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The PAC/MWC Dominoes Begin to Fall

This is strictly a CSU vs UC budget issue than anything else. R1 & R2 designation is determined by how much annual spending is budgeted towards research and the amount of doctorates offered. Sac State just earned R2 status. SDSU is the only CSU that is R1. Oddly enough, Cal Poly (SLO) is neither R1 or R2 status. Most, if not all, of the UC's are R1.

As more CSU alums become state legislature reps/lobbyists, more state budget dollars will be directed towards the CSU and doctorate restrictions for the CSU will be eased.

Completely agree with your 2nd paragraph.
CSU budget comes out of the general budget with every other state service.
UC budget has its own line item and not shared with other agencies.

If Sac State obtains those downtown facilities they ought to dedicate a majority of space to research functions. I agree R1 should be the goal.
R1 is more difficult for CSU schools because my understanding is they are limited in certain programs they are able to offer. It is very impressive for SDSU to get there. I believe our current school administration is modeling themselves after SDSU in more ways than one.

The Placer campus and hopefully a downtown campus will be huge for the schools potential growth and influence. Glad they are finally being aggressive.

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