) were snatching some big and long balls from Bo. That young man have a Great Arm on him. Anthony Vitto, Nick Guathier, Scott Burgett,Greg Panelli, all Quarterbacks, had their turn getting their arms loose, and looking great.
The Freshmen we had last year, and the ones this year, all of them are "Outstanding". Ryan Seto TE, looks great, John Goldwire.LB, Alden Gibbs DB, (ex Basketball Player), is coming along, and their progress is great.
On Defense, Renard Williams, Tyler Jolley, Anthony Larry, Will Katao, Evan Cook, Jerry Ceja, Evan Day, and others are really getting a lot better. Our DB's are also doing great. I may sound bias, but I see what the team is doing on a daily basis. so much for now. Go Eags!!! Vic