To All,
I spoke to two different individuals last night RE; GWP, one mentioned they are still working monies. What I was told earlier this week was incorrect, the monies are not appropriated for the Project. The other one spoke told me there have been some problems, now we must come up with a Field for the Soccer Team. He was talking to the Farmer that own the Wheat Field behind the Water Tower in lot 12, and we may be building in that area also. He said "Vic every time you and others get frustrated about this Project, just think how he feels". He also said the Farmer is for anything the university wants. I explained to him, we are all looking for the Project, and when we get it will satisfy everyone. Don't know what else for us to do, Just Prey for a Miracle. Hate to be the bearer of "BAD NEWS" this Sunday, it we call it bad news. God Bless all. Vic Wallace