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Promising future for the Bengals

Spartan...I'm probably old enough to be your great grandfather and I am telling you that mess last week with all the athletes is a bigger deal than Frank is leading on...Bengal Cub has been warning us all we are in trouble of losing scholarships. When have you heard of any college team making athletes ineligible during an eight week report? Talk about taking the focus off of the next game when you have over 30 athletes scrambling to figure out what is going on! I hope Kelvin Ang has dug deeper and will inform us all what is really happening. Promising Future?
spartan said:
big orange - how old are you?

"Frank can say all he wants about last weeks mess with the players but I heard they held them out of 3 days of practice and only let the athletes back on the teams after people started questioning the AD"


seriously, how old are you?

Old enough to be concerned.
spartan said:
big orange - how old are you?

"Frank can say all he wants about last weeks mess with the players but I heard they held them out of 3 days of practice and only let the athletes back on the teams after people started questioning the AD"


seriously, how old are you?

what does his age have to do with anything? ...that seems like a sketchy thing to ask!

once again we see spartan going after the commenter instead of making any kind of logical argument.

big orange the rumors you're referencing are only confirming, in my mind, what i've heard from athletes in several different programs at ISU. that being said Tingey may be in a bit of hot water right now.
i ask his age because he appears to be using junior high school logic - 'i heard, they said' - tiger milk does the same thing - implying they know whats happening on 'the inside' - i doubt if they are on the staff

if someone has questions or issues about the program and how it is being run - man up, show proof, ask the right people - otherwise you're just grinding that axe
Milk, can you shed any light on this....Why would any school pull that on any team trying to prepare for their next game...I really do not understand what actually happened or why. I heard they had lineman playing safety (that's probably a little exagerated) and scrambling trying to figure out who could cover certain spots. Were the coaches really a part of this, as Frank stated?
see my point?

"Milk, can you shed any light on this....Why would any school pull that on any team trying to prepare for their next game...I really do not understand what actually happened or why. I heard they had lineman playing safety (that's probably a little exagerated) and scrambling trying to figure out who could cover certain spots. Were the coaches really a part of this, as Frank stated?"

why would anyone outside of middle school post, ask or believe this crap?
Spartan, you can believe this or not but something BIG did happen this past week with the ISU athletes, not just football and remember what Cub has been telling us all the past couple of months, he warned us it was coming and I want to know if it is here. I have never implied I have an in and the reason I say I heard is because that is exactly what I did...Hear stuff at work, in the gym, at the barber or at the bar for that matter.
see that's exactly the point Spartan, if there were no rumblings and forebodings two months ago then subjective claims such as these should be dismissed without regard. BUT the truth is there have been signs of trouble (reference CUB here) and when i hear from my boys on the team that 30 dudes where told to leave practice then i'm inclined to believe it...AND i am inclined to assume that it has something to do with the APR problems.

GBO, i can't imagine why john would have so many players leave practice other than for reasons most of us expect (most of us save spartan, who marches to the beat of a different drummer apparently). i suppose it could be that john had the 30 players out doing community service or something? since that seems to be the only place Zamberlin can get any "wins".

why would anyone outside of middle school post, ask or believe this crap?

here's a question for ya spart: if these claims are established as true, in say the paper or press conference, then what will that make you and your accusations?

if someone has questions or issues about the program and how it is being run - man up, show proof, ask the right people - otherwise you're just grinding that axe

i might try to hold you to the same standard here sparty. i know what i heard and who i heard it from, but if you're going to sit there typing "these claims are all lies" then why dont you back that up with something concrete (i feel like i'm repeating myself with you on this exact point)?

at this point you're just "the boy who cried troll".
the burden of proof lies with the claimant - if you (or go big or anyone else) have proof - provide it. otherwise you are just grinding some personal axe or issue you have with the coaches or program
Spartan, I have no personal agenda here....it is strictly about the PROMISING FUTURE of the Bengals. Frank, himself, already posted the incident happened...he just sugar coated it.
Here's a thought.

Every semester the Matt Steuart sends out a notice to all of the student-athletes' professors to get updates on the student-athlete academic progress for the semester. It is up to the professors to complete these progress reports and submit them back to Matt and the athletic academic support stuff.

For the student-athletes who are struggling after 8 weeks (mid-term grades were also submitted for any student, athlete and non-athlete, who is receiving a less than satisfactory grade in hopes to make improvements in the 2nd half of the semester), it alerts Matt et al., and the student-athlete to take action. Please NOTE, these reports the professors have to fill out ask questions about projecting final/end of semester grades based on a portion of the way through the semester.

My guess is that once Matt et al. received the notices, they contacted the student-athletes who need to do better in the classroom and to find out "WTF - why are you struggling in class; what can athletic support do to help the student, etc, have you talked to your professor." It's possible for Matt and the coaches to pull the student-athletes from practices in order to develop a plan of action to get their grades on track.

For some student-athletes, it's probably nothing. For others, it may be a determining factor if they will be eligible for spring ball (and for the other winter sports, being eligible to play during the season - SEE WBB for eligibility issues in 08-09 at the end of the fall 08 semester).

Bottom line, the student-athletes got to do the work in the classroom. Period. If they need help, they need to seek it from the support staff and from their professors. Most of the student-athletes that do need help, they make a conscious effort to improve their academic standing. Unfortunately for some student-athletes, they stick their heads in the sand and think their academic troubles will just go away.

Please note that most student-athletes do NOT have academic issues and most are enjoyable to have in class and contribute to the academic learning environment. I've been fortunate to have current and former student-athletes who excel in the classroom, who work hard and care about their grades, and who seek help from me when they need it. Every now and then I get handful of knuckeheads every couple of years who do not put forth 1/2 the effort in the classroom than what they give in practice.

Hopefully Z will continue to recruit kids who do well on the field, in the classroom, and in the community. Hopefully the kids who are struggling can take the initiative to be proactive the remainder of the semester and finish their academic semester on a positive note.

Just my two pennys worth.
I've heard that the big sky is going to make the academic standards higher for member schools. Meaning that incoming/current players would have to meet higher academic progress to be eligible. Maybe that's why he came through this last week. Just throwing it out there
wow - a well thought out comment that doesn't have any 'i know some secret info that if only i could share you would all be amazed' innuendo -

great post. thanks.
Spartan, do you realize that nobody on here posted a fact, but only an opinion? You wanted facts, yet you cheered opinions and maybes.

I think everyone has valid points--isn't that what a message board is for?

Why is it that some people don't seem to understand that folks can long for a program to succeed and still criticize and hold people accountable and ultimately demand changes (or improvement) if that is the way they feel?

I don't think it makes all people that disagree haters or trolls.

My 'axe to grind' has everything to do with retention of players, building a program the right way and wins vs losses.
sorry - wasn't looking for facts - i just get tired of the 'i got secret info' posts - if they got info i believe it should be shared or they shouldn't comment on it - jmho

everyone is welcome to their opinion but i do think there is some personal axe grinding going on
Respectfully, John....That would be a great thing if the players were called in and told they needed to seek extra help but they were pulled from practice(fact, spartan, find one of the players, it won't be hard there were 30) and told they were ineligible and they were not going to NAU because of their grades. Period....and then after 3 days of missing practice told they were back on the team. Crazy crap!
"...My boys on the team......"

It sounds to me like GBO has all the information souces we'll ever need. Why don't the "boys on the team" know the answers to all the questions being asked on this thread? Was the info even corrrect that 30 players were held out of practice this week...or was that just rumor? (Hey...I heard Bama was going to drop football if they hadn't beaten the Vols yesterday).
We're planning on having the AD on the coach's show tomorrow night. Anybody up for a call to him with questions, or should we just keep assuming we're about to lose 30 players and 38,000 APR points to bad grades? Or, why don't we just ask the "boys on the team"? I think some people here are gonna have to start taking high blood pressure meds if you get any more wound up over a rumor. Oh, I forgot...option 3...we could also wait and see what Kelvin says...I know he's working on the story.

I'm not defending or attacking anyone here...I'm just saying why don't we wait and get ALL the facts before we form a firing squad?
Hey, VOTB...."My boys on the team" comment wasn't mine....I said my information is coming from work, barber and bar talk...but I did talk with a player and maybe it wasn't a football player but that did happen and it would be great to quit calling it a rumor because Frank already said it happened. 30 players pulled from practice is fact. No one is forming a firing squad...just wondering if Cub's prediction is coming true.
You know I love ya, Spartan.

I don't think that coming out and revealing inside sources is a very easy thing to do. I know good things and I know bad things, but if I said all that I knew--it might put people in harms way.

I am sure that others know things as well. I can promise you this, retention and APR are things that Idaho State University is very concerned about. They know that a storm may be brewing, but I also know that they are really trying to make improvements.

When it is all said and done--ISU may be able to avoid disaster, but disaster is DANGER CLOSE right now. If the problem is not harnessed...the first step is scholarship penalties and the next step is a ban from post season play. Right now, I say the football program is teetering. Lean a little one way and negative consequences can be averted. Lean too much the other way and the problem will be a crisis.

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