I really feel like part of this is on the HC. I know that there are going to be incidents here and there because there's going to be bad apples out there in a lot of programs, but this sort of stuff seems to be a systemic problem in Missoula the past few years. This is the third or fourth incident involving a UM player and the police just this season. That's a coaching issue. It is incumbant upon the coaching staff to not only recruit the kind of players that are going to be good ambassadors for their school, but also instill the kind of mentality in a program where this kind of crap is not tolerated; not just from the coaching staff, but by the entire team. Pfhlugrad needs to handle this properly or run the risk of people starting to think of UM football as being a bunch of thugs, which is not fair to the 95 percent of the kids that are most likely doing the right thing and taking their college education seriously both on and off the field. Sadly, Coach P will most likely continue to take cues from his former colleagues in Eugene on this one and "let the legal sytem run it's course". Translation = I desperately need to make the playoffs and will turn a blind eye to this until after the season is over. This is evidenced by the fact that other players serving suspensions will do so during the Western Oregon game. You think Baldwin would pull that shit?
I don't want to sound all holier than thou, but I honestly believe Baldwin and staff have done a great job of nit only recruiting quality kids to our program, but also instilling the type of environment I described above. He has not been afraid of disciplining a player when needed, or to even make a mid-season coaching change when needed.