LDopaPDX said:
How the hell does Prairie View get something like that done? They have no football tradition. Seriously, like zero.
It is discouraging to see all these other places getting things done, and no shovels in the ground in Cheney.
It probably mostly has to do with:
Prairie View A&M
A. It's Texas - football is god in Texas, and ridiculous spending on stadia even at the high school level is the norm.. Keepin up with the Texas States..
B. Right to work state - Significantly lower construction costs one would assume.
C. 9,000,000 population within an hours drive.
- Small population base (main thing holding EWU football back) - Building more dorms on campus is the solution, and housing around campus and increasing student enrollment.
600,000 within 15 miles. Cheney itself around 12,000 people.. tough to get support.
- Set goals too high: Instead of going for a "phased" expansion, starting with the largest capacity increase for the most bang first.
Montana State really did their endzone expansion right.. But sometimes less is more, or at least, building piece by piece with a plan is more, instead of going all out.
Cal Poly has the same problem.. Grandious plans that never seem to come to fruition because they are too much at one time, instead of building a stadium like Montana did piece by piece (yeah, their stadium is kind of funky/qwirky/ugly, but at least it's big and exists at 22,000).
Here was Cal Poly's "Gateway" 3-level stadium..
Too bad that never happened.