I appreciate the rah, rah, however, that stance may not be facing reality. Cub, you stated reality fairly close. One could add no ISU administrative support, no community leadership support, no alumni support, no student support... I am not close enough to the university to bring the problem down to the lowest common denominator but I can say with high accuracy, that ISU has a very significant problem that if not corrected soon will lead to zero athletics at ISU.
Something that all could do is begin communicating to the AD, ISU's president, community leaders, that action must be taken now to turn this beast around. We do not experience one capable and stable athletic program at this time, track being a possible exception. That is very sad and troubling. I do not have the answers, but you will never solve the problem without bringing the appropriate leadership together to define the problem, develop a resolution plan, and execute top down and bottom up. We desperately need a sense of urgency with our communications.