The MW and PAC are unsettled right now. Moreso the PAC. No tv deal after months of trying. No public decision on the 8th football member either. If Sac State wants to make the jump and has deadlines to meet, like making a schedule for the 2026 season or finding a place to park their olympic sports, then they can't wait for the PAC to see if they can get a "better" school. Take control of your own destiny.
Independent feels risky, but so is waiting on a conference that is slow to get things done and has a recent history of overvaluing themselves.
This is how I feel too… I appreciated the moonshot for the PAC. But, the longer we wait for the PAC and MWC to figure their sh|t out, the less viable this jump becomes.
I was initially anti-Indy, because of nightmare stories like UMASS. But, I think SAC can place themselves in a greater position of bargaining power on the FBS landscape if we’re already there. It gives cover to anyone wanting to add us as full members, grants time for facility improvements, and really just makes us more marketable in two years time. AND, might not have to offer things like forego full media payouts for 6 years to “belong.”
With the rumored football scheduling agreement with the PAC, we will be able to play a road heavy PAC schedule anyways, and create valuable viewership datapoints when we have to go back to the table. And, I have confidence in the Marion program to represent us well on a national stage, hopefully scaring the crap out of schools paying us 2x or 3x the FCS amount to play them on the road. Especially as FBS wins become more valuable than OOC FCS wins with the CFP.
By many accounts (to me, and via online rumors), this is a DONE deal. Much, but not all of the NIL will be activated. The administration is all-in. The process might not be perfect, but it’s more than I ever imagined we could ever do at SAC. After decades of having the “sleeping giant” moniker, Dr. Wood and company are busting out the air horns.