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Promising future for the Bengals

The name of the game is recruiting great players. Has coach Zamberlin and his coaching staff been able to recruit great players to ISU during his 3 years at ISU? If he has great recruiting classes the Bengals should have a promising future.
I think he is saying that the future is so bright, I gotta wear shades, I gotta wear shades!

...little patience, mm yeah, ooh yeah,
Need a little patience, yeah
Just a little patience, yeah
Some more pati... (ence, yeah)...
I think Coach Zamberlin recruiting classes have been very good. True freshmen are playing and some actually starting due to injuries, etc. If you can tell a recruit that he has a chance of playing right away and show the recruit that true freshmen are actually playing and starting, to me, that is how you bring in great players to ISU as they do not want to sit on the bench for 3 years.
here is a question for everyone.. would any of these true freshman be playing as true freshman for any other team in the bigsky? my guess is not..

to say that our strength of recruiting is the saving grace to all this disgrace (this is the 6th game lost by more than 20 points) by pointing to the fact that freshman are playing is not a sound argument. i need something a little more sound to convince me why we should feel confident or even comfortable with where our team is heading.
I think that is a righteous observation, Milkie.

I might add that there is some chance that playing early may bring some. However, winning or playing competitive football will keep more.

You need to add, you need to retain and you need to produce some results on the field. This team is not two years away and that is what worries me most. "What ifs" don't win games.

I am doing my best to keep my grenade launcher holstered. Honestly.
Tigersmilk - I guess you do not believe in recruiting great players to ISU that have a chance to play right away ? How would you rebuild a football program at ISU besides the firing of Coach Z and his staff ? The coaches can only coach players and the coaches can only recruit potential ISU football players.
yeah the value of experience is hard to not take into consideration. 3 years from now all these freshman will have a lot of wisdom so to speak (if they all stay).

in contrast to that i'd like to offer a musing i had today watching the game. playing all these freshman may yield this long term wisdom/experience factor, but i had to consider is it worth putting an 18 year old boy in a position were he is being asked to take on more than he can safely handle? the difference two years can make in terms of strength and maturity is something these coaches seem to be taking way too casually.

i'm worried about our young man who was taken off the field on a stretcher. i was just struck that putting a young man in such a huge role (like returning kicks) is inherently more of a risk than the redshirt-soph, junior, or senior.

i know injuries are a part of the game, i just hope the 45 yard return and the gleaned experience of a true freshman was worth it.
up for the challenge said:
Tigersmilk - I guess you do not believe in recruiting great players to ISU that have a chance to play right away ? How would you rebuild a football program at ISU besides the firing of Coach Z and his staff ? The coaches can only coach players and the coaches can only recruit potential ISU football players.

i'm still not sure what point you're trying to make here..maybe i'm just getting tripped up on how your phrasing your comment?

would the kids "playing right away" at ISU be "playing right away" at any other school in the bigsky based on there talent?

why are we having to play freshmen right away challenged?

last i checked there were about 90 guys on the roster when Z showed up almost 3 years ago? so what happened to bring about having to rely on freshman now?

the question is: why all the burned freshman challenged?
Milk, I believe that would be 7of8 games...

To say that z is a great recruiter based on what we have on the field is not accurate imo. We have some nice frosh guys, but where is this great player that challenged is referring to. Great player to me is a guy that creates mismatches and turns the tides of games. The type of recruits u are saying that z has and will continue to bring to ISU. What jc or freshman guys has Z recruited to the bengals that fits into this great player mold?

Watching this and other games it looks to me like the most talented guys are jaron, isaiah, ponce, tuua, rutten... In short Lew's. Not saying there aren't other good guys but we have been visibly outmatched on the field... And not by just the powerhouses, that means northern colorado and central too. I just don't see what game/team/magic dust induced football that you are challenged.
I have had the opportunity to be around some guys that played ball in college. Challenged you have often referred to how great recruits will want to come here because they can play as freshmen. In my experience, a kid would rather sit and win, then play and lose big every game.

