The installation at Roos Field includes a light emitting diode (LED) video display measuring roughly 15 feet high by 27 feet wide. This display features Daktronics powerful 15HD advanced pixel layout for enhanced viewing at every angle. It can show one large image, live video highlights and replay, or it can be sectioned in to a number of smaller windows capable of showing a variety of vivid graphics, colorful animations, up-to-the-minute statistics, scoring information and sponsor advertisements with outstanding brightness.
Reese Court will receive a new LED display measuring 8 feet high by 15 feet wide, featuring 10 millimeter pixel spacing. This display is capable of showing all the same graphics, animations, statistics and scoring information as the display at Roos Field, but is tailored for the indoor sports taking place at the arena.
A Sportsound® 2000HD audio system, which will be integrated with the video system, will also be added to the stadium. The system provides full-range sound reproduction and delivers clear and intelligible speech. The 2000HD provides a powerful audio experience for the fans. Daktronics audio offers high quality audio systems that can integrate with dynamic displays in indoor and outdoor sport venues.