In looking at our roster, knowing how Randy likes to set up his player rotations, and seeing who has a red shirt year available, I don't think that there will be more than one red shirted player, if any. There will be 5 guards in the rotation and 4 bigs. After that, number 10, 11, and 12 would get spotty playing time or be candidates for a red shirt year. We have 6 guards and 6 bigs on our roster. Of the bigs, 3 or 4 have already used a red shirt year and the others are likely to command a lot of playing time. That leaves only one guard that doesn't make the 5 man rotation as a possibility. However, this may be a year when there are no red shirts, except walkons. Had Royce stayed, he probably would have been the 5th guard and then two of them could have sat out the year. I'm not sure that I have ever liked the idea of red shirting just one guy. If everyone is going to play, it might be the year to bump it up to a 10 man rotation. :twocents: