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Spread Offense

up for the challenge said:
Blackfootbengal made the comment: As for "up for the challenge", Zamberlin could feed you a cow pie with whip cream and you would ask for more.

I would ask for a cow pie with whip cream on it so I could shove it up your mouth and watch you enjoy eating it. Waz up Blackfootbengal, still hungry..or do you need some water to go with your cow pie..
up for the challenge said:
blackfootbengal wrote: Who, I'm afraid. Internet cow pie, scary.

I thought you would enjoy your internet cow pie with a glass of water as you seem to like to dish things out on but maybe you cannot handle getting things dished back to you which is probably true based on your comments. No one wants to hear about crap you post or cow pies with whip cream. I forgot, I would put a cherry on top of the whip cream for you to sweeten it up a little more for you.

(reading this makes my head hurt!)

just tell me this challenged, cow pies aside, did you get the point blackfoot was making about how your blind faith in zamberlin is ridiculous? he isn't god you know...(well perhaps to you he is). maybe i'm taking a jab without cause but you seemed to fixate on the "dis" more than the content of the statement, which appears to be true.

...Thats on the defense, mainly the front seven....As to the QB, with two seniors, 1 junior, two redshirt freshmen, and a grey shirt, how many more can we have on the team.

more than a different QB we need a DE (or two) who can go berserk for 40 plays a game. in regards to making life easier for offense, that's were i'd spend my time looking.
Blackfootbengal - I think you started the children's talk so I just addressed you back like a child so you know what you sound like. I enjoy your football comments even though you do not know much about football. Stay with your football comments without the personal insults and you will be fine.
Maybe none of us know anything about football. However, we do recognize a Zamberlin "fluffer" when we see one.

I think that one is better than "cow pie" with a cherry on top...
a fluffer can be a skilled craftsman (or craftswoman)...that's quite the compliment! either way challenged has shown some serious dedication on this board. i get all choked up just thinking about it :lol:
tigersmilk said:
a fluffer can be a skilled craftsman (or craftswoman)...that's quite the compliment! either way challenged has shown some serious dedication on this board. i get all choked up just thinking about it :lol:

Yeah, and Blackfoot shows serious dedication to being an arrogant a-hole. Let's hear it for serious dedication huh?
tigerpaws said:
Yeah, and Blackfoot shows serious dedication to being an arrogant a-hole. Let's hear it for serious dedication huh?

“Every filmmaker, every journalist has to be arrogant. You have to say "I have the truth, you got to pay attention, you got to listen."”

-Bill Moyers

if i may take the liberty of interjecting "blogger/forum patron" to that quote?

i suppose knowledge of the truth can be perceived as arrogance..what can't be mistaken is that we've all got an a-hole as well as an excuse for our behavior. mine? well i like to stir the pot, to see how much arrogance and/or knowledge will surface.
tigersmilk - just tell me this challenged, cow pies aside, did you get the point blackfoot was making about how your blind faith in zamberlin is ridiculous? he isn't god you know...(well perhaps to you he is). maybe i'm taking a jab without cause but you seemed to fixate on the "dis" more than the content of the statement, which appears to be true.

tigersmilk - I enjoy all the comments posted about football at ISU as everybody has their own opinions. Anyone should be able to post their opinions on a topic so the readers can state their own opinions to the topic based on the information they have received and / or read. I do not care to hear BS or personal attacks on a post because they do not agree or just like to jab just to be jabbing, just state that you disagree and state your reasons for disagreement and move on. Regarding Coach Z, some ISU fans agree what he is doing at ISU and some ISU fans do not agree. The topic "spread offense" was generated by blackfootbengal and he stated his disagreement about Coach Z wanting to go to this offense for next year. Who said the spread offense is going to happen. We all know Coach Z is the head coach but he primarily focuses on the defense as he enjoys working with the linebackers. All I said in my post was the new offensive coordinator will determine what type of offense he will run based on the offense players he has for next year. It may be the spread offense or it maybe another type of offensive. We will all have to wait until next season to see what happens as we cannot speculate. I believe if ISU can get some wins at the beginning of the season we may have a chance to compete in league. I really felt the ISU players played well their last 2 games which tells me that we may have a good season next year.
Challenge, you marginalized your credibility when it became obvious you were just a mouthpiece for the athletic department or staff. While your knowing about the contract extension may have impressed some, it was obvious it was something you could have only gotten from an inside source who wanted it on the board. Frank has a share in this as everyone realizes what it says has been approved prior to his saying it. Anything you say now will be suspect. Oh yeah, it was a jab just to jab, letting you know I as well as others know what you are on this board. I do not use terms like troll, I just pick at people such as you. As I have said numerous times, if your feelings are hurt easily, I would stay off the board, or toughen up. I unlike most the board members have never hidden who I am, even Zamberlin knows who I am on the board. He could deny it if he wants, but he always knows when I have attacked his first two years of recruiting or Standleys coaching, I know this because he asks those who know me whenever I have posted. It is easy to throw out threats and insults when no one knows who you are, you take advantage of this with your posts in fact. I on the other hand make myself available both by posting my email address, being available for debate, or if you prefer personally, Frank has spoken to me at times concerning my posts and many other board members know me. In hindsight this may have been a mistake, but it makes me fell better. I have noticed most find it easier to hide behind their board names and attack me; those attacks have little credibility to me and I rather enjoy the chance to argue. By the way, when you debate me come with substantiated facts, I do not want to know how you feel about Stradley’s coaching, I want proof that he is good and it is documented somewhere. I do value your opinion as long as that is not all you have; provide proof.
Arrogant A$$hole, are you married to my ex-wife Milk. Milk, I can't believe you would say that about me. I guess I better work on my BS craftsmanship.
Whoa...leave me out of this, other than this...what I say is NOT APPROVED by anyone prior to me posting. I have carte blanche to say anything I want here....that being said I'm not an idiot, but no one tells me what I can or can't say on a public message board....just getting that fact out there.

FYI, I don't always agree with Blackfoot, but I respect him because he was not shy about revealing who he is.

isusid said:
Whoa...leave me out of this, other than this...what I say is NOT APPROVED by anyone prior to me posting. I have carte blanche to say anything I want here....that being said I'm not an idiot, but no one tells me what I can or can't say on a public message board....just getting that fact out there.

FYI, I don't always agree with Blackfoot, but I respect him because he was not shy about revealing who he is.


oh this is delightful! will you then, frank, state something, anything that you have a dissenting opinion on in regards to the way zamberlin has run the show for the last 3 years..?

because all we hear is the proverbial "fluffery" coming from the house of sid, there is little else to go on but assume you have a mandate by zamberlin to apologize, spin, or distract on his behalf.

so lets see the carte blanche in action eh?
ISUSID- I truly want to understand. You can say anything you want as you stated, but what if you disagree with things? Do you post the disagreement? Do you just stay out of the disucussion on issues where you disagree? How much influence does being the info director make on how you post your thoughts? Could you lose your job from posting on the board? What if you were voicing a disagreement with how a team/coach was doing things? Is it ethical for an assistant athletic director to be posting on a fan message board?

Like I said, I truly want to know. These are some questions that I have had and your post in this thread got me thinking again.
perhaps the posters who have an issue with the sid could go up to their bosses/higer ups at work tomorrow morning and read them a list of all the things they (the posters) believe they (those bosses/higher ups) are doing wrong and tell those same bosses/higher ups just exactly how to fix everything, how you know your suggestions would all work, then go trumpet those 'suggestions' to everyone else who works there, etc...

gd naive axe grinding tools....
Sparta you make a pretty decent point here. Which is why I had those questions. I know at my work, if there were a forum such as this and an employee were to be on posting info (good or bad), they would be dismissed. Just a matter of policy. But as an ass. Ad, who besides the ad would be the higher ups? And wouldn't any criticisms or praises on how the organization or in this cases, different divisions underneath in the organization, be open communication between those higher administrators? But if the SID has cart blanche, there wouldn't be repercussions, because he would have autonomous authority and control.
spartan said:
your response suggests you know very little about how power and organizations exist in the real world

how so spartan? go on teach us something..

i feel like there is a wealth of information you're keeping from us by hiding behind these "half-points" you're always making.
can't teach you anything - if only because you started out with..'I feel' - everything you attempt to do/think/or learn from there is skewed due to the emphasis on 'feeling' rather than thinking

you got your feelings hurt somehow/someway with or about the isu program

no one can teach you anything until:

1. you move on from having your feelings hurt/get over it
or 2. you learn to think critically

jmho - your mileage may vary
(now go on and spout your nonsense)
Are you asking if I agree with everything that has ever been done at ISU, but say Jeff, or Paul, and Z, or O'Brien? No, but ISU Dude is correct, I don't air my grievances here.

I have said this before....I try to stay factual and answer questions and stay on point and not get caught up in the rhetoric and stuff that is said here.

That being said, Jeff knows I post here, and he is OK with it. Paul had an absolute edict that no one was allow to post, so I didn't...being qa good employee and all.

I have said thais many times....as the media person, I listen to all fans...whether they are phone calls, people at church, in the grocery store, letter to the editor, message board, whatever...I hold some opinions much higher than others as well.

My profession has changed, and I have talked at my national convention about message boards and fan stuff like that, because I at one time was one of a select few that posted and interacted with fans. More are doing that now. I've been on here less and less because I have more to do at work it seems with the added responsibilities I have (it's nice to travel and get on here, or check it at lunch, or even when I need a five minute mental health break).

Does this place get to be a bit much? Oh yeah, but you guys are WAY SANER then say EGRIZ, where they basically fired Bobby Hauck Saturday and then built a statue of the guy by the end of that game.

Anyway Tiger, I don't publicize dissenting opinions of the program or coaches here on a public forum, because I don't have to. I just meet with someone and talk to them, which I have very easy access to, and I understand you guys don't, hence a forum to air that stuff...I totally get that. But yes, I have had differences with coaches and administrators before, and I have no problems talking to any of them...I think I have earned respect because of that. However, I'm a team guy, and once we have a decision, I'm on board, and off we go, because that's how a team should work...at least in my frame of mind.

FYI, it's chilly in Indiana, but we are staying near the College Football Hall of Fame....very cool. Hope that answers that...

blackfootbengal made the comment: Challenge, you marginalized your credibility when it became obvious you were just a mouthpiece for the athletic department or staff. While your knowing about the contract extension may have impressed some, it was obvious it was something you could have only gotten from an inside source who wanted it on the board.

blackfootbengal- The statement above from you is nonsense and unfounded. Everybody that follows ISU football knew that Coach Z was at the end of his contract. Some people wanted him to go and some people wanted him to return. I made my comments why I thought he would be given an extension to his contract, apparently my comments upset you and a few others others that wanted him to go. Here are the real facts: you do not coach football at ISU and either do I, you have your opinions and other fans have their opinions. Now, here is the bottom line: The real fans for ISU football will support the Bengals win or lose. The players want to win and the coaches want to win. This season is over and I am already looking forward to next season. Win or lose, you either support the program or you do not. I happen to be one of those fans that enjoy ISU football win or lose.

With that said, I have given my last comment so I really do not need to hear back from you regarding any personal insults that you may have with me or hear about unfounded speculations. Give your comments about football only and that will give you integrity on this board, the personal insults to others that post their comments get you nowhere other than disrespect.

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