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Promising future for the Bengals

OK, first of all...holy crap? Really? We need basketball to get here so that these things go away because how I'm in the middle of this is baffling. I have made no bones about anything. I don't know the exact amount of players that were pulled from practice because quite honestly? I went home to cook dinner since my wife was working and my daughter needed fed. Was the number around 30? Yeah, probably...but again, this was a case of being proactive.

However, there was a danger of only three current active players not playing. Again, this was a case of staying on top of grades....some kids returned to practice in minutes after their grade was cleared up (it might have been as simple as there was a lab component not factored in). Some guys needed to get their grades cleared up with a grade report from their teachers, but there was no threat of 30 guys missing the trip to NAU.

In fact, the original list was seven players, five who actually play, but two of those were immediately corrected, and the other three were finalized within a day.

Basically, and again this was across the board, the coaches and administrators basically wanted clarification on anything that was a D or an F ... this is new but it obviously was successful in that it made the kids accountable, and it got a lot of things cleared up ... in the past this wasn't really stayed on top of, and then there is scrambling at the end of the semester if there was a mix-up.

Hopefully that ends this portion of the Frank Mercogliano-spin doctor thing some folks think I have. I'm about as truthful of an SID in the business....you can ask any media member about it if you so choose, and in reality, several fans as well.

FYI, the APR is a very real concern....again, I think you will see the football APR go up a little, but not enough to where it is not a concern. ISU's overall school APR is very good by the way, but again, we have some pieces and components internally that we are looking at doing that should help in the APR battle. I can't get into them obviously, but fans should understand that when things are on the radar around here, they are usually on our radar well before.


EDIT: P.S., while I don't doubt that up for the challenge is someone close to the program, because it was weird that person knew of the extension even before I was told it was official, but I can absolutely tell you that it is not Mary Ellen Zamberlin, because she thought it was funny when someone told her that folks here thought it was her. She told me like a week ago I could say that, but I didn't because it wasn't an issue until this thread again...so anyways....UFTC isn't Mrs. Z...
That is good information, thank you.

It is nice to see that ISU is taking the needed steps to address APR.

I have never heard of a player losing eligibility during the regular season and not being able to play. Is this something that is new? If so, it could really be beneficial in keeping kids on track during the regular season.
It wasn't losing eligibility...they just would have in effect been suspended from playing that week due to academic issues if it had come down to that....they weren't ineligible, but we just weren't sure they were taking care of the things in the classroom that they should have.

Always happy to answer questions....

And I duly apologize, GBO. And I could also have told you that UFTC wasn't Mrs. Z...she's knows more about football than that.
I wish I was a sports information director. Very long hours, low pay (relatively speaking) and questions about one's veracity; what more could one ask for.
isusid, for what it’s worth I never meant to imply that you were not being honest with your information.
Frank is just a champ at shedding the best possible light on a situation. For this I used the term “spin” but I didn’t intend to insinuated “untruth”.

Forgive my looseness isusid. you've got a tough job and you're not often in the ideal position when it comes to conveying the information. We're glad to have you here at ISU and you do a fine job.

Here’s something I think Spartan will appreciate. I did a little more research and made a few more connections as into this infamous “30-gate rumor”…

Apparently this whole thing was Tingey's call. 22 players were sent from practice on Tuesday to figure out why they had more than two Ds or an F. Of the 22 players three were still withheld from practice wed. Mike Wright, Phil Pleasant, and Shaq Senegal were only cleared just before leaving for NAU. They were however cleared and no residue of ineligibility should be associated with these players.

Like Frank said this was a pre-emptive strike on the part of Tingey (not a bad call if you ask me). As we have also heard the BigSky commissioner was in town last week. This may have played a roll in Tingey’s vigilance on this matter. That however is only my conjecture.

Why 22 players you may ask? Well part of the issue is with the teachers. Often times they don't communicate in terms of letter grades till the end of semester, instead the use a point system. So if a player has gotten B's on the first three tests then his grade would look like: 3x85=155 points out of 500 points possible FOR THE WHOLE SEMESTER. It can be misleading, because when it is transferred into terms of a letter grade it looks like the student has an “F”. This usually happens in large lecture classes where teachers rely on computers to calculate, enter, and communicate grades.

