chris said:
Hey guys, back from my vaca to warm Arizona for Turkey Day. I created this site back in 2008 because nothing really existed besides that rivals site or whatever it was. I have had some great help exposing people to the site and am willing to work on improving this site.
The success has been pretty good being part of BSF, for all of the sites that are part of this "network". We could do some work to improve the current setup and use the success of to an advantage when amping up this site. Breaking off on it's own starts the whole site over in a sense as far as search engines, inbound links, etc and could hurt the site more than it helps.
I'd actually suggest we take what is here and improve on it's current setup rather than breaking off into a standalone site.
A few questions:
Do you want a blog setup like the front page of egriz/wyonation? If so, would a few of you be willing to work on the content as if it's not going to be updated continually, it's not worth having.
What url/domain name would you guys like to have, I will buy/pay for the url and all hosting of this site as that is part of what my goal with fanplay, provide fans with a great fan site at no cost to them. If we keep the site here, we can always have the domain take us to the current location, so we can brand the site as a standalone even if it technically isn't.
Let's keep the discussion going!
Thanks for the public response on this so that everyone can be part of the discussion, really appreciate it. First off - totally agree with your points about not branching away from the BSF/Fanplay "network". That wasn't my intent at all. I would much rather amp up this site, similar to the WYOnation or mtnwestfans boards, give it a unique URL, and just keep it where it is. I think everyone is in agreement that "starting over" would be the worst thing we could do. Just keep everything in place and improve upon it I think is definitely the way to go.
The blog is a good idea, and certainly something that I'd be interested in contributing to, as well as others.
As far as the name of the URL, I think "" or something similar might be good, although I'd be interested in hearing what everyone else thought. Unfortunately, someone took
What does everyone think? What are some other unique ways that we could amp up this board? The blog is a good idea, what else? Different graphics (I like the current ones)...different topics, etc?
To get an idea of what I am talking about, look at the below URL for an example of how I kind of see this site going." onclick=";return false;