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To All the Hawaii Posters Who Posted on this Site.


Aloha ya'll.

I just wanted to say it was an honor and a privilege to be able to go to Hawaii and play a team such as the University of Hawaii. It was an amazing and awe inspiring opportunity. Your fans are some of the most fervent and dedicated fans I have ever had the opportunity to meet and be yelled at by. I've played in a lot of football stadiums and games in my time in football, but Aloha Stadium was by far one of the most amazing places I've ever played in. It ranks second in favorite all time places I've played. (the first being Invesco Field at Mile High) Your team is full of amazing athletes, and it seemed to me that every single on of them was a class act. We got beaten, and beaten badly, but it was an honor to even have the opportunity to be there and see what it is like on game day in your stadium. Thank you all so much for putting up with us and letting us see what it was like on the island. I am honored to have had been there, even if i was on the beating end.


Joel Fassler
I want to add my thanks to our hosts, as well. While there were the expected boos when the Bears took the field, I noticed almost the same amount, if not more, applause.

To arrive at Aloha and see the amount of tailgating going on was also enjoyable--it presented a great atmosphere for a college football game.

Finally, everyone I interacted with during the weekend was very polite and welcoming, willing to help at moment's notice. That was evidenced by one the stadium assistants in a cart giving Vic Nottingham a ride back to our busses from the field the first night we were here. The gentleman wouldn't take no for an answer.

Thank you all for a wonderful experience.
74 said:
Aloha ya'll.

... Your fans are some of the most fervent and dedicated fans I have ever had the opportunity to meet and be yelled at by. I've played in a lot of football stadiums and games in my time in football, but Aloha Stadium was by far one of the most amazing places I've ever played in. It ranks second in favorite all time places I've played. (the first being Invesco Field at Mile High) Your team is full of amazing athletes, and it seemed to me that every single on of them was a class act. Mahalo!

Joel Fassler

I'm sorry I wasn't there. Mixed boos with applause...well we still wanna win. When your on the stage, it's all just a show anyway. Perform your piece, and take your bows when the show is over. The audience is gonna do what they're gonna do.

Your team had its shining moments as well. One could see the potential for a great overall season.

Thank you again, for showing up and playing a full game. Your new coach and young team are headed in the right direction. Bear down, boys. Win the rest of your FCS schedule!

A Hui Ho!


UNC Bears players, coaches and fans. I wish to thank all of you in playing us. First, you were nice enough to receive our invite and come to play us on our island unlike many other powerhouse 1A schools. My hats off to you for that alone. You were bold not chicken like the others. Second, I see alot of potential in your team. Continue to be positive. In our recent past in two season openers were were spanked just has heavy by USC. But we kept moving forward and so will you. Note: USC was one of the chickens, they refused to change their Idaho opening game to play us at their house. Third, I was impressed by your O-Line as good as any we face in 1A (or whatever we it called now a days). Four, I have never witnessed one team joining another team after a game on their knees. Total class. Like this blog's "thank you to us in Hawaii" by Bear Cub #74. Lastly you have a class act coach.

Mahalo nui loa (thank you very much) and good luck!
Aloha Everyone...
I posted this on SportsHawaii.Com but felt it should be echoed here..

To the Players, Coaches and Fans of University of Northern Colorado, good luck in your first official year as a D1AA or what ever stupid name the NCAA is calling it now..

Here is something for you folks to build on.
In 1999 June Jones took over a team that was riding an 0-18 losing streak. The season opener was against #21 USC.
At the half it was 41-0 after the 3rd it was 55-0 and we lost 62-7 with our only TD coming off a interception return.. In short we go smoked in all facets of the game.

But the team bounced back and won 9 games including the Hawaii Bowl over Oregon State.

So hang you head up high and good luck in the Big Sky Conference..
Help up our strength of schedule :D

See you folks again in a few years...
To read what others have to say, please check out:

Also if Northern Colorado is pursuing any Hawaii High School Players (in any sport) feel free to ask questions in "High School Forum" at http://www.SportsHawaii.Com

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