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I agree with much of what you say.N.OgdenCat said:SWeberCat02 said:From the posts I've read on the subject of Eastman leaving, it sounds like maybe his heart was never really here to begin with. And if so, why did he even come here if he wasn't fully committed to being here? Maybe it's not fair to accuse him of that, and I hope that that's not the case, but as these types of things continue to happen (assistant coaches continually leaving the program, players quitting the team, star players getting benched for breaking team rules, the athletic department's lack of any effort to promote the program, the general lack of fan support, etc.), it is increasingly apparent to me that there is an overall lack of real commitment associated with this program. Am I the only one that thinks this way?
Weber doesn't have a large budget. The school can't pay the coaches what they are worth. The only really well renown player to quit is Eastman, and who can blame him, he's going after a dream. Other than the beast, I haven't heard of any other top players to quit, and I've got news for you...players quit all the time, its part of the game. As for Trevyn being benched...that was an excellent decision on Mac's part. It showed that this program has ethics and character. There is a lot more than winning.
As for the other things, you'd have more fan support if you'd have a promotion and marketing. There isn't anything anyone can say to support or defend the marketing depts. inactions. Pathetic is the best word I can come up as a way of describing the marketing. In a sense I do agree with you, but at the same time there are other facets that are negatively affecting the program, and honestly, they are the responsibility of the school.
The problem with the coaches leaving is about money. Weber just doesn't have the cash to keep the quality assistants around.
The question I have about Eastman is why he didn't pursue his dream all along, instead of coming to Weber only to quit. If his dream is to play for U of Hawaii, and he must walk-on to do it, why didn't he walk-on after high school, instead of treating Weber like a JC? I know I don't have all the details, but that frustrates me.
As far as Smith being benched goes, I wasn't questioning the decision to bench him, I was questioning Smith's actions, attitude, and desire this year. Let's admit it, he wasn't the same player this year as the previous three.
And we all agree on the marketing and promotions. It sucks, plain and simple.
Anyway, I guess I would just like to see the school and community get behind Mac and the team and offer up some better commitment and effort.