The question of going to a rebuilding program vs one that's already est is a no brainer for these great/big time recruits we need. They will follow W's 95% of the time. That doesn't bode well for uz.
I think one solid JC recruiting class can bring us to respectability real quick. I cite the 1980 recruiting class to make my point.
In 1979 we were awful. We went 0-11, we were outscored 101-332, we threw for a total of 1,100 yards with 4 td passes and 29 int's (thats right, a 4-29 ratio). In 1980 we brought in several solid JC transfers, including QB Machurek, WR's Corp and Ewing, RB Wilson, TE Childs, and quite a few O and D lineman. In '80 we went 6-5, and in '81 we went 12-1 and won a national championship.
We all know there were other factors that contributed to the success, but the JC recruits were huge.
I don't think that up for challenge is a guy, I think she's a girl. In fact I think it's Zamberlin's wife. How else would she have known that Z was going to get a contract extension when everyone else here was convinced that he would have been let go at the end of the year. Zamberlin's already been here three years and the talent level is still pretty low. The worst in the league. McNeely's teams and Larry Lewis' teams were able to have a lot better talent level after a couple years of them being here.
tigersmilk said:
i'm worried about our young man who was taken off the field on a stretcher. i was just struck that putting a young man in such a huge role (like returning kicks) is inherently more of a risk than the redshirt-soph, junior, or senior.

i know injuries are a part of the game, i just hope the 45 yard return and the gleaned experience of a true freshman was worth it.

Wow, to suggest that the injury was because he is a freshman is BS. There are true freshman playing college football all around the country.
You don't play freshmen unless you have to. Challenge, you obviously know nothing about football or football recruiting. We are playing freshmen now because we wasted two recruiting classes chasing the moon. There were almost 20 kids in the first group I saw come in three years ago, not one kid out of that group signed. Don't complain about your recruiting budget when you wasted the kind of money we wasted bringing in kids we had no chance of getting. That blame all falls on the head coach, he is responsible for the failures of his staff. All I hear are excuses for why they are not getting it done, some are legit, some are just Bull. The reason we are bad today is because of the failure the first two classes to get players that are competitive in the Big Sky. Two years is not going to make up for the failure of the head coach to take charge of his staff and bring in the kids he needed in the first two classes. As for JC kids, not all the kids in 81 were JC kids. Bud Hake, who I have heard compared to Zamberlien, could not coach his way out of a wet bag. But he could recruit. The players on the teams he had were not as bad as the record indicated, they were really badly coached. In addition, another school dropped football, look up Tom Walsh, we were able to get some players from that team. The three sources combined were what made up the 81 team, not just JC kids. Getting good JC kids who will come in the spring, and are eligible is tough. So far Zamberlins staff has not had much success.
Heard an interesting statement on ESPN Radio last weekend during a college football review: it takes a new coach about 3 years on average to get his program established. I guess we're established - and extremely consistent, too. :cry:
Wow, to suggest that the injury was because he is a freshman is BS.

excellent observation b, i was afraid i was going to come across that way.. i can't say that an injury is a direct cause of anything but the event that caused the injury itself.

There are true freshman playing college football all around the country.

and i understand that there are true freshman across the country playing. not the same as our freshman tho. these guys are often freaks of nature, far more physically mature than an 18 year old should be. my point is we don't have any phenom, genetic work horse who could go straight to the league after 3 years of college football and that it's unfortunate that the freshman here are carrying such a huge load.
Challenge...you obviously do not understand it is NOT a good thing ISU has burned so many redshirts this year...Most freshmen are redshirted for a reason...To learn the program, fit in with the other members, adjust to life away from home and mostly they are not needed to fill in spots on the team. The team should already be established. Did you not understand what I asked Milk to explain about the problem with the scholarship money for that 5th year...They will not receive ANY MONEY to live on, only their tuition and books will be paid for...We'll see how happy they are that 5th year if they are still here. Another problem is those players can now leave and go anywhere and they still have that redshirt year to use. I'm still concerned about our APR as Bengal Cub has been saying for months. Frank can say all he wants about last weeks mess with the players but I heard they held them out of 3 days of practice and only let the athletes back on the teams after people started questioning the AD. And I agree with Blackfoot I haven't seen those GREAT freshmen players yet.
big orange - how old are you?

"Frank can say all he wants about last weeks mess with the players but I heard they held them out of 3 days of practice and only let the athletes back on the teams after people started questioning the AD"


seriously, how old are you?

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