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@Washington Thread

63-42 UW
Bad shooting by PSU and great shooting by the home team won't get it done.

I thought we'd be in this when the first half ended. UW shot about as well as they could in the first half, and we played poorly. To be down by 13 at the break was within striking distance.

UW was hitting some NBA 3-pointers tonight. Pretty amazing display of shooting.

Sommer back in the groove? Taking more shots and trying to get penetration.
martymoose said:
Bad by PSU and great by the home team won't get it done.

I thought we'd be in this when the first half ended. UW shot about as well as they could in the first half, and we played poorly. To be down by 13 at the break was within striking distance.

UW was hitting some NBA 3-pointers tonight. Pretty amazing display of .

Sommer back in the groove? Taking more shots and trying to get penetration.

UW shot very well as usual, the last thing we need was to go into a scoring battle with them, when that happend it was over, well.....onto UC Davis
A Dub is back at practice per the blog and could be eligible this week.

Wowza. He may not be "game ready", but I sure like the thought about being able to get some minutes out of him.

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