clawman said:
UNI's strength appears to be their experience on defense. Our strength is on offense so that matchup will be interesting. I would expect we will see a lot more balance between run/pass than the Oregon game. Our O-line should be able to protect West and open holes for the run game. As good as our receiving corp and West is it will be difficult to run the ball when we should be able to move the ball through the air.
I feel our defense is better that the 61 points given up in Eugene. It will be interesting to see how they hold the UNI offense. I think we will see more dynamic offenses in league play so this will be a good primer for that.
If we scored 6 times against a Pac 12 team that is ranked in the top 10 nationally I don't see why we can't score 8 times, 2x per quarter, in this game.
I like our overall defensive speed, and physicality of the D-line. As mentioned UNI offense is not their strength and they are having some turmoil at the QB position so I don't see them scoring more than 1x per qtr. I would expect coach Farley will quickly realize they can't trade field goals for TD's so will be forced to go for it on 4th down thus effectively creating a turnover.
Eagles 56
UNI 28" onclick=";return false;
Jims makes a good point in his article, and this does kind of feel like the South Dakota game. One similarity, we lost Cassidy Curtis on the O-line. In the SD game we also lost key players that affected the entire season.
I'm backing off my first prediction and saying we only score 42 and if they play their Iowa transfer running back, they may add a couple of field goals.
Final score
EWU 42
UNI 32