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@ Weber, Thursday

Not overreact to disagreements my ass. Look at your first four lines.

One player practicing too much may explain missed free throws for that player. However, when it is the entire team, that hints at a lack of preparedness on a large scale.
This were simple questions, but that's beside the point. I was hoping this forum wouldn't go the way of the other one. PSFF: Unplug me for good, please.
I'm just of the opinion that this is a piss poor free throw shooting team.

37%, 71%, 62%, 90%, 56%

These guys are all over the place each game in the stat column for free throws and in my opinion, an inconsistent free throw shooting team is a bad free throw shooting team.

I've never coached, nor played collegiate basketball, but is poor free thow shooting on the coaching? The only thing I can relate it to is coaching youth softball. Poor hitting kids don't get better just by the time spent batting during practice. They get better by their parents taking them to batting cages. I guess what I'm saying is that those in the PSU program who are struggling with their free throws, should be working after practice on their problem...

Am I way off base?
I completely agree with Marty. Coaches can only spend so much of their NCAA-limited practice time on free throws. Something like free throw shooting comes from tons of repitition, anyway. Even if Bone allocated entire practices to it and the guys improved during practice, they'd lose their form without continuing to practice on their own later on. Free throw shooting is on each individual player.
Agreed, free throw shooting is on the player, but the need for it comes from the coaching. If the coaches don't stress the need for at least 70% free throw shooting, the players are not going to spend additional time getting to the 70% mark.

If one or two players were bad at free throws, I'd just blame those players. With the entire team bad at them, it comes down to coaching and stressing what is important.

And what I know of Morrison, is that he hates the role he has been relegated to. He wants to be the star player and go-to guy he can be, its the coaching that is putting him on the bench and not giving him opportunities. Once he gets on a roll, he gets pulled for Thomas. How is that supposed to give confidence and aspire you to produce? And what I know of Morrison does not come from interviews and the general media, but a much more personal source.
That speaks well of Morrison if he is putting his personal goals aside for the team.I really believe he will get it going as the season hits the big sky scd.Scott is a quality big man who can play the game.He is in a bit of a rut but the team is the first priority.That sounds like a teammate that I would want.

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