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Jedi and others, I am trying to understand your concerns. I don't live in Pocatello and I am not around Idaho State every day. What has Tingey done wrong or where has his lack of experience hurt Idaho State? I'm not saying that it is or isn't there at all. Unlike Zamberlin's horrible record, you can't look up Tingey's statistics.

If Tingey needs to go--then why? Is Valias in the same boat and if so, why?

Help me understand.
bengalcub said:
Jedi and others, I am trying to understand your concerns. I don't live in Pocatello and I am not around Idaho State every day. What has Tingey done wrong or where has his lack of experience hurt Idaho State? I'm not saying that it is or isn't there at all. Unlike Zamberlin's horrible record, you can't look up Tingey's statistics.

If Tingey needs to go--then why? Is Valias in the same boat and if so, why?

Help me understand.

ISU football. The program is a mess of which we may never recover and he is the boss.
To be honest, I don't think you can lay the mess in the athletic department entirely at Tingey's feet. He inherited the majority if not all of the mess. What has happened at ISU did not happen overnight and you cannot expect it to go away overnight. Zamberlin is a Bubb hire with the agreement of a committee of individuals who helped interview. He was not our first choice, if we had been willing to pay what the first choice wanted we would have had him. Blame a University that is so short sighted they cannot see the advantages of a strong athletic program, not a young man who was just hired four years ago. As to his qualifictions; having a Master degree does not make you qualified nor does have white hair. Some of the best managers I have ever worked with did not have a degree and while experience helps sometimes, sometimes people just keep making the same mistakes over and over. I will use Bubb as an example. Bubb was more than qualified for the AD position. Ask yourself why he moved so often. Not his lack of experience, it was his belief that he could do no wrong. No matter what information he was provided with, he made the final call, even if it went directly into the face of what he and everyone else knew. He had a firm belief that he was never wrong, thus he made the same mistakes in his life over and over again. Experience had never taught him anything. I don't even know that Tingey has made any mistakes seeing as any percieved mistakes seem to be based on idividual perceptions that it was a mistake. Was it really a mistake or are we nit-picking. Mentored by others in the University system and given time to grow into his position I imagine Tingey as any of us would have, will do fine. Has he or will make mistakes, probley. Is that really any different than anyone else we have hired prior to him or could hire to replace him.
Bubb had to leave over a sexual harrassment issue. I doubt any college or university would want to touch him with a ten foot pole.
IMHO Tingey is the first to go. His personality is about as blah as a rock. If he is leading the pack to get people excited about ISU we are doomed. He comes across as arogant. He is getting credit for three wonderful upgrades that HE had absolutely NOTHING to do with. The donation of Sylvia Papenberg for Miller Ranch Stadium (I thought that upgrade was suppose to happen at the football practice field according to the news release) and the donation of Jared Allen for the weight room and the hard work of Donna Hays for the locker room. I would like to see these three individuals get credit for their donations rather than Tingey taking the credit. Just saying.....
The softball field was originally planned to replace the football practice field, but that fell through when Bengal Village didn't get the funding (and thankfully it's on the backburner...where the hell is ISU going to find 100 million dollars?).

Bartz Field is a good place for softball. Good location, easy to get to...you already have the space set up...it's perfect.

Yes, Doona ran the point for some of that and deserves credit, but Tingey as a leader allowed Donna to go and do her thing. He didn't butt in, he supported and gave her the resources to make it happen. Absolutely it doesn't get without him...silly to think otherwise. Yes the Papenberg contribution was there, but has the land sold yet? Nope. Is the field getting built because of the gift in kind Jeff and Jay have been working on? Yes. Has Jeff battled through every road block people on lower campus have put in his way from a facilities and building standpoint? You betcha. That field NEVER HAPPENS with Tingey, and the other things are slower in coming.

The pesonal vendetta some folks have against him is baffling. A.D.'s are there to run the department and make money, not be buddy buddy with student-athletes. I'd rather have him doing the dirty work and making $$$$, and he is off the charts at doing that.

Put it this way...I'd take him to add to the kick-ass team we have here in a hearbeat.

Frank, are you kidding me...it doesn't get done without him...It was Donna's baby and why would anyone stand in her way. And by the way, don't sell her short.

P.S. Why don't you see if you can get him a job and add him to the kick-ass team you have there. Good Luck with that.
Correction on my post....the softball field absolutely doesn't get done without him...the locker rooms and weight rooms get done but probably not as fast. Give Tingey credit as a leader in that he sees the value of what Donna brings to the table, and he lets' her do the things she can be very successful at. Donna is a big resource for that department because of her personality, and her contacts, and her understanding of the history of the place.

I'm just saying other ADs may have tried to step on Donna's toes and gotten in the way. Jeff let her do her thing, and viola...locker rooms and new weight room.

Again, I was in the room with Jeff in many meetings...the guy knows his stuff and is getting things done. He is absolutely not an issue there.

FormerISUSID said:
Again, I was in the room with Jeff in many meetings...the guy knows his stuff and is getting things done. He is absolutely not an issue there.


Yeah right. He has done a hell of a job with the football program.
By all indications, bhumble, bengalharley, and the few others who make a weekly call for Tingey's ouster have personal biases against him. They give him no credit for all of the good things that happen in the department (new softball field, new lockers, new video board, new sign outside Holt, good VB and women's BB hires) yet all of the blame for the strugglings of the FB program. Who the hell cares whether he is good at BSing at the tailgate party. Stack his performance up against prior ADs and it's clear we are in better managerial hands than we've been in a long time.
Irwin M. Fletcher said:
By all indications, bhumble, bengalharley, and the few others who make a weekly call for Tingey's ouster have personal biases against him. They give him no credit for all of the good things that happen in the department (new softball field, new lockers, new video board, new sign outside Holt, good VB and women's BB hires) yet all of the blame for the strugglings of the FB program. Who the hell cares whether he is good at BSing at the tailgate party. Stack his performance up against prior ADs and it's clear we are in better managerial hands than we've been in a long time.
amen. Tingey is always very friendly to me and I think he's doing a great job.

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