One thing is sure, Griz fans can not blame the refs. Not as much as in Mizzoula, but Cherry gets away with murder. The refs really protect him. He could, easily, have had 4 fouls in the first half alone. He traveled 4 or 5 times, with no calls, and if you look at him cross-eyed you are going to be called for a foul, if you touch him or not. Before the game got started, the head ref walked up to Tinkle and gave him a big ol' bear hug. Tinkle, in turn, patted him on the a$$ and he walked away with both "men" smiling, ear to ear, at each other. Well, it is Valentines Day. I just didn't know that Tinkle was non hetro. Any way you slice it, it was totally unprofessional, and we had a lot of children there who didn't need to see that sort of non hetro behavior. :rofl:
Dancing bear??? I don't think so. Balerina, maybe. :tothehand:
Go Bengals! You can do it, all night long! :thumb: