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Active member
As a Bengal I have talked to a lot of alum and students about what ISU could do to make the football program better. This is not a bash or a bitch session. I understand that the athletic department is doing every thing they can. The other night I was with a group of Bengals and here are 10 ideas that were discussed. Add yours what would you like to see on game day.

1.Bengal TV!!!! ISU needs to broadcast all of the football games to the southeast Idaho area. I have herd from a lot of people that they don’t have time, money or the interest to go to a game but would watch it on TV. It would help get people interested and possible attend games. ISU should talk to cable One or channel 6 and see if it would be possible to get them to carry the feed on one of there channels.Having games on TV would also help with recruiting.

2.Fans. ISU needs butts in the seats. I don’t know the average but it had to be around 6000 average attendance. If you can’t sell the tickets give them away. Plan on giving 2000-2500 tickets away until sells increase. If people show up at lest there will be people in the stands and they might buy something and make noise.

3.The Bengal website. I love what cub does with his recruit post it would be great to get them on the football site. Also a meet the current players to help put a face on the team. For a long time ISU football was thought of as a bunch of outsiders that are all thugs. ISU has 24 scholarship players from Idaho and lots more walk-ons. A 2010 schedule, news from the Coach Z, highlights, past games so you can watch if you missed it. Basically more stuff so people can learn and get excited for football!!

4.Advertising. There is not a lot of adds out for Bengal football. ISU needs high energy ads, videos on the ISU homepage a P.R. campaign. I found this vid on you tube it is cool something like this to get people excited. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ha09HDDJa3c&feature=fvw

5.Merchandise. I went to buy Bengal gear and found nothing good. The bookstore sucks. ISU needs to sell orange and black at every game. The bookstore claims to sell it at all the football games but you have to look hard to find it. I am sick of seeing more Boise State T-shirts at games and on campuses than ISU. Fans need to have foam fingers, thunder-sticks, horns noodles and other stuff to help the team.

6.Concessions. The atmosphere at the Dome before a game is somber like your dog just died. It needs to be a party. If you cant sell burgers and other stuff inside sell it out side. I am all about a family atmosphere but if you need people get a keg.

7.A Cannon. A lot of other schools have a cannon that is fired when a touchdown is scored. ISU needs a cannon because it would be cool and it is loud goes boom and helps get players and fans fired up. Also it would bring the ROTC department and more people in the Dome. I am in the Army and know a lot of people I can probable make this happen if it is wanted.

8.Bigger Band. ISU has a awesome marching band make it bigger.

9.Black helmets. The white helmets are ugly and need to go.

10. A winning season!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We need to go back to ORANGE HELMETS, this is our traditional look from the 70's and 80's, and one of our school colors. Our black uniforms are great, but they lack orange.
I'm thinking something like what Syracuse does.

Also, I love the cannon idea. You should make it happen. Most of these other things will be easy to achieve if we start winning.

Dang I'm excited for spring football.
maybe should have added a little section on who is gonna' pay for all your great ideas..... and how....

you willing to pay double or triple the costs to go to school? you able to? please explain how you're gonna tell the average student to expect and be happy to pay a double or triple cost increase just so you can have a cannon....? or bengal tv?

so your main points are listed below"

"This is not a bash or a bitch session" - are you sure about that?

I have herd from a lot of people - 5, 10? hardly a marketing campaign in the making

if you can’t sell the tickets give them away. - so you voted for obama right? cuz money just grows on trees to pay for the cannon and the new stuff in the bookstore and the huge new band and....

I found this vid on you tube it is cool - wow

The bookstore sucks. - but you're not bashing

Fans need to have foam fingers, thunder-sticks, horns noodles and other stuff to help the team - curoius how any of this helps the team?

somber like your dog just died. It needs to be a party - but you're not bashing

I am all about a family atmosphere .....get a keg - have you been to pocatello?

ISU needs a cannon because it would be cool and it is loud goes boom - seriously? 'it is loud goes boom'? seriously? thats justification?

the white helmets are ugly and need to go - but you're not bashing
When I say I talked to 5-10 about this topic yes. At ISU it is a pretty regular topic about improvements and I believe a lot of students and alum feel as I do.

1. Spartan do you need a hug because your a DICK and your just a hater.
2 I am a Army officer we can’t and I will not discuses who I voted for. But I think you can figure it out.
3 I am a free market capitalist. All of those unused tickets are making money sitting in the ticket office (hu Spartan). IF you gave away tickets what better advertising more people in the Dome maybe they have a good time and will buy tickets to the next game. If ticket sells increase then stop giving tickets away but until people buy tickets do something to get people to the Dome. Spartan do you see how that works.
4. A cannon that goes boom how cool is that. Do you have any school sprit at all? Have you ever been to a major collage football game the home team usually has a cannon.

I would support a fee increase to help pay for things but as a free market capitalist I would be support everything possible such as Merchandise sells, concessions, a improvment to the business plan and advertising to help pay for the program and make it better. That was the point of this post to get fans thinking of what would be good improvments and hopefully some support. The book store is not part of the Athletic Department so I can bitch at them. The Athletic Department is doing a good job but needs the fans support. I have been to every home game from the 2006 season on except 2 for army obligations and I have traveled for several away games. How many games have you been to and how much did you spend Spartan?
Concerning the keg...

I don't care if it's Pocatello. There are plenty of "upstanding" God-Fearing, "morally-righteous" folks I know who could and do drink anybody under the table. It's not that people don't do alcohol here, it's that they're really good at hiding it.

Never ask a military person who he/she voted for. That's just bad taste.

The bookstore, while offering some pretty damn good stuff, sucks big on one thing: they overprice their market. You think the average college student is gonna pay 25 bucks for a tshirt? No way in hell. 30 bucks for sweats? Forget it.

The cannon is a cool idea.

TV Network-That will be the hardest one to come by. Plus you would also have to share it with soccer, basketball and volleyball as well.

Forget black, go back to Orange uniforms and bring back the old "U" logo we used to have.
no where in my post did i resort to name calling - why did you? apparently being an 'army officer' doesn't mean the same thing it used to (what was that middle thing between duty,...... and country? - way to represent the united states military) to do so only weakens any argument you might have had and sets you for a straw man argument - if your 'points' represent the military these days i fear for the republic :(

you 'believe' a lot of others 'feel' the way you do....? wow - how'd that last vote for the dome go? see what happens when you plan on things based on your 'feelings' rather than cold hard facts

i don't really care who you voted for - it was simply a way to illustrate how you were making plans for what other people should do with their money. but since you seem to base your opinion on how to spend money on how you feel - it wouldn't have surprised me if you voted for all that 'hope & change' :o

sorry to break it to you - but idaho state athletics are not a big time program (if thats news to you please don't cry)

i routinely (and have for 20+ years) given between $1000 and $2500 a year to athletics and/or the general fund - hows that for 'free market capitalism'?

do what you want with your own money - don't try to tell people what to do with theirs
lead by example not by decree (nothing about that in military history/officer candidate school? 'i'm shocked, shocked i tell you')

'it is loud goes boom' :lol: :lol: :lol:
Superfan I appreciate your energy and your dedication keep it up.

Spartan you are 39 you were giving $2000 a year when you were 19 you are awesome.
These 10 items are suggestions on how to improve the ISU program. Spartan I hear a lot of negative but what are your ideas on fix’s. In the Army they teach us have a fix to a problem when discussing it. To have thick skins and a positive mental attitude but the best thing I learned was from my mother not to be a “negative Nancy”. Spartan your new name is Nancy. I have fought for my country I have served for 10 years with one of those years in Iraq. I will be serving in Afghanistan starting in October for a year I will miss football again but duty calls. Spartan What have you done? What would you know about Duty Honor and Respect please tell me?
well.. i was 39 when i joined the board - early 40's now. the monies i gave initially were from an inheritance i received from the death of my grandparents - they paid part of my way to go to college - i thought it was a good way to pay back the favor they gave me...

i don't have any fixes - i don't pretend to either. i am a bengal sports fan and will be forever. i hope for the best but i don't pretend that adding a cannon that go boom will fix anything in anyway.

glad to hear you have served your country - you aren't the only one - 5th sfg - so please don't run the flag up and think thats going to legitimize you

YOU started with the name calling (it really does happen alot on this board) so please don't lecture me about thick skins)
I give you points for the donation to the school. 5th SF group it is getting deep. If you were SF you would have never have asked me who I voted for. But you are still being a Negative Nancy.

Lets get this back to helping the program. How do we make it better and how do we pay for it.
A few things I learned from reading this thread...

Special Forces, a Bad Ass Combat Engineer, a Sniper and a Redheaded (Big-Hearted) Superfan are all members of this forum...

I will think twice about talking shit to anyone. I got a feeling I could get my ass handed to me.

Carry on, now...
bengalcub said:
A few things I learned from reading this thread...

Special Forces, a Bad Ass Combat Engineer, a Sniper and a Redheaded (big-hearted) Superfan are all members of this forum...

I will think twice about talking shit to anyone. I got a feeling I could get my ass handed to me.

CUB I don’t even know how this started I was trying to get people focused on helping the program. I am done measuring I hope everyone is done to. When is the next recruit profile?
I have confirmations to do profiles from Rover, Ruhl, Monga, Fredrickson and Meyer.

However, getting them to fill out the profile and send it back to me...it has been more difficult than last year. Maybe Frank can get them on board.

Tavoy Moore and Grayson Galloway--were on it quickly and really seemed excited about doing it. They are two quality kids--they both remind me of my favorite from last year--Jake Pele.

I'll keep fighting the good fight.
:) Cub, don't forget that red-headed Superfan also plays as a forward for the rugby team 8-)

I've grown to like spartan (in a non-creepy way ;) ) over time. I actually have grown to respect him and his opinions; he has some good things to say. I try to look at his point of view.

He's not like "Chris" or "Nick" on the Journal Blogs at all. He's not a Negative Nancy at all. He's got much more of a level-head than any of us think.
Sapper: Keep the ideas coming and hopefully a few of them will be pulled off. I like the idea of giving the tickets away...Senior Citizen day, ISU Alumni, Free under 18,Wear Orange and Black and you can have a free ticket, Blond Hair, Red Hair, Brown Hair Day...I don't care fill up that DOME!!!!Don't let the NANCY'S on this board get you down!
P.S. Thanks for your service and Good Luck to you.
i think superfan just said i had a flat head????

sapper - no harm no foul - the program is what matters

yup - 5th sfg - but gone are the days when i was a high speed operator - now i'm just a fat old man :)

and TECHINCALLY i didn't ask who you voted for - i implied it along with a few other slanted statements designed to illicit a response - that psyops shit works too don't it ;)

keep your head down over there - come home safe
isusuperfan said:
:) Cub, don't forget that red-headed Superfan also plays as a forward for the rugby team 8-)

I've grown to like spartan (in a non-creepy way ;) ) over time. I actually have grown to respect him and his opinions; he has some good things to say. I try to look at his point of view.

He's not like "Chris" or "Nick" on the Journal Blogs at all. He's not a Negative Nancy at all. He's got much more of a level-head than any of us think.

Spartan was one of my first great spars on this board. In fact, I hated his guts. Over time, I have grown to love him (in a very creepy way) and the slant that he brings to the forum.

Everyone that has posted here in the past understands that I could name call and absolutely ruin a good thread with my arrogance. I would like to think that I am learning to embrace the views of everyone involved. I think wisdom comes with age.

Yes Ross, I know that you scrum and I saw the other night on Big Sky TV that you were growing quite the afro to keep you warm during the cold SE Idaho winters. Keep on keepin' on.

As for this Sapper fella, I like what he brings to the board. This thread is legitimate and although we may disagree with some things--he shares the views of a number of folks. We don't always have to be able to pay for our ideas. The folks that post here regularly care a great deal about ISU and sometimes we think with out hearts out loud.
okay, superfan and cub announcing 'they like me, they really like me' makes me feel .... well creepy :?

(not that there's anything wrong with that)

i'm gonna get that chris hansen guy to come check out this site just to be safe :shock:
Keep the good ideas coming Sapper. Your post was good. You had some great ideas and some we have been talking about for years now.

IMO i think Sparty is a Negative Nancy also. I thought you (Sapper) were trying to be proactive and try to make some suggestions and Sparty came by and caused a rain cloud. You have really given that much every year for 20+ years Sparty? (to athletics and/or the general fund)? What was the general fund or should i say what was the ratio of those funds allocated towards athletics/general fund? No need to answer. Just throwing a thought out there? How about all the other threads that you give your NEGATIVE spin on? There have been a few i might add.

Here is how i feel right now...Sapper and others are wanting change. There are others that will keep taking it year after !@#$% year. I have been brain washed for who knows how many years to just settle for below average performance. I finally woke up mid football season last year. I don't have to like it and don't need to support it but being a part of this community i think its my duty to try to support and give back corrective critisizm to make it a better place just like Sapper was trying to do.

As for Sparty and most of his comments, I try not to read most of the negative. I know he likes to call people trolls and he likes to make a positive into a negative most of the time. IMO Some have rain clouds and others have sunshine hanging over

If you Sapper and Sparty have served or are serving this country I respect that. I take my hat off and I say Thank You for all of your service!
roar - fair question

at this point it actually depends on how some stocks and mutual funds i have do each year. it can work out to less than $100 a month to just over $200 depending on the rise/fall of the stock/fund. to be honest i do it because it honors my grandparents ... and because it provides me with a small tax benefit :D and i like supporting the unversity/athletics. where it goes depends on my.... 'mood'. by that i mean how i view the university and it's actions across the board. if i think the athletic department is getting screwed they might get all of my money. same for the academic side. last fall i gave some money and stipulated it go to a student in the engineering department because i read about that professor who got fired and though it might make a difference in some kids pocket. it all depends on how my finances are going and where it goes depends on... well a whim....
Bengal Roar said:
Keep the good ideas coming Sapper. Your post was good. You had some great ideas and some we have been talking about for years now.

IMO i think Sparty is a Negative Nancy also. I thought you (Sapper) were trying to be proactive and try to make some suggestions and Sparty came by and caused a rain cloud. You have really given that much every year for 20+ years Sparty? (to athletics and/or the general fund)? What was the general fund or should i say what was the ratio of those funds allocated towards athletics/general fund? No need to answer. Just throwing a thought out there? How about all the other threads that you give your NEGATIVE spin on? There have been a few i might add.

Here is how i feel right now...Sapper and others are wanting change. There are others that will keep taking it year after !@#$% year. I have been brain washed for who knows how many years to just settle for below average performance. I finally woke up mid football season last year. I don't have to like it and don't need to support it but being a part of this community i think its my duty to try to support and give back corrective critisizm to make it a better place just like Sapper was trying to do.

As for Sparty and most of his comments, I try not to read most of the negative. I know he likes to call people trolls and he likes to make a positive into a negative most of the time. IMO Some have rain clouds and others have sunshine hanging over

If you Sapper and Sparty have served or are serving this country I respect that. I take my hat off and I say Thank You for all of your service!

ISU needs more sappers. many more.

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