For 19 of the 22 sent from practice Tuesday the grade debacle was cleared up without incident by the following day, the other three had the situation resolved by Thursday or Friday. Like frank said this was a case of being proactive, a good thing, and yes we need basketball to get here ASAP...
Fanatic- My question is about your question on the coaches show thread, but I didn't feel that was the appropriate place to ask this of you. Why would Tingey make demands for staff changes, and target the offense only? Neither offense or defense has show much of anything. He just made changes to the makeup of the offensive staff (this past offseason), why wouldn't the demands be on the defensive side?
tigersmilk said:
Why 22 players you may ask? Well part of the issue is with the teachers. Often times they don't communicate in terms of letter grades till the end of semester, instead the use a point system. So if a player has gotten B's on the first three tests then his grade would look like: 3x85=155 points out of 500 points possible FOR THE WHOLE SEMESTER. It can be misleading, because when it is transferred into terms of a letter grade it looks like the student has an “F”.

I'm not sure if I understand your logic. BTW, 3 x 85 = 255. If the professors did what you articulated in your example, then just about all ISU students should or would be receiving "D" and "F" mid-term notices.

To my knowledge, teachers calculate grades based on the amount of work submitted to date. Hence, if a student-athlete earned a total of 255 points out of a possible 300 by the time mid-term grade reports are due, then his or her grade would be reflective of that. That is, 255/300 (85%), not 255/500 (51%).

Regardless, I am encouraged to see the coaching staff and Steuart et al. be proactive make sure the student-athletes are accountable for their academic progress before its too late in the semester.

No, there are absolutely some teachers who base even their midterm grades on the total points for the entire semester....

isusid said:

No, there are absolutely some teachers who base even their midterm grades on the total points for the entire semester....


That is ridiculous on its face. What possible rationale could there be for that?
It's called tenure and professors can do what they want sometimes....seriously. Happens everywhere, not just here. Just so you know that a select group...nearly all ISU professors are very accommodating...but there are the select few....

isusid said:
It's called tenure and professors can do what they want sometimes....seriously. Happens everywhere, not just here. Just so you know that a select group...nearly all ISU professors are very accommodating...but there are the select few....


Tenure too is a ridiculous concept. I guess it all fits together....thanks
I think it is great that Mr. Tingey and Coach Z is letting the players know that they have to work hard in the classroom if they want to play football at ISU. The players want to be good students but it is not easy playing football during the season as it takes up a lot of time with practicing, reviewing game films, traveling, etc. The players have to seek tutoring and study hall if they are having academic difficulties. The professors are understanding and will help the ISU student-athletes but it is up to the players to seek help and perform in the classroom . If the players can be dedicated to their studies and to the football program than there is a "promising future for the Bengals".

I will be leaving the Bengal blog for awhile as it would appear that most fans are getting to critical of the Bengal football program based on what I have read in the Bengal Blog. I am a supporter of the Bengal football program and I would like to see them start winning like everybody else. I understand the frustration of losing as many of you have been long time fans and want to see the Bengals start to win. I believe that day will come in the near future. I will continue wearing my Bengal hat and Bengal t-shirt on Saturdays and going to the games. Hang in there, our day will come when we start to win, sale out the arena, and win the Big Sky League. We will all be proud Bengals....

This is "Up For The Challenge" signing off for now.....
Tigersmilk - yeah, it's time to go for awhile as I have posted my comments about the ISU football program. I appreciate all the comments about the ISU football program, good or bad. I would like to see the ISU football program start to win some games like everybody. I am frustrated as well with the losing season but I have to support this team whether it is the coaches and / or players as I know better days are ahead for this team as they are trying to rebuild. I am just a Bengal fan hoping the best for them... I like the idea of being a Bengal fan, win or lose.... Hang in there with this team as the players are trying their best on and off the field. That is all that they can do..... I know they are frustrated about having a losing season as they are competitors and they want to win....

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