rontheoldwiseeagle2 said:Sorry computer is giving me fits.rontheoldwiseeagle2 said:ewueagle2010 said:Here are some emails for everyone to take down. Start sending emails to the President and CC the others to show they're not alone in fighting for answers for our athletes and the state of our athletic programs. (VP for University Advancement) (Interim Director of Alumni Advancement) (Eagle Athletic Fund) (Deputy Athletic Director) (Sr. Associate Athletic Director/Senior Woman Administrator/Title IX Dept. Liaison)
Yow will notice that there in no email for Chaves or phone # he took them down several years ago. He had no interest in your or my input. He destroyed the EAA piece by piece. Ron Raver and then Scott Barnes tok 25 years to build the EAA with its many volunteers. if your old enough you will remember getting call each year frm many of us about your annual pledge
He stopped that and started using student callers and you lost the personal touch. This was always a hugh event the month before the Killin event. He took the Annual Raver golf event and then the Killin Spring dinner and dance away from the EAA. He told the EAA board that the athletic dept would do a better Job and that the EAA should sign over these events to athletics. You see all the funds went to the EAA and he had to come to the board and ask for those funds each year which they were always given. Then when the board was with out activities he then sweet talked them into changing the bylaws over to the Eagle Athletic Fund and then he had total control and you have no active volunteers to fund raise and participate for Eastern. This group was about 100 volunteers strong and a membership of about 1000 when he became AD. All those 25 plus years of building momentum are all gone and have been for the last 5 or so years.
So now there is no organization to rally the supporters into action and this is one reason why the Stadium project is stalled. It would be fine if we had fat cats to fund these items but we do not.
I just want those of you who are great supporters, that live away from Cheney to know what has happened over the last six years or so. Maybe some of you remember those calls from many of us asking for your annual pledge and telling you what was going on in Athletics.
Now you know why we as supporters are so impotent in this matter. The EAA was your voice and now you have a FUND.
I am sorry it is a sad story.
Ron, I never got a call from the EAA. Instead, I had Tony Carpine stopping by each spring telling me "now kalm, last year you donated $1000. Can we count on you for $2000 this year?" knowing full well that as a young man I was only able to afford $500 the year before. :mrgreen:
Thanks for your efforts and I totally get what you're saying here. As I'm sure you know, these are growing pains issues. Gonzaga and WSU didn't accomplish their facilities and marketing upgrades with mostly volunteer/fan support. If you're going to tackle major capital improvement projects and game changing upgrades, I'm guessing you have to enlist professional fundraising and marketing which means taking things beyond a 10 mile or Wa State footprint and even out of your own athletic department. Volunteers don't have the skill set, resources, or time to market and fundraise on a practically global level and maintain the connections to former players and well heeled alumni who are hit up for donations constantly.
I don't care for and have experienced the impersonality as well with farming this stuff out, but I think it's a reality of continuing to transition from a little train that could directional school athletics program to a full fledged DI that is at least competitive with its conference peers. Is it happening fast enough for us? Nope, but we have extraordinary challenges. Do we still need local connections and support? Absolutely. We need all support, from a dollar donations to millions.
I'm nostalgic about all of this like you appear to be and I think that re-embracing the fantastic group of core locals is perhaps needed at this time. Meanwhile, I'm gonna sit back, continue to donate and support, and enjoy the ride.