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isusid said:
Jeff has hired Seton Sobolewski (that is working out pretty well), Chad Teichert (that is working out pretty well), Andrea Wilson (didn't work out, and no one saw that one coming, even me, and I had some responsibility there), Julie Wright (hasn't coached a game but is bringing a big-league, major program mindset which is needed).

I'm telling you...Jeff is not an issue. I said this when he was hired...at ISU, the A.D. you will get is either A) an asst. or assoc. AD looking for his first AD job - B) a DII AD working his way up, or C) a fallen Division I AD looking for another chance.

In reality, if you went with option A, you get Jeff, or Jim Senter...option B is not applicable because of the challenges at ISU. Option C is Paul, who did good things at ISU, until the end of his tenure when he left. In reality, Jeff might have had certain inroads to the job, but he has fought for the department, gone head to head not just with Dr. Vailas on issue but with his dad as well ... and he has made facility improvements that are tangible. New locker rooms for FOUR teams, video boards, weight room, softball facility ... I mean really...you want to get rid of THAT GUY?

I'm friends with Z but understand the facts when folks talk about John's job status. I want him to succeed and will want that for him until the very end, but I don't get the hate on Jeff. Again, I've sat in many meetings with Jeff...he knows his stuff, and you know what, he got ISU to basically CRUISE through certification. I know some people whine that he doesn't know all the athletes well enough, but his job first and foremost is raise money, and manage the department. He passes easily there...

FYI, it's fun typing on the computer waiting for volleyball box scores LOL.


Some pretty good points. I guess the bad taste in my mouth is coming more from the Bubb era. I KNOW when he was in charge some programs succeeded IN SPITE of him. But that's the past. I don't know Tingey well at all and have just picked up bits and pieces from people here and there. Good to hear the other side. Either way, the main thing I want is successful ISU athletics. Whoever can help with that is good in my books.
bengalharley said:
Mr. Former Sid, I read each of your posts, and I must say; You must really think most of us aren't very smart. We know, that there is no way Tingey will get fired. He was hand picked by Pres. Vailis, and there is no way Vailis is going to let him fail. As for the things you said he has done, well it helps that the President is behind him and wants him to succeed. The fact is, he had zero experience, got the job, because his father was VP and Vailis liked him and threw him a bone. To compare him to someone who has worked her/his way up to be an AD is laughable. You are trying your best to sway this board, just as you always have and before you say "I don't work there anymore!" you owe them for the job you have at the moment. You are a mouthpiece for the Administration and your bias is well documented.

Stick to the facts, stop using part of the story to your advantage. As for Z, you know that was a hire because of economics, the players knew that and so do you. I am so glad that Professors teach us to ask questions and find out answers for ourselves.

Cub, Superfan :D and all of you that support the Student Athletes. Thanks for your support.
Sometimes I thought Frank would have better spent his time addressing ISU needs, rather than posting on here.

That said, I do give him my respect because he at least doesn't use the veil of anonymity to personally berate and attack other people on a public forum.

Keep posting Frank!
sasquatch said:
Sometimes I thought Frank would have better spent his time addressing ISU needs, rather than posting on here.

That said, I do give him my respect because he at least doesn't use the veil of anonymity to personally berate and attack other people on a public forum.

Keep posting Frank!

I'd say Frank is turning into a fan an enjoys the freedom of saying what is on his mind. Granted he has some loyalties, but then again, who doesn't?
ISUDude said:
We aren't talking about a regular guy. This is a priveleged position that he is in. Granted we play 1AA, but in all there are only like 250 D1 head coaching jobs. The fact is that he is not great. Last fall there were multiple discussions similar to yours brought up. He is a nice guy. He tries hard. He is blah, blah, blah. At central washington he took over a program that was very good and already established. The season or so before he took over they won the national championship. He didn't have to rebuild anything, he just had to steer the ship. Over his tenure, the cen wash program was about 10% less successful under zamberlin than the previous staff. I believe the previous staff was there for 5-6 seasons and Z was for 8-10 or so. After the sham show came to pocatello, the Cent Wash program did better. He managed the situation up there, he didn't run it. He was brought in and praised as a guy thats an established winner that knows how to build a program. Propaganda!! He really was just a guy who had played forever ago for a couple years as a backup in the NFL. He was a guy that sounded like the stereotypical football coach that many think of when it comes to successful college head coaches (bryant, rockne...). A hard nosed, tough guy who is personable enough. The shine has worn off, (for some that came several years ago others are just seeing it now), and what is left is a guy who doesn't know how to get the job done, is in way over his head, delusionally believes that he is doing the right thing, and has no real connection with 98% of his players. Besides the most superficial and obvious aspects of a kid, he has no clue what makes these players tick. They don't confide in him, and tote the party line... Becasue the HAVE to. They have to maintain the status quo or else they end up like Rashaad Richads and Isaiah Burel. AJ may have said those things in the paper and on the show, but those words are empty and without conviction.

Z- I know that you want to shut up me and the others on here. Keep on trying!! Your efforts to force people down only serve the greater good for the ISU program. People see how fake you are and that you are just grasping for straws. Do what is right!!! Actually live what you are trying to tell the players. Do the honest and right thing. For the good of the team!! Resign and show that you are committed to helping the program grow. You are holding it back. You and your cronies have shackled and bled the life of the Bengals, unleash the beasts by cutting yourself out of the equation. "Get outta Malibu, you bum!!"

No, AJ's words were true. I don't know about everyone else's. I know a LOT of players and people are sick of Zamberlin. Myself included. I'm still trying to figure out if I want to watch ISU or if I want to watch Ohio State-Wisconsin this Saturday. Perhaps I'll go for the players and hope for the best. I just don't know anymore.


Z is actively trying to shut you up? Do explain sir.
no one is trying to shut anyone up - thats just fake melodrama designed to add weight to a limited argument... it takes away from any real discussion ....
spartan said:
no one is trying to shut anyone up - thats just fake melodrama designed to add weight to a limited argument... it takes away from any real discussion ....

Actually, it is true. How many current ISU employees do you see actively posting on the Den these days? Next, I can promise you that ISU administration has came to site moderators on numerous occasions in an attempt to find out the identity of posters on this board.

The great thing--nobody can track PM's.
nope -still not buying it.

the only employees i know of who post here are votb and (recent employee) isuid
nobody seems to be stopping them.... if you're claiming any/many/some of the posters are current employees... i doubt it (just based on the spelling errors and overall tone of their posts suggest they are not) but i guess its possible.... although based on the posts they better stay anonymous or they might get fired (deserve to imho)... all they sound like to me is disgruntled 'fans' or maybe one or two disgruntled 2nd or 3rd stringers (and i don't care about their opinions either.... shut up and play.. win a few games and what you say might have some meaning - otherwise your just a bunch of whinning underachieving blow hards).

if the administration (and i don't believe for a moment the 'administration' gives a sh*t about some what goes on here) wanted to - they could set the isu computer systems to lockout access to the den.. if they wanted to track the individual computers logging on the site, they could do that too.. quick call to tech services will give them all the info they want or need... (if done from private computers/cell phones more problematic but can still be done)

why any adult with a real job would want to 'find out' who posts here is freaking beyond me....
Mighty mighty spartan its time to face reality. The fact is the admin and coaches do read this board and do care about what is posted. Ask superfan about Z confronting him about his blog. Ask a former employee who lost his job for posting on here. Should they be reading what is posted here? NO! Do they? YES
So Z didnt confront superfan? A former player ISU employee wasnt let go for posting on here? Yeah I just made it up. Shouldnt it be" I dont know my SPARTAN from a hole in the ground'? :lol:
I was called in: I was told that I should not post. It was explained to me because of my name ( web-caster) people knew who I was and that I was associated with the athletic dept. After arguing about 1st amendment rights I was told if I ever wanted to post again I should change my name. So I quit posting on this site. I have enjoyed reading all the post, and I really hope that some day the athletics will straighten out.
I can confirm that a person within the department (RE: not a full-time employee) was very critical of an immediate supervisor and we let go.

I will happily state after my goof-up with a certain QB that didn't go to ISU but instead went to another university I was told to keep my posts more on the factual side, which I should have been doing anyways.

Webcaster was also in fact told to tone it down because he was tied to the department, but that in reality makes sense. You don't want employees airing dirty laundry in public.

I am the only employee at UNM that can post on message boards, and again, we have two, and we credential them to cover games. I have never however posted, and I will only if there is a serious factual error that is damaging to someone.

As a Bengal fan, I'd much rather post here...I love working at UNM and the folks here (c'mon, I work with Coach Alford and Liz Lambert daily....what's not to love), but I bled black and orange for 12 years, and have a degree from there...it will always be my school...I wish the Bengals well.

Thanks for the kind words folks...again, I'd like to think I bring a unique perspective here. Hopefully my friends in the department don't get too pissed LOL.

And yes, folks read it (I won't say who does and who doesn't, but it's plenty), and they probably shouldn't....the communications office should monitor the board, and that's the extent of it. Spartan, I believe you are correct in what you are saying about the tracking, but it would be costly and honestly a waste of time. Maybe LOL

Thanks for the post Frank.

I do know that athletic department folks post here. How? Because the IP addresses are shown. If a person post from the same IP address, I can see it from my end. Some try to be coy about it, but at some point they usually end up posting from somewhere that someone else posted from and the account shows up on my end as being a duplicate. If I personally know the person that is posting from an ISU athletic department IP address and then I see multiple users posting from the same IP--well, lets just say the IP address does not lie.

Also, it is a fact that Jeff did ask ISU athletic department employees to not actively participate in topics on the Bengal Den. I understand why and I think that is a smart move on the athletic departments part. Now, that doesn't mean that they can't post factual data and little snip-its like a "plug" for the coaches show or something like that. For the short term at least, the athletic department won't be trying to sway public opinion on what is posted on here by debating with members of this community. However that does not mean that the battle of the PM's has stopped nor can it prevent folks from coming in under a new username.
The ONLY thing that needs to be read by anyone in the ISU Athletic Department or by the fans is the scoreboard during and at the end of the football games this season and for the past several seasons.
We're not even competitive unless the opponents' 2nd and 3rd stringers play!
Prove me wrong against Weber today - but I seriously doubt it.
Anxiously awaiting the latest round of lame excuses.
you know - no apology coming from me - you blew (not that there's anything wrong with that) two small events you knew little or nothing about way out of proportion - you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground
spartan said:
you know - no apology coming from me - you blew (not that there's anything wrong with that) two small events you knew little or nothing about way out of proportion - you still don't know your a** from a hole in the ground

Spartan, trust me--Letuknow knows his stuff. This cat knows what time it is. You need to stand down on this one.

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