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Common Denominator?

Okay, Orange, then let's work from your premise -- ISU is always too late to offer a scholarship to Idaho kids. On what do you base this assertion? What Idaho kids are we recruiting now, who have we offered so far, and who do you think we should offer that we haven't yet?
Skippy,I DON'T KNOW, THAT IS WHY I AM ASKING IF ANYONE DOES KNOW! What the Hell are you even talking about. Could someone just answer my question, please!
hotshot wrote:
First of all, I am not here to throw a shot at ISU Recruiting or their football program. I am just writing to tell me and my sons "side" of our story. My name is Bryon Goody. Jared Goody is my son. He played football at Highland High School last year. He was 1st team all Idaho and all area. He is playing college football for Weber State. There has been questions through out the community (and on this site) regarding why he is not playing for Idaho State. First of all, let's get something straight. ISU did not recruit him! We sent ISU multiple letters, film, e-mails and even attended ISU's camp. They never called us until after he had committed to Weber in mid November during the high school playoffs. ISU claims they were the 1st to offer him. That is not true. Technically, they were the last. I believe they need to do a better job locally than what they are doing now. I know of two other players from Highland that are going to smaller schools that would be a great fit for ISU. Fan base is everything for a program. ISU's fan base would grow if more local kids were playing there. I still support ISU. I have a local business and will continue to support our local college. I think it's time for them to do the same.
What is the common denominator with these players that contributed heavily in the NEAR UPSET OF MONTANA: Russel Hill, Clint Knickrehm, A.J. Storms, Dustin Tew, Kelvin Krosch, Phillip Arias, Josh Hill, Bryant Ward, Sean Rutten, Mitch Rudder, Braeden Clayson. The answer is, IDAHO PLAYERS!!!! Now before everyone jumps down my throat, I would like to say our out of state players did a wonderful job also. Since everyone knows I am obsessed with getting MORE (NOT ALL) Idaho players, can anyone tell me which Idaho players are ISU TRYING TO GET.

I stand corrected, GBO. Really, really. To answer your question, let me respond to your original post in this manner:

Another common denominator with the aforementioned players is that they contributed (heavily and lightly) to an 0-10 Win-Loss record, and a cumulative 1-21 Win-Loss record since 2008. Now before everyone jumps down my throat, I would like to say our out-of-state players contributed to the effort also.

I would never throw out the race card, John, and unfortunately you just did!

Of course you wouldn't, GBO. However, your subject line and original post asked a legitimate question, and I responded with a legitimate answer.

I really hope you continue to champion and advocate for more Idaho players. Your passion is quite commendable, but not too obsessive. Alas, I am going to deviate from your path on ways to improve ISU football, and hope the ISU coaching staff brings in student-athletes who want to represent the GOBIGORANGE and BLACK attack, regardless of domicile.

See y'all in the Holt on Saturday
Orange, I do not know the names of the kids that ISU is recruiting in state.

I have been critical of Coach Z on some items, but recruiting Idaho is one place that I believe Coach Z deserves to be commended.

I cannot remember seeing so many Idaho kids on the ISU roster. I also believe that recruiting is a very tricky game and some kids get overlooked. I almost think of recruiting as a game of poker. ISU has not gotten every kid that they have offered from Idaho. I also believe that they may have missed on some Idaho kids that they should have offered as well. However, that is how recruiting goes and all the kids that are offered in state don't always choose to don the orange and black.

In the end, I am very impressed with the job that Z and his crew have done in state. I hope they continue to have that success because I think it is beneficial to the program.
If I'm not mistaken, didn't josh hill get told that he should walk on here? Instead he did that at bsu, and after a year he's a schooly guy here. That's one for ya skippy. I know that in a conversation I had with laporta, he told me about how he was strung along, a big reason he looked elsewhere outta high school. That's just two examples of guys currently on the team, I haven't had a chance to visit with everyone, but there is more I would imagine. If anyone can extend that list please help me out.

Super- from what you're posting, it doesn't seem that you know much about college football and big games. And you know even less about how a missionary program can be very useful. If you need any insight in how to win a big game... Perhaps you should talk to mr tressel before you bash regional teams that have dominated conferences for 3 and 4 decades. As much as you say you hate montana, they are dominant with a majority of small town country kids. And saying that you just want some mean ass olinemen and that ours are a bunch of pussycats... I would love to see you say that to lance cartwrights face. And while it may not be ideal to start dealing with the missionary guys, zam says that he's here to stay. If so... He better embrace the local cultures and start working with it if he wants to have success. Just saying.

PS- did anyone else noticed idaho kid eric stoll starting at safety for montana? Too bad that guy left
If my memory serves me correctly...Jim Koetter probably recruited more Idaho kids after he became head coach than any other coach I can remember. Coach Z is probably next highest on the list (that's in the era since Dave Kragthorpe and the National Championship). I'm basing that on anecdotal memory alone.
letuknow said:
GOBIGORANGE answer the question! How many Idaho players made a impact in 2002? Issac Mitchell and???

here is a question for uknow who: what do you mean by "impact"? if i had to answer that question i would say that every idaho kid from every year since 2002 has made an impact. every kid who has walked on and played the role of practice squad for two years+ before getting aid (if ever getting any) has made an impact. these kids drive the engine of the team and make others get in line for fear of losing their spot (i’ve seen this).

here's something else i've seen, the local boys have a little something called work ethic, they have a vested interest and an inborn pride in idaho, they are willing to sacrifice the most when it comes to their program. conversely i cant begin to count how many cali juco kids (and other out-of-staters) i've heard mother eff idaho and "this hick-ass town" (most all of them do this). you think that doesn't have an effect?

how many local kids are getting in trouble (granted this hasn't happened recently)? if they do, forgiveness for a son of idaho come a lot quicker than for the perceived gangbanger!

letuknow, you think you're making a sound argument by pointing out that "idaho kids aren't going to the league or something" but you're missing the picture. recruiting local is cheap, and if it's an established tradition then it is also a lot easier. if ISU was able to fill it's roster with 50-60% idaho, how much more of the budget would be available to spend on a 4 star recruit (or however many stars is necessary)? flying a kid into pocatello direct makes for a much more positive impression than having wake up at 6am to drive back to salt lake on a sunday morning (citation for larry lewis needed).

maybe you can explain why montana can fill it's roster with 60% montana kids and win year in and year out? the truth is, in the big sky you dont need to have the biggest and fastest athletes in the nation. what you need to have are kids who will buy into the program, who are willing to sacrifice more than the guy next to him, who are willing to get down and dirty in the trenches, who will eat, sleep and breath bengal football.

obviously these are my opinions by virtue of me having written them, that being said i don't claim to be all knowing on such matters. what i do claim is to having seen a lot of these dynamics in action. idaho kids will not be the end all of answers, but to overlook the importance of local emphasis in recruiting is a sure fire way to create problems for a program.

i fully expect a slew of counter points to the things i've said here. in preparation for this i have left a lot of detail out of my opinions so that i can address these things in with more specificity as the debate demands (and to not spend all night typing for just one post). let me stop the haters now by stating that i am not saying non-idaho kids dont have work ethic, or aren't towing the line, just that idaho kids do this better!
Give me a couple of 19-20 year old kids who have a mean streak and a drive to beat the hell out of the other team that would make Attila the Hun proud and I guarantee you they'll beat the tar out of the "fully grown" and "mature" men on the other side.

First off, I didn't say Lance was a pussycat and I KNOW he's not a pussycat because well, I see and chat with the guy every other day. HIS types are the ones I want on my O-Line. He's the "mean-ass O-Linemen" I was referring to. You misunderstood what the hell I said, but it's ok I'm used to it. Read my remark above, in bold please.

Second, let me say this to you, ISU Dude: you know why the regional teams out here have dominated so well for the past 30-40 years? Because they're big fish in small ponds. The intermountain west is a small market. Ohio State has had to contend with Michigan, MSU, Penn State, Iowa, and Wisconsin every damn year for the past 100 or so. And these aren't guppies, fool, these are programs with Rose Bowls, national and conference championships, and proud traditions to their names. Who are you to say that regional teams like Nevada, San Diego State, Air Force, San Jose State etc are even at that level of competition? Small markets like the Mountain West region are dominated by 2 or 3 teams on a regular basis, usually having a stranglehold on most if not all of their competition.

It usually helps to look beyond perceived prejudices and also it helps to read the damn post fully. Sheesh
Local recruiting is important and when I saw 19 Idaho kids on the ISU two-deeps at the beginning of this season, I was pleased. Were some of these kids asked to walk on originally (Hill, LaPorta, Arias?) Of course they were. How many Montana kids do you think walk on there every year? Chase Reynolds, their all-conference running back, was a walk-on. Marc Mariani, their all-American punt returner, was a partial schollie. You ask the local kids to walk on because more of them can or will.

Has ISU missed on some local kids over the years? Absolutely. Can they do a better job recruiting Idaho kids? Of course, they always can. But show me the last Idaho quarterback, running back, wide receiver or pass rusher who was good enough to be an all-Big Sky Conference performer? Show me, in the current Idaho high school senior class, the next Cameron Higgins, Matt Nichols, Marc Mariani, Tim Toone, Aaron Boyce or Dane Fletcher?

In order to win in the Big Sky Conference, you have to have three or four playmakers on either side of the football. It's great to have pluggers, hard workers, guys who "want it" more. But you gotta have skill, too, guys like Taiwan Jones who can break a big play when you need it. Idaho hasn't produced many of those lately. Are there some out there this year? Maybe. But ISU also has to look at more populated areas like California and Washington state.

Sure, it would be great if Idaho State could win with 50 or 60 percent Idaho kids. It's never happened before: ISU's most successful teams (1981, 2003) had some good Idaho players, but they also had a lot of stars from California and Washington state. And they were more like 30 percent Idaho. But one year, could all of the stars line up and could we find 50 or 60 Idaho kids good enough to win the Big Sky? Sure. But until that magic day happens, ISU still has to hedge its bets and look for good out of state kids, too.
Can anyone answer my dam question? Does anyone have even one name? Isn't it this time of the year when you get verbal commits?
Sorry orange, I don't know any specifics names as of yet. You would think that we would have had recruits at games already if not saturday that would give us an idea. I thought I read a post on here by tuffgong where he mentioned an affiliation with scout or rivals.com, perhaps he has some more info. Maybe PM him.
Since everyone knows I am obsessed with getting MORE (NOT ALL) Idaho players, can anyone tell me which Idaho players are ISU TRYING TO GET.

GBO - please refer to the thread "Recruiting Information" started by boisebengal. Before you blow a head gasket, I've included the information you feverishly seek that was provided boisebengal, and I've truncated it to only include the I-D-A-H-O players.

boisebengal said:
Well, it’s that time again. Yours truly just spent a great deal of time on the internet trying to figure out who ISU’s recruiting, and which of those have been extended offers...Look for a lot more offers extended later in the recruiting process. But since it’s still early I’m sure the staff is still waiting for many of these players to come here on a recruiting trip before they decide who to offer.

Here’s a list of players that ISU has extended offers to:

Shelton Robertson is a 6’4” 248 lb. OG from Highland HS in Pocatello. He has received offers from ISU and Weber, but MSU and BSU have also shown interest. Let’s hope the staff doesn’t blow it again this time and hand him over to hated Weber.

The other players that ISU has shown interest in but hasn’t offered as of yet are:

Jeremy Powers 6’3” 200 lb. Boise Capital HS, ID QB
Tyler Masters 5’10” 175 lb. Boise Centennial HS, ID RB
Tyson Heller 6’3” 230 lb. Caldwell HS, ID TE
Devin Droghei 5’11” 195 lb. Idaho Falls Hillcrest HS, ID RB

Also, just recently the Idaho State Journal said that several Big Sky schools have shown
interest in Poky’s Wes Howard. He said that in a recent interview that he may like to play for Weber, but let’s hope he doesn’t end up down there.

And finally, Friday’s Idaho Statesman said that Eagle HS SS/LB Travis Saxton has drawn interest from ISU, Nevada, Weber and Idaho. I’ve seen him play and he’s a real good one!

If anybody else knows any other recruiting information then feel free to post it, because I’m sure this is a subject matter that a lot of posters here are interested in. And there’s probably a lot of information that still isn’t to be found on the internet.

With the information provided by boisebengal, does this answer your question, GBO???
All he had was an itch and now it is scratched! I love some of these words. Keep them coming.

truncated –adjective 1. shortened by or as if by having a part cut off; cut short: an unnecessarily truncated essay.

in⋅fer⋅ence  /ˈɪnfərəns, -frəns/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [in-fer-uhns, -fruhns] Show IPA

–noun 1. the act or process of inferring.

an⋅ec⋅do⋅tal  /ˈænɪkˌdoʊtl, ˌænɪkˈdoʊtl/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [an-ik-doht-l, an-ik-doht-l]

–adjective 1. pertaining to, resembling, or containing anecdotes: an anecdotal history of jazz.
recruit Idaho...of course, BUT.....

here is a short list of Talent that would NEVER come from Idaho:

Alfredo Anderson
Jared Allen
Case Debruen
Marcus Jackson
Kenyon Bleu
Eddie Thompson
Doug Baughman
Pago Tugafou (spelling)?

Like i said, a short list, but for every Idaho kid you want to name i will Name at least 5 or more that top their talent. Face it, Idaho is NOT a football state. Not to say we can't get a few good players here, but the talent outside our state greatly outdoes the talent in state.

Will this dead end topic ever die?????? Idaho is good for football, outside of Idaho is GREAT for football talent.
dave84again said:
...for every Idaho kid you want to name i will Name at least 5 or more that top their talent.

I'll bite

From Memory

Josh Hayes
Issac Mitchell
Trevor Bell
Merrel Hoge
Brent Koetter